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词汇 smart
adjective uk/smɑːt/ us/smɑːrt/
B1 mainly UK整洁漂亮的,时髦的
having a clean, tidy, and stylish appearance
Guy looks very smart in his new suit, doesn't he? 盖伊穿上新套装显得精神十足,不是吗?
I need a smart jacket for my interview. 我需要穿一件像样的上衣去面试。
She works in a very smart new office overlooking the river. 她在一间非常漂亮、俯瞰河流的新办公室里工作。
B1 mainly UK(地方或活动)时髦奢华的
A place or event that is smart attracts fashionable, stylish, or rich people.
a smart restaurant 高档餐馆
We went to a very smart party on New Year's Eve. 除夕我们去参加了一个非常时尚的聚会。
  • She tends to wear quite smart clothes for work.
  • I need some smart trousers for work.
  • I wanted a more casual jacket - that one's a bit smart.
  • Paul had booked us into a very smart little hotel off the main square.
  • The nightclub is popular with Berlin's smart set.
B1 mainly US聪明的,机灵的
intelligent, or able to think quickly or intelligently in difficult situations
Maddy's teacher says she's one of the smartest kids in the class. 玛蒂的老师说,她是班上最聪明的孩子之一。
Why don't you fix it if you're so smart? 你既然那么聪明,为什么不把它修好?
I'm not smart enough to understand computers. 我不够聪明,不懂计算机。
He's smart enough to know he can't run the business without her. 他够聪明,知道没有她自己管不好这个公司。
Quitting that job was the smartest move I ever made. 辞掉那份工作是我所作出过的最聪明的举动。
  • He's a very smart kid.
  • She's not especially academic but she's smart enough.
  • Steve's as smart as anyone I know with figures.
  • He's smart enough to know an opportunity when he sees one.
  • He was a very smart guy.
[ before noun ]迅速有力的,迅猛的
done quickly with a lot of force or effort
She gave him a smart smack on the bottom. 她狠狠地在他屁股上打了一巴掌。
We'll have to work at a smart pace if we're going to finish on time. 如果我们要按时完成,就必须加快工作节奏。
C1 (机器、武器等)智能的
A smart machine, weapon, etc. uses computers to make it work so that it is able to act in an independent way.
Until the advent of smart weapons, repeated attacks were needed to ensure the destruction of targets. 在智能武器出现之前,为了摧毁目标必须对其进行反复的打击。
mainly US(尤指在开玩笑时)缺乏尊重的
not showing respect, especially when making a funny remark
Don't get smart with me, young lady! 不要对我没大没小,小姑娘!
Your smart mouth is going to get you into trouble. 你开口无忌,这会让你惹上麻烦的。
Related word: smartness
adverb uk/smɑːt/ us/smɑːrt/
in a clever and effective way
We have to work hard and work smart. 我们必须努力工作,也要高效工作。
They are encouraging people to eat smart and adopt a healthy lifestyle. 他们鼓励大家注意饮食,过健康的生活。
verb [ I ] uk/smɑːt/ us/smɑːrt/
to hurt with a sharp pain
My eyes were smarting from the onions. 洋葱刺得我眼睛火辣辣地疼。
to feel upset and angry because of failure or criticism
The police are still smarting from their failure to prevent the robbery. 警察还在因未能阻止抢劫而懊恼。




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