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词汇 something
pronoun uk/ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/ us/ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/
A1 某物;某事;某个东西
an object, situation, quality, or action that is not exactly known or stated
There's something sharp in my shoe. 我的鞋子里有个尖东西。
Something in the cupboard smells weird. 碗柜里什么东西有股怪味。
We thought there was something wrong because we hadn't heard from you. 我们没有了你的消息,还以为出了什么事呢。
There's something wrong with the engine - it's making strange noises. 引擎出了什么问题——它发出奇怪的噪音。
Something's happened to upset him but we don't know what it is. 一定发生了什么事让他烦躁不安,可我们不知道究竟是什么事。
I heard something worrying at work this morning. 今天早上一上班我就听说了一件令人十分担忧的事。
Is there something you'd like to say? 你有什么话要说吗?
Don't just stand there, do something. 别在那儿干站着,做点什么吧。
There's just something strange about him. 他有什么地方不对劲。
Note: Something is not usually used in negatives and questions.
a thing for which you are grateful, especially because an unpleasant thing has also happened
We were given five hundred pounds in compensation which isn't much but at least it's something. 我们得到了500英镑的补偿费,虽然不多,但至少还算幸运。
  • I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.
  • She seems to wear something different every day.
  • There's something special about him.
  • She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
  • If it doesn't work, try something else.
be (really) somethingidiom informalC2 了不起,不简单,有几下子
to be very special or admired
Imagine winning an Olympic medal - now that would be something. 想象一下赢得了奥运会奖牌——那将是很了不起的。
be something of a somethingidiom informalC2 有些像,在某种程度上是
used to describe a person or thing in a way that is partly true but not completely or exactly
It came as something of a surprise. 这件事多少有些让人感到意外。
He has a reputation as something of a troublemaker. 在某种程度上,他是一个制造麻烦的人,这可是出了名的。
I have a biology question for you - I hear you're something of an expert. 我有个生物学问题要问你——我听说你像是这方面的专家。
be/have something to do with somethingidiom informalC1 与…有关系
to be related to something or a cause of something but not in a way that you know about or understand exactly
I'm not sure what he does exactly - it's something to do with finance. 我不知道他到底是做什么的——好像和财务有关。
It might have something to do with the way it's made. 那可能和它的制造方式有关。
have got something thereidiom 说得有道理发现很重要(或很有意思)
If you say that a person has got something there, you mean they have said or discovered an important or interesting thing.
have something going with someoneidiom mainly UK informal 某人)有性关系,和(某人)有染
If you have something going with someone, you are involved in a sexual relationship with them.
Didn't he have something going with one of his students? 他不是和一个学生关系很暧昧吗?
or something (like that)idiom informalA2 诸如此类的,…之类的东西
used to show that what you have just said is only an example or you are not certain about it
She works for a bank or something. 她为一家银行或类似的机构工作。
Why don't you go to a movie or something? 你为什么不去看电影或做点类似的事呢?
something a little strongeridiom humorous 含酒精的饮料,酒
a drink containing alcohol
We have fruit juice but maybe you'd like something a little stronger? 我们喝果汁,但或许你想来点酒?
something elseidiom (尤指因为特别好或特别差而)不平常的
unusual, especially extremely good or extremely bad
This game is really something else! 这场比赛真的不同寻常!
something for nothingidiom 不劳而获
If you get something for nothing, you get something you want, such as money, without having to work or make any effort.
something likeidiom C2 与…相似
similar to
He cursed himself for not having foreseen that something like this might happen. 他咒骂自己没有预料到诸如此类的事情会发生。
More idioms
something like 96 percent, half, etc.idiom 大约96%/一半(等等
approximately, when talking about an amount or number
Something like 60 percent of all married men will have an affair at some point in their marriage. 大约60%的已婚男子会在其婚姻生活中的某个时候发生婚外恋。
He paid something like $90 for a T-shirt. 他花了大概90美元买了一件T恤。
there's something in somethingidiom 有一定道理,有点价值
used to admit that there is some value or truth in what someone does or says, although you do not completely approve of it
I don't go along with all his theories but there's probably something in it. 我不同意他所有的理论,但其中也许还是有点道理的。
suffix informal uk/ -sʌm.θɪŋ/ us/ -sʌm.θɪŋ/
used after a number like 20, 30, etc. to refer to the age of a person who is between 20 and 29, 30 and 39 years old, etc., or to a person who is of this age
I'd guess she's thirty-something. 我猜她三十多岁。
Most of these places are aimed at twenty-somethings. 这些地方大多数是以二十多岁的人为目标群体的。




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