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词汇 sound
noun uk/saʊnd/ us/saʊnd/
A2 [ C or U ]声音,声响
something that you can hear or that can be heard
They could hear the sound of a bell tolling in the distance. 他们能听到远处的钟声。
She stood completely still, not making a sound. 她静静地站在那儿,一声不吭。
Suddenly we heard a loud knocking sound from the engine. 突然我们听见引擎发出响亮的砰砰声。
Sound can travel over very large distances in water. 声音在水中能传播得很远。
[ U ](音乐演出、电影等的)音响录制和播出,音响制作
the activity of recording and broadcasting sound such as from a performance of music or for a film
a sound engineer/recording 音响师/录音
[ U ](电视或电影的)音量,音色
the volume or quality of the sound of a television or film
Could you turn the sound down/up on the TV? 你把电视机的音量调低/高一点好吗?
[ C ](个人或乐队的)音乐特色,音乐风格
the particular quality of the music that a musician or a group of musicians produce
The band's sound is a distinctive mixture of funk and rap. 这支乐队结合了乡土爵士乐和说唱乐的音乐风格,很有特色。
  • Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell.
  • The strange sound made his blood curdle.
  • The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out.
  • The sound of his footsteps gradually died away.
  • She could hear the distant sound of fireworks exploding.
the sound of somethingC2 [ S ] …给人的印象(或感觉);…的言外之意
how something seems to be, from what is said or written
I like the sound of the beef in red wine sauce. 我喜欢牛肉浇红酒汁的感觉。
By/From the sound of it I don't think it was her fault. 听上去我认为不是她的错。
I'm going to be talking to over 90 people? I don't like the sound of that! 我要和90多个人谈话,是吗?我可不喜欢那样!
[ C ]海湾,海峡
a passage of sea connecting two larger areas of sea, or an area of sea mostly surrounded by land
the Kalmar Sound 卡尔马海峡
verb uk/saʊnd/ us/saʊnd/
sound good, interesting, strange, etc.A2 听起来不错/听上去有意思/似乎很奇怪(等等
to seem good, interesting, strange, etc. from what is said or written
Your job sounds really interesting. 你的工作听起来真有趣。
I know it sounds silly, but I'll miss him when he's gone. 我知道这听起来很傻,但他走了我会想他的。
sound like/as if/as thoughB1 听起来像/似乎
to seem like something, from what is said or written
That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来像是个不错的主意。
It sounds like you've got a sore throat. 你听上去好像喉咙有些发炎。
It sounds as if they had a good holiday. 听起来他们似乎度过了一个愉快的假期。
You're going skiing with three friends? That sounds like fun. 你要和3个朋友去滑雪?听起来很好玩。
sound angry, happy, rude, etc.B2 听起来很生气/高兴/无礼(等等
to seem angry, happy, rude, etc. when you speak
He sounded very depressed when we spoke on the phone yesterday. 我们昨天通电话的时候,他听上去很沮丧。
At the press conference, he sounded at his most relaxed. 新闻发布会上,他听起来十分轻松。
[ I or T ]使)发声;(使作响
to make a noise
If the alarm sounds, leave the building immediately. 如果警报声响起,马上离开大楼。
It sounds like a bird. 听起来像一只鸟。
He sounds (= speaks) just like someone I used to work with. 他说话很像我以前的一个同事。
Sounding the car's horn, she drove at high speed through the crowded streets. 她按响汽车喇叭,猛踩油门,飞速穿过熙熙攘攘的大街。
sound the alarm 拉响警报;发出警报
to cause a noise to be made or say or shout a message to warn people about something
Quick, sound the alarm - there's a fire in the machine room! 快,拉警报——机房里着火了!
[ T ](用声纳)测量…的水深
to measure the depth of a mass of water, such as the sea, usually by sonar
See also: echo sounder
Phrasal verbs
sound off (尤指未经邀请)大发议论,言辞激烈地发表意见
to express your opinions forcefully, especially without being asked for them
He's always sounding off about how he thinks the country should be run. 他总是大发议论,表明自己对治理国家的看法。
sound someone out 试探某人)的看法,探(某人)的口风
to discover informally what someone thinks or intends to do about a particular thing, so that you can be prepared or take suitable action
Perhaps you could sound the chairwoman out before the meeting, to see which way she's going to vote? 也许在开会之前你可以探探主席的口风,看她打算投哪一方的票?
adjective uk/saʊnd/ us/saʊnd/
not broken or damaged; healthy; in good condition
It's an old building but it's still structurally sound. 这是一座老建筑物,但结构依然完好。
Considering his age, his body is surprisingly sound. 考虑到他的年龄,他的身体异常健康。
Was she of sound mind (= not mentally ill) at the time of the incident? 事故发生时,她精神没有问题吧?
showing or based on good judgment
She gave me some very sound advice. 她给了我一些非常好的建议。
She is a sound judge of character.
I'm not sure how sound the theoretical basis for this argument is.
be as sound as a bellidiom UK informal 十分健康状况极佳
to be very healthy or in very good condition
adverb uk/saʊnd/ us/saʊnd/
He was sound asleep within moments of getting into bed. 他上床没多久就进入了梦乡。




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