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词汇 sloppily
adverb uk/ˈslɒp.əl.i/ us/ˈslɑː.pəl.i/
badly or carelessly
a sloppily written letter 一封字迹潦草的信
I think this test was done sloppily. 我觉得这测试太随意了。
  • There's a difference between working quickly and working sloppily.
  • I am sorry to say some of the documents were sloppily written.
  • This article has some good insights, but it's also sloppily constructed.
in an untidy way, in clothes that are large and loose
The owner of the cafe described the men he saw as sloppily dressed and speaking English. 咖啡馆的老板形容他看到的那些男人穿着邋遢,说话操着英语。
We were getting people coming to work dressed sloppily. 以前我们单位的雇员有些穿着邋遢的衣服来上班。
  • What you wear is unlikely to make you stand out, unless you dress sloppily.
  • He's not slick, and he's sloppily dressed.
  • A survey shows TV viewers are fed up with sloppily dressed presenters.
informal disapproving稀稀拉拉地,湿哒哒地
in a way that has a lot of liquid, often unpleasantly so
Brushes and rags were sloshing sloppily in the mess from the bucket. 刷子和抹布在桶里一堆稀稀拉拉的污烂里搅动。
He bounded to the door and kissed Genevieve sloppily on the forehead. 他跳着跑到门口,在吉纳维芙的额头上湿哒哒地吻了一下。
  • There was so much chicken and it was sloppily tasty.
  • I realized I was eating very sloppily again.
  • His white room had been attacked with a paintbrush, black colour sloppily smeared over the walls.
  • He introduced them to Dr. Milstein, who sloppily kissed Sara's hand.
informal disapproving庸俗伤感地
(of feelings) expressed in a way that is silly or embarrassing
She spoke in a way that was sloppily sentimental. 她说话的方式显得庸俗而多愁而伤感。
  • It takes courage to be that sloppily sentimental.
  • The whole thing was so sloppily emotional it was revolting.
See: sloppy




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