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词汇 smooth
adjective uk/smuːð/ us/smuːð/
B1 光滑的,平滑的
having a surface or consisting of a substance that is perfectly regular and has no holes, lumps, or areas that rise or fall suddenly
a smooth surface/texture/consistency 光滑的表面/平滑的质地/均匀的稠度
This custard is deliciously smooth and creamy. 这种蛋挞细腻润滑、香浓可口。
Mix together the butter and sugar until smooth. 把黄油和糖混合调匀。
The road ahead was flat and smooth. 前面的路平坦光滑。
This moisturizer will help to keep your skin smooth. 这种护肤霜有助于保持皮肤光滑。
  • The chocolate mousse was smooth and creamy.
  • The surface had been filed smooth.
  • Knead the dough until smooth.
  • Rub the wood down with fine sandpaper till it is smooth.
  • A smooth, dry surface helps the tiles adhere to the wall.
C2 顺利的,流畅的
happening without any sudden changes, interruption, or difficulty
We had a very smooth flight with no turbulence at all. 我们的飞行很顺利,没有碰到强气流。
The car's improved suspension gives a much smoother ride than earlier models. 这辆车改良过的减震装置让它行驶起来比以前的型号更加平稳顺畅。
An efficient transport system is vital to the smooth running of a country's economy. 高效的交通系统对一个国家经济的平稳运行至关重要。
having a pleasant flavour that is not sour or bitter
This coffee is incredibly smooth and rich. 这种咖啡的味道醇香浓郁。
very polite, confident, and able to persuade people, but in a way that is not sincere
The deputy director is so smooth that many of his colleagues distrust him. 这个副主任非常圆滑,他的很多同事都不信任他。
In job interviews, the successful candidates tend to be the smooth talkers who know exactly how to make the right impression. 在求职面试中,成功的应聘者往往是那些能说会道、清楚地知道如何给人留下良好印象的人。
Related word: smoothness
as smooth as silk/a baby's bottomidiom 非常光滑
extremely smooth
Her skin was as smooth as silk. 她的皮肤如丝一般光滑。
verb uk/smuːð/ us/smuːð/
[ I or T ]抚平;(使平整
to move your hands across something in order to make it flat
He straightened his tie nervously and smoothed (down) his hair. 他紧张地整了整自己的领带,捋了捋头发。
[ T ]使顺利,使顺畅
to remove difficulties and make something easier to do or achieve
We encourage parents to help smooth their children's way through school. 我们鼓励父母让自己的孩子通过求学铺平人生之路。
We must do more to smooth the country's path to democratic reform. 我们必须再接再厉,为国家的民主改革铺平道路。
[ T + adv/prep ]搽,抹
to cover the surface of something with a liquid or soft substance, using gentle rubbing movements
Pour some oil into the palm of your hand and then smooth it over your arms and neck. 往手掌中倒一点油,然后轻轻涂在手臂和脖子上。
Phrasal verbs
smooth something away 克服困难
to remove the difficulties from something
My mother was always there to smooth away my fears. 我母亲总会帮我克服恐惧。
smooth something out 消除,缓和
to reduce the difficulties or changes in a process or situation
By investing small amounts regularly, you can smooth out the effects of sudden rises and falls in the stock market. 定期小额投资能够减少股市的突然涨跌所造成的影响。
smooth something over (通常通过交谈沟通的方式)缓和,调解
to make problems, difficulties, or disagreements less serious or easier to solve, usually by talking to the people involved
Would you like me to try to smooth things over between you and your parents? 需要我来尝试缓和一下你和你父母之间的关系吗?




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