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词汇 sod
noun uk/sɒd/ us/sɑːd/
[ C ] UK offensive讨厌的事物(或人);难办的事
something or someone considered unpleasant or difficult
Apparently he's a sod to work for. 据说为他工作很麻烦。
What did you do that for, you stupid sod? 为什么要那样做,你这愚蠢的讨厌鬼?
It was a sod of a car to repair. 这辆车很难修理。
[ C ] UK offensive人,小子,家伙
a person
He's won again - the lucky sod! 他又赢了——这小子真走运!
The poor old sod - I don't suppose he's got a home. 这可怜的老头儿——我觉得他没有家。
[ S or C ](移植的)草皮,草地
a rectangular piece that has been cut from an area of grass
He worked fast, cutting and slicing the turf neatly, heaving the sod to one side. 他干得很快,把草皮一块块整整齐齐地切割开来并拖到一边。
[ S ] literary土壤;土地
soil or ground
She sleeps beneath the sod (= she is dead and has been buried). 她长眠于地下了。
not care/give a sodidiom UK offensive 不担心;不在意
to not be worried about other people's opinions or actions
I'm leaving and I don't give a sod (about) what Margaret thinks. 我要走了,我才不在意玛格丽特怎么想呢。
She doesn't care a sod about her reputation. 她一点都不在意自己的名声。
exclamation UK offensive uk/sɒd/ us/sɑːd/ (also sod it!)
used to express anger
Oh sod it - I've left my glasses behind! 哦,该死——我忘记拿眼镜了!




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