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词汇 sink
verb uk/sɪŋk/ us/sɪŋk/ sank or sunk | sunk
B1 [ I or T ]使沉没;(使陷入
to (cause something or someone to) go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance
The Titanic was a passenger ship which sank (to the bottom of the ocean) in 1912. 泰坦尼克号是1912年沉没(海底)的一艘客轮。
The legs of the garden chair sank into the soft ground. 花园椅的腿陷入松软的土中。
Enemy aircraft sank two battleships. 敌机击沉了两艘军舰。
The dog sank her teeth into (= bit) the ball and ran off with it. 狗叼着球跑走了。
Related word: sunken
  • We all thought we were done for when the boat started to sink.
  • The tanker is listing badly and liable to sink at any moment.
  • It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments and eventually decompose.
  • It's good to sink into a hot tub at the end of a hard day's work.
  • We sank our teeth into the enormous cakes.
B2 [ I ]落下,沉下;降低
to (cause something or someone to) fall or move to a lower level
The sun glowed red as it sank slowly below the horizon. 太阳缓缓沉到地平线下,发出红色的余辉。
Student numbers have sunk considerably this year. 今年的学生人数大幅减少。
UK informal We sank (= drank) a bottle of wine each last night. 昨天晚上,我们每人喝了一瓶葡萄酒。
The wounded soldier sank (= fell) to the ground. 受伤的士兵跌倒在地。
She sank back in her chair and closed her eyes. 她跌坐在椅子上,闭上了眼睛。
He sank into deep despair (= became very unhappy) when he lost his job. 丢掉工作后,他极其绝望。
[ T ](尤指在高尔夫球或斯诺克运动中))入洞
to hit a ball into a hole or pocket, especially in golf or snooker
  • Unemployment figures have sunk for the second year running.
  • We sat on the mountain and watched the sun sink below the horizon.
  • The level of teenage pregnancy sank dramatically.
  • He sank to the ground, clutching his chest.
  • They sank to the floor in exhaustion.
[ T ]挖,掘();把…插入,把…埋入(洞里)
to dig a hole in the ground, or to put something into a hole dug into the ground
Sinking more wells is the best way of supplying the population with clean drinking water. 要为人们提供清洁的饮用水,最好的方法是挖更多的井。
The first stage of building the fence is sinking the posts into the ground. 筑栅栏的第一步是把柱子埋进地里。
See also: sunken
[ T ]使失败使陷入麻烦
to cause something to fail or be in trouble
This rain could sink our plans for the barbecue. 这场雨会让我们的户外烧烤计划泡汤。
sink your differencesidiom UK 搁置分歧;忘却不和
to forget your disagreements
Paul and Mark agreed to sink their differences and be friends. 保罗和马克同意放下成见,成为朋友。
sink like a stoneidiom (UK also sink like a lead balloon) 石沉大海,无人关注
to attract no support, attention, or interest
My suggestion that we all play tennis sank like a stone. 我提出的大家都去打网球的建议犹如石沉大海,无人响应。
sink or swimidiom 自己去闯,成败全凭自己
If you are left to sink or swim, you are given no help so that you succeed or fail completely by your own efforts.
My employer gave me no help when I started my new job - I was just left to sink or swim. 开始新工作时,我的老板没有为我提供任何帮助——全凭我自己打拼。
sink to a whisperidiom 非常小声地说话,如耳语般说话
to become very quiet
The child's voice sank to a whisper as she admitted that she had broken the window. 那个女孩承认自己打破窗户玻璃时,声音低得如同耳语。
sink to such a level/such depthsidiom (also sink so low) 堕落到如此地步
to do something so bad
I can't believe you would sink so low as to snitch on your best friends. 我无法相信你堕落到如此地步,竟然会告发你最要好的朋友。
sink without (a) traceidiom informal 彻底被人遗忘,销声匿迹
to be forgotten about completely, or to not attract any attention or interest
Since his last book five years ago, he seems to have sunk without trace. 自从5年前出了最后一本书,他好像就销声匿迹,踪影全无。
Her second symphony sank without a trace. 她的第二部交响乐无人问津。
sinking fastidiom (病情)迅速恶化
(of a person's health) getting much worse quickly so that death is likely
Mrs Jones is sinking fast, and the doctor doesn't think she'll live much longer. 琼斯太太的病情迅速恶化,医生认为她活不了多久了。
sinking feelingidiom 不祥的预感
a feeling that something bad is going to happen
I had a sinking feeling when I picked up the bill. 接到账单时,我有种不祥的预感。
sinking shipidiom 正在沉没的船(暗示某个公司或组织正在垮掉)
a company or other organization that is failing
He'd seen the accounts, realized he was on a sinking ship, and decided to get off. 他看到了账本,意识到自己正处于一条正在沉没的船上,因此决定离开。
Phrasal verbs
sink in (事实或想法)逐渐被完全理解,被充分意识到
If an unpleasant or surprising fact or idea sinks in, you gradually start to believe it, understand it, or realize the effect it will have on you.
How many times do I have to tell you something before it sinks in? 要我对你说多少遍,你才能明白?
His voice trailed off as the seriousness of his position sank in. 他渐渐明白了自己处境的严峻,话音慢慢低了下来。
sink in/sink into something 逐渐渗入
If a liquid or soft substance sinks into something solid, it gradually passes into it through its surface.
You'd better wipe up that coffee you spilled on the carpet before it sinks in. 趁洒在地毯上的咖啡没有渗进去之前,你最好把它擦干净。
sink into something 放松地)坐下,躺下
to slowly move your body into a sitting or lying position, in a relaxed or tired way
I was so tired when I got home that all I wanted to do was sink into bed/an armchair/a hot bath. 我回家后太累了,只想躺在床上/坐到扶手椅里/洗个热水澡。
sink something into something 把大量(资金投入(生意或工作)
to spend a large amount of money on a business or other piece of work
We sank all our money into my brother's business. 我们把自己所有的钱都投在了我哥哥的生意上。
noun [ C ] uk/sɪŋk/ us/sɪŋk/
A2 厨房的)洗涤槽,洗涤池;(浴室的)洗脸盆
a bowl that is attached to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom in which you wash dishes or your hands, etc.
a bathroom/kitchen sink 浴室/厨房洗涤池
  • We're only going on vacation for a week, but John will insist on taking everything but the kitchen sink.
  • You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.
  • There's no need to get so het up about a few dirty dishes in the sink!
  • Put the plug in the sink and run some water.
  • The kitchen was in its original state, with a 1920s sink and stove.




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