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词汇 side
noun uk/saɪd/ us/saɪd/
A2 [ C ];(尤指)侧面
a flat outer surface of an object, especially one that is not the top, the bottom, the front, or the back
The names of ships are usually painted on their sides. 船的名字通常漆在船的侧面。
The window on the right side of the house was open. 房子右侧的窗户开着。
Please write on one side of the paper only. 请只在纸的一面书写。
UK I've already written four sides (= pages of writing) for my essay. 我的论文已经写了4页纸了。
Canadian coins have a picture of the British Queen's head on one side. 加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像。
Please use the side entrance. 请走侧门。
  • Quigley clouted me smartly across the side of the head.
  • This plan shows the front, side and back elevations of the new supermarket.
  • You turn the television on by flipping the switch at the side.
  • The monument was hewn out of the side of a mountain.
  • I walked around the side of the building.
A2 [ C ]边缘
an edge or border of something
A square has four sides. 正方形有4条边。
There are trees on both sides of the road. 公路两旁都有树。
They were surrounded on all sides/on every side by curious children. 他们被好奇的孩子们团团围住。
  • How many sides does a rhombus have?
  • There are hedges around the sides of the garden.
  • Along one side of the field was a high fence.
  • The sides of the tablecloth are edged with lace.
  • He was surrounded on all sides by journalists.
B2 [ U ]旁边,附近
a place next to something
I have a small table at/by the side of (= next to) my bed. 我的床边有一张小桌子。
He stayed at/by her side (= with her) throughout her long illness. 在她久病期间,他一直陪伴着她。
See also: alongsideaside adverb (TO ONE SIDE)beside
[ C ] US informal (also side order); (UK also side dish)(餐馆中食物的)配菜,附加菜
in a restaurant, an extra dish of food, for example vegetables or salad, that is served with the main dish, sometimes on a separate plate
I’ll have a side of onion rings. 我要一个洋葱圈当配菜。
side by sideB2 肩并肩地;一个挨一个地
next to each other
The children sat side by side on the sofa watching television. 孩子们肩并肩地坐在沙发上看电视。
  • Both children, disengaging themselves from their game, came to her side.
  • Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on either side of me.
  • Cut off any excess pastry and put it to one side.
  • Her son walked by her side.
  • I have a lamp at the side of my chair.
A2 [ C ]一边;一侧
a part of something, especially in relation to a real or imagined central line
He likes to sleep on the right side of the bed. 他喜欢睡在床的右边。
In Britain, cars drive on the left side of the road. 在英国,汽车靠左侧行驶。
There is no money on my mother's side (of the family). 我娘家那边没有钱。
I could just see Joan on the far/other side of the room. 我能看见琼在房间的另一边。
Children came running from all sides (= from all directions). 孩子们从四面八方跑来。
C2 [ C usually singular ]肋,肋部
the part of the body from under the arm to the top of the leg
I have a pain in my side. 我的肋部疼痛。
[ C ] UK电视频道
a television channel
What side is "Coronation Street" on? 哪家电视台在播出《加冕街》?
from side to sideB2 左右,来回
from left to right and from right to left
The curtains were swinging from side to side in the breeze. 窗帘在微风中来回摆动。
[ C usually singular ]动物的肋肉
half of an animal's body, considered as meat
She bought a side of lamb from the butcher. 她从肉店里买了半扇羔羊肉。
  • At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side.
  • We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.
  • He managed to keep afloat by holding on to the side of the boat.
  • In the US, you drive on the right hand side of the road, but in Britain the converse applies.
  • They ran to the pool, dived in, and swam to the other side.
B2 [ C, + sing/pl verb ](多个相互对立的团队中的)一方
one of two or more opposing teams or groups
This is a war which neither side can win. 这是一场双方都无法打赢的战争。
UK Our side (= team) lost again on Saturday. 我们队星期六又输了。
UK Which/Whose side are you on (= which team are you playing for/supporting)? 你是哪个队的?
Don't be angry with me - I'm on your side (= I want to help you). 不要生我的气——我是站在你这边的。
take sides (在争论或战争中)表明立场,支持一方
to support one person or group rather than another, in an argument or war
My mother never takes sides when my brother and I argue. 我和弟弟吵架时,我母亲从不偏袒任何一方。
take someone's sideB2 (在争论中)支持某人
to support someone in an argument
My mother always takes my father's side when I argue with him. 我和父亲争论时,母亲总是站在他一边。
  • He was cheering for the other side.
  • Our commiserations to the losing side!
  • The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.
  • France play with more flair and inventiveness, whereas England are a more disciplined side.
  • The teams change ends at half-time so that neither side has an unfair advantage.
B2 [ C ](争论中的)观点;考虑的角度
an opinion held in an argument, or a way of considering something
There are at least two sides to every question. 每个问题至少有两个方面。
I've listened to your side of the story, but I still think you were wrong to do what you did. 我已经听过你对此事的说法,但我仍然认为你的所作所为是错误的。
  • The government has come down on the side of military action.
  • Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.
  • He was, in this matter at least, firmly on the side of the angels.
  • Whose side are you on in this dispute?
  • The media seem to be on the side of the rebels.
B2 [ C ](某一情形或系统中可单独处理的)一部分
a part of a situation, system, etc. that can be considered or dealt with separately
She takes care of the financial side of things. 她负责财务方面的事务。
Fortunately my boss did see the funny side of the situation. 还好,我的上司也看到了其中好笑的一面。
Synonyms: angle (WAY OF THINKING)aspect (FEATURE)facetfeature (QUALITY)point (CHARACTERISTIC)strand (PART)
B2 [ C ]性格的方面
a part of someone's character
She seems quite fierce, but actually she has a gentle side. 她看起来很凶,但实际上她也有温柔的一面。
Related word: -sided
be two sides of the same coinidiom (also be different/opposite sides of the same coin) 一枚硬币的两面一个问题的两个方面
If two things are two sides of the same coin, they are very closely related although they seem different.
Violent behaviour and deep insecurity are often two sides of the same coin. 暴力行为和深层次不安全感,常常是一个问题的两个方面。
come down on one side of the fence or the otheridiom 在两个相反的观点中作出选择
to make a decision between two opposing points of view
The election is next week, so you'll have to come down on one side of the fence or the other by then. 下周就要选举了,因此你到时必须在两者中作出选择。
get on the right/wrong side of someoneidiom (讨某人)喜欢/令(某人厌恶
to make someone pleased/annoyed with you
As a teenager, Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother. 克莱尔十几岁的时候总是惹母亲生气。
have something on your sideidiom 有…的优势
If you have something on your side, it gives you an advantage when you are trying to achieve something.
I thought I would get the job, but the other person who was being considered for it had experience on his side. 我觉得我能得到那份工作,但另外那个候选人有经验方面的优势。
keep on the right side of someoneidiom 避免得罪某人);争取(某人)的好感
to try to make certain that someone is pleased with you
Paul kept on the right side of his teachers by working really hard. 保罗刻苦用功,深得老师喜爱。
on the large, small, etc. sideidiom 太大/太小(等等
too large, small, etc. for a particular purpose
This dress is on the large side for me. 对我来说,这件裙子太大了。
on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.idiom 看起来比某一年龄小/大
looking younger/older than a particular age
She looks to me as if she's on the wrong side of 50. 在我看来,她看上去可不像50岁。
on the right/wrong side of the lawidiom 遵守/违反法律
obeying/not obeying the law
After coming out of prison, he tried to stay on the right side of the law. 出狱后,他努力遵规守法。
on the sideidiom C2 兼职
in addition to your main job
He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time. 他靠业余时间兼职清洗窗户赚些零用钱。
I think he has another woman on the side (= a relationship with a woman who is not his wife). 我认为他还有别的女人。
mainly US(餐馆中的食物)装在另一个盘子里;作为配菜
(of food in a restaurant) served on another plate, or on the side of the plate
I'd like a salad with the dressing on the side (= with the dressing served separately from the salad), please. 我要一盘色拉,调味汁单独盛盘,谢谢。
I'll have a omelette with fries on the side, please. 我要一个煎蛋,另要一盘炸薯条,谢谢。
the other side of the coinidiom 事情的另一面
a different way of considering a situation, making it seem either better or worse than it did originally
I like having a white car, but the other side of the coin is that it soon gets dirty. 我想要一辆白色的轿车,但从另一方面考虑,白色的车不耐脏。
More idioms
put/lay something on/to one sideidiom UKC2 (尤指钱)存起来以便日后使用
to not use something, especially an amount of money, in order to keep it for later use
We have put some money on one side for next year's summer holiday. 我们已经为明年的暑假存了一些钱。
put/leave something on/to one sideidiom 停止谈论,把…放到一边
to stop talking about a particular subject
Can we leave the issue of pay on one side for the moment? 我们能不能暂时不谈工资的事情?
take/lead someone on/to one sideidiom 某人)私下交谈
to have a private talk with someone
Bill's father took him to one side and told him to stop misbehaving. 比尔的父亲把他拉到一边,让他别再那么无礼了。
this side of somethingidiom mainly UK 不到(某年龄);在(某日期)之前;在(某地方)之外
before reaching a particular age, date, place, etc.
I can't believe she's this side of 50. 我无法相信她还不到50岁。
We don't expect to see Gideon this side of Christmas. 我们不指望在圣诞节前见到吉迪恩。
This is the best pizza I've eaten this side of (= anywhere other than) Rome. 这是我在罗马以外的地方吃到的最好的比萨饼。
Parenting is the most rewarding thing I will do this side of the grave (= in life). 为人父母将是我一生中最值得一做的事。
the wrong/other side of the tracksidiom 贫民区(城镇中被视为贫困和危险的区域)
a part of a town that is considered poor and dangerous
Her boyfriend came from the wrong side of the tracks. 她的男朋友来自贫民区。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/saɪd/ us/saɪd/
not in or at the centre or main part of something
We parked the car on a side street/road (= a small road, especially one that joins on to a main road). 我把汽车停在小道上。
I think that's a side issue (= a subject which is separate from the main one) which we should talk about later. 我认为这是个次要问题,我们应该以后再讨论。
I'd like a side dish of potatoes (= some potatoes on a separate plate). 我想要盘土豆作为配菜。




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