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词汇 spare
adjective uk/speər/ us/sper/
B1 额外的,备用的;多余的
If something is spare, it is available to use because it is extra.
a spare key/tyre 备用钥匙/轮胎
spare sheets and blankets 多余的床单和毛毯
Do you have a spare pen? 你有多余的笔吗?
We have a spare room if you want to stay overnight with us. 要是你想在我们这里过夜的话,我们有一个空房间。
Could I have a word with you when you have a spare moment/minute? 如果你有时间,我能否和你谈两句?
UK informal "Do you want this cake?" "Yes, if it's going spare (= if no one else wants it)." “你要这块蛋糕吗?”“如果没有别人要,就给我吧。”
spare timeA2 空闲时间
time when you are not working
I like to paint in my spare time. 我业余时间喜欢画画。
  • I keep a spare tyre in the back of the car.
  • Do it in a spare moment at the weekend or whenever - it really doesn't matter.
  • We should be in when you arrive, but if the worst comes to the worst, the neighbours have a spare key and will let you into the house.
  • We were able to bunk down in a spare room for the night.
  • He bought an old engine and cannibalized it for spare parts.
tall and thin
He had the spare build of a runner. 他有着赛跑运动员的瘦长体型。
literary usually approving简朴的,未装饰的
plain and not decorated
The interior is spare, almost minimalist. 内部是简朴的,几乎是最简单的。
go spareUK informal 很恼火,很生气
to get very upset or angry
She goes spare if I'm so much as five minutes late. 如果我迟到5分钟,她就会很生气。
verb uk/speər/ us/sper/
[ T ]饶恕;不伤害;不毁坏
to not hurt or destroy something or someone
They asked him to spare the women and children. 他们要他放过妇女和儿童。
[ T + two objects ]使避免,使免遭
to prevent someone from having to experience something unpleasant
Luckily, I was spared the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone. 幸运的是,我躲过了在大家面前唱歌的尴尬。
It was a nasty accident - but I'll spare you (= I won't tell you) the gruesome details. 那是一起严重的事故——我就不跟你讲那些令人毛骨悚然的细节了。
spare no effort/expenseC2 不遗余力/不惜工本
to use a lot of effort, expense, etc. to do something
[ + to infinitive ] We will spare no effort to find out who did this. 我们会不遗余力,一定查出是谁做了这件事。
not spare yourselfUK formal 竭尽全力,全力以赴
to try as hard as you can to achieve something
She never spared herself in the pursuit of excellence. 她竭尽全力追求卓越。
C1 [ T ](尤指在自己困难的情况下)抽出,拨出,匀出
to give time, money, or space to someone, especially when it is difficult for you
[ + two objects ] Could you spare me £20? 你能匀给我20英镑吗?
I'd love to come, but I can't spare the time. 我很想来,但恐怕没时间。
spare a thought for someoneC2 替(某人)着想
to think about someone who is in a difficult or unpleasant situation
Spare a thought for me tomorrow, when you're lying on a beach, because I'll still be here in the office! 明天你躺在海滩上的时候,就想想我吧,因为我还在办公室里!
to spareC1 剩下,多余
left over or more than you need
If you have any woolyarn to spare when you've finished the sweater, can you make me some gloves? 如果你织完毛衣还剩下毛线的话,可以给我织副手套吗?
I caught the plane with only two minutes to spare. 我赶上飞机时距离起飞只剩两分钟了。
There's no time/We have no time to spare if we want to get the article written by tomorrow. 如果我们想明天就把这篇文章写完,那么就没剩多少时间了。
spare someone's blushesidiom humorous 不使(某人)脸红,避免让(某人)难为情
to avoid making someone feel embarrassed
spare the rod and spoil the childidiom old-fashioned saying 孩子不打不成器。
said to mean that if you do not punish a child when they do something wrong, they will not learn what is right
noun uk/speər/ us/sper/
[ C ]备用品
an extra thing that is not being used and can be used instead of a part that is broken, lost, etc.
[ C usually plural ] (also spare part)(汽车或其他设备的)备件,配件
a piece that can be used to replace another similar piece in a car or other device




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