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词汇 sick
adjective uk/sɪk/ us/sɪk/
A2 生病的,患病的,不舒服的
physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy
a sick child 生病的孩子
a sick cow 病牛
My father has been off sick (= not working because of illness) for a long time. 因为生病,我父亲已经很久没有去上班了。
Anyone who could hurt a child like that must be sick (= mentally ill). 那样伤害一个孩子的人,脑子一定有毛病。
The old woman fell/took/was taken sick (= became ill) while she was away and had to come home. 那个老妇人出门在外时生病了,不得不回家。
figurative High rates of crime are considered by some people to be a sign of a sick society. 高犯罪率被一些人视为病态社会的标志。
See also: heartsick homesicklovesick
  • Her new film deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.
  • The new president said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick, and the homeless.
  • In his speech, he dwelt on the plight of the sick and the hungry.
  • He had the furred tongue of a sick man.
  • I spent most of the morning ministering to my sick husband.
A2 [ after verb ]恶心的,想吐的
feeling ill as if you are going to vomit
Lucy felt sick the morning after the party. 露西在聚会后的第二天早上觉得恶心。
If you eat any more of that cake, you'll make yourself sick. 如果再吃一块那个块蛋糕,你会觉得恶心想吐。
See also: airsickcarsickseasick
be sickB1 呕吐
to vomit
She was sick after she ate too much chocolate. 她吃了太多巧克力之后吐了。
  • We had a really rough crossing - I was sick three times.
  • I ate so much of it one day I was sick and that cured me of my addiction.
  • Tell me if you start to feel sick, all right?
  • If he eats anything with wheat in it he's very sick.
  • Just looking at a picture of the sea is guaranteed to make me feel sick.
B2 [ after verb ] informal懊丧的,不快的;恼怒的
feeling strong unpleasant emotions, especially anger or disgust
I'm sick at (= unhappy about) not getting that job. 我对未能得到那份工作感到非常不快。
It makes me sick (= makes me very angry) to see people wearing fur coats. 看到人们穿裘皮大衣,我感到非常愤怒。
UK informal It's sick-making (= very annoying) that she's being paid so much for doing so little. 她干得那么少却得到那么多的报酬,真让人感到气愤。
I'm sick (and tired/to death) of (= very annoyed about) the way you're behaving. 你的表现令我感到很气愤。
She was worried sick (= very worried) when her daughter didn't come home on time. 女儿没有按时回家,她十分担心。
I felt sick (= felt shocked and disgusted) when I heard about the prisoners being beaten. 听说犯人被殴打,我感到震惊。
[ after verb ] informal残忍的;冒犯的
cruel or offensive
Joan was not amused by the sick joke her brother told. 琼没觉得她兄弟讲的不堪入耳的笑话有什么好笑的。
very good, excellent
snowboarders doing sick tricks 单板滑雪者的表演堪称完美
sick as a dogidiom 呕吐得厉害
vomiting a lot
I was sick as a dog after last night's meal. 昨天晚上吃完饭后,我吐得一塌糊涂。
sick as a parrotidiom UK humorous slang 非常失望,非常扫兴
very disappointed
He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match. 他的球队输掉比赛后,他非常失望。
sick at heartidiom literary 很难过,很不开心
very unhappy
David was sick at heart about having to leave his family behind. 戴维感到很难过,因为他不得不离开自己的家人。
sick to your stomachidiom C2 恶心的,反胃的
likely to vomit
I'm (feeling) sick to my stomach. 我觉得有些反胃。
feeling very upset, worried, or angry
It makes me (feel) sick to my stomach when I remember my car accident. 每当想起自己遭遇的车祸,我都会很难过。
noun uk/sɪk/ us/sɪk/
the sick[ plural ] 病人
people who are ill
It's better for the sick to be cared for at home rather than in hospital. 病人在家里照顾要比在医院里更好一些。
[ U ] UK informal呕吐物
a pool of sick on the floor 地板上的一滩呕吐物




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