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词汇 shot
verb uk/ʃɒt/ us/ʃɑːt/
past simple and past participle of shoot
noun uk/ʃɒt/ us/ʃɑːt/
B2 [ C ](板球、足球、网球或高尔夫球中旨在得分的)攻击,击打
a kick, hit, or throw of the ball that is intended to score points in a sport such as cricket, football, tennis, or golf
And that was a great shot by Márquez! 那是马科斯击出的精彩好球!
Murray drove a forehand shot down the line to win the match. 穆雷一记正手击球落在界内,赢得了比赛。
  • He scored with a cracking shot into the back of the goal.
  • The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the shot.
  • His angled shot beat the goalkeeper from 20 yards.
  • He feinted a shot to the left.
  • Vilas misdirected the shot, and the ball went over the net.
B2 [ C ]发射;射击;开枪;开火
the action of firing a gun or another weapon
He fired four shots at the car as it drove off. 车驶离时,他向其连开4枪。
a good/poor shot 枪法好/差的枪手
someone who is skilled/not skilled at aiming and firing a gun
  • He fired six shots at the target.
  • They fired off several shots to frighten us.
  • Do you mind if I have a few practice shots before we start the game?
  • I had four shots but I didn't even hit the target.
  • The police fired warning shots but the protesters took no notice.
[ C usually singular ] informal尝试;努力
an attempt to do or achieve something that you have not done before
I thought I'd have a shot at making my own wine. 我想尝试自己酿造葡萄酒。
I've never tried bowling before, but I thought I'd give it a shot. 我之前从未打过保龄球,不过我想试一下。
  • He decided to have a shot at building his own house.
  • You can't open the lock? Let me have a shot at it.
B2 [ C ]照片
a photograph
I got/took some really good shots of the harbour at sunset. 我拍了一些夕阳下的海港景色,真的很漂亮。
[ C ](电影中的)镜头,片段
a short piece in a film in which there is a single action or a short series of actions
  • The movie opens with a dreamy shot of a sunset.
  • The movie opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.
  • The movie ends with a long tracking shot around the deserted house.
  • I got a wonderful shot of the kids on the boat.
  • I've taken some of my best shots with this camera.
[ C ]少量烈酒
a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink
a shot of whisky 少量的威士忌
They were at the bar doing shots (= drinking many small, strong alcoholic drinks).
[ C ]铅球
a heavy metal ball thrown in a sports competition
See: shot put
[ U ]弹丸,霰弹
a mass of small metal balls that are shot from a gun
Shotgun cartridges contain lead shot. 猎枪弹药筒里装有铅砂弹。
a shot in the armidiom 刺激因素,兴奋剂
something that has a sudden and positive effect on something, providing encouragement and new activity
Fresh investment would provide the shot in the arm that this industry so badly needs. 新的投资对该行业来说不啻是雪中送炭。
a shot in the darkidiom informal 无根据的瞎猜
an attempt to guess something when you have no information or knowledge about the subject and therefore cannot possibly know what the answer is
give something your best shotidiom informal 尽量做好
to do something as well as you can
like a shotidiom informal 立刻,毫不迟疑地
When someone does something like a shot, they do it extremely quickly and enthusiastically.
The moment I let go of the dog, she's off like a shot. 我一放开那只狗,它就飞快地跑掉了。
adjective uk/ʃɒt/ us/ʃɑːt/
(of silk) having small threads of a colour in it, so that the main colour appears to change depending on the angle at which the cloth is seen
Her evening dress is made of green shot silk. 她的晚礼服是用绿色闪色绸做的。
no longer working or effective
It's no good - these gears are shot. 没用了——这些齿轮已经磨坏了。
get/be shot of somethingUK informal 摆脱;除去;离开
to get rid of or free of something, or to leave something
I can't wait to get shot of this office for a week. 我迫不急待地要离开这间办公室一周的时间。
I suspect he left home to get shot of that awful mother of his. 我猜测他离开家是为了摆脱他那位不可理喻的母亲。
be shot through with somethingidiom 充满
to show or contain a particular emotion or quality in a noticeable way all the way through
Her novel is shot through with a haunting lyricism. 她的小说充满了令人难忘的抒情描写。
The report was shot through with inaccuracies. 这份报告错误百出。
See also: shoot through




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