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词汇 splash
verb uk/splæʃ/ us/splæʃ/
B2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ] (UK informal also splosh)使)(液体)洒,溅,泼
If a liquid splashes or if you splash a liquid, it falls on or hits something or someone.
Water was splashing from a hole in the roof. 水从屋顶的洞里泼溅下来。
Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug. 糟糕的是小地毯上溅上了一些油漆。
She splashed her face with cold water. 她往脸上撩了些冷水。
She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon. 她倒了一大杯杜松子酒,然后从苏打水瓶里倒了些苏打水掺进去。
B2 [ I usually + adv/prep ] (UK informal also splosh)(在水中)溅着水花行走,拍打着水游
to move in water so that drops of it go in all directions
The kids were splashing (about/around) in the shallow end of the swimming pool. 孩子们在游泳池的浅水区戏水。
  • Some of the soup splashed onto the table.
  • She splashed water everywhere.
  • He kept trying to splash his sister with cold water.
  • He splashed aftershave onto his face.
  • He splashed some whiskey over the ice.
[ T or I + adv/prep ]在显著位置刊登显眼地展示
to print or show something, or be printed or shown, in a very noticeable way
Several newspapers splashed colour pictures of the star across their front pages. 几份报纸在头版显着位置刊登了这位明星的多幅彩照。
The story has splashed all over Canadian newspapers.
Phrasal verb
splash out (something)C2 花大笔的钱(尤指购买不需要的东西);挥霍
to spend a lot of money on buying things, especially things that are pleasant to have but that you do not need
They splashed out £3,000 on a holiday. 他们一次度假就花了3000英镑。
See also: splurge verb
noun [ C ] uk/splæʃ/ us/splæʃ/
C2 溅上的液体;洒上的液体
a small amount of a liquid that has fallen or been dropped
There were several splashes of white paint on the carpet. 地毯上溅有几点白色的油漆。
B2 泼溅声
the noise of something hitting or moving in water
We heard a splash and then saw that Toni had fallen in the river. 我们听到扑通一声,接着就看到托尼掉到了河里。
something or someone bright or very noticeable
The little girl in her flowery dress provides the only splash of colour in the picture. 穿着花裙子的小女孩为照片增添了唯一的一抹亮色。
make a splashidiom C2 一飞冲天,一炮打响,一举成名
to become suddenly very successful or very well known
Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film "Taxi Driver". 朱迪•福斯特因电影《出租车司机》而一举成名。




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