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词汇 short
adjective uk/ʃɔːt/ us/ʃɔːrt/
A1 短的矮的
small in length, distance, or height
a short skirt 短裙
Her hair is much shorter than it used to be. 她的头发比过去短多了。
It's only a short walk to the station. 去车站只需走很短一段路程。
I'm fairly short but my brother's very tall. 我们家人都比较矮,可我弟弟却很高。
B2 名字)简称的,缩略的
used to say that a name is used as a shorter form of another name
Her name's Jo - it's short for Josephine. 她名叫乔,是约瑟芬的简称。
Her name's Josephine, or Jo for short. 她名叫约瑟芬,或简称为乔。
  • Runners come in all shapes and sizes - fat and thin, short and tall.
  • "I'm going to wear a short black skirt and thigh-length boots." "Ooh, you devil!"
  • Like a lot of short men, he tends to draw himself up to his full height in public.
  • It's not fashionable to wear short skirts at the moment.
  • Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.
A1 短的,短暂的
being an amount of time that is less than average or usual
a short film/visit 短片/短暂的访问
He's grown so much in such a short time. 他在如此短的时间里长高了这么多。
I work much better if I take a short break every hour or so. 如果每小时我都休息一小会儿,我的工作效率会高很多。
A2 (书、信等)简短的
Short books, letters, and other examples of writing do not contain many words and do not take much time to read.
It's a very short book - you'll read it in an hour. 这是一本篇幅很短的书——你1个小时就能读完。
  • She closed the meeting with a short speech.
  • Act Two begins with a short dialogue between father and son.
  • We were there for such a short time, we didn't really get the feel of the place.
  • He made a short speech at the graveside, then the body was finally buried.
  • Life's too short to worry about money!
be short (of/on something)B1 短缺的,缺乏的
to not have enough of something
to be short of space/time 空间/时间不足
We're short on coffee - I'd better get some more. 我们的咖啡不多了——我最好去再买一些。
The bill comes to £85, but we're £15 short. 账单是85英镑,但我们还缺15英镑。
I'm a little short (= I do not have much money) this week - could you lend me ten dollars? 我这星期钱有点儿不够用——能借我10美元吗?
short of breath 喘不过气,上气不接下气
unable to breathe very well, for example because you have been running or doing some type of energetic exercise
She's always short of breath when she climbs the stairs. 她爬楼梯时总是上气不接下气。
be in short supply 不够用,数量不足
to be few or not enough in number
Free desks are in short supply in this office. 这间办公室里的可用的桌子不够。
go shortmainly UK (尤指生存必需品)缺少,缺乏
to not have something, especially when it is something you need in order to live
My parents didn't have much money, but they made sure we didn't go short (of anything). 我父母并没有多少钱,但他们总是确保我们不会缺衣少食。
[ after verb ](说话时)简慢的,简短无礼的
saying little but showing slight impatience or anger in the few words that you say
I'm sorry if I was a bit short with you on the phone this morning. 我很抱歉今天早上我在电话里对你有点不耐烦。
Related word: shortness
be caught/taken shortidiom UK informal (尤指不便上厕所时)突然想上厕所;内急
to suddenly and unexpectedly need to go to the toilet, especially when it is not convenient for you to do so
be short noticeidiom 临时通知;距离预定发生时间非常近
to be very near the time when an event is expected to happen
I will have to cancel this afternoon's class - I'm sorry it's such short notice. 我将不得不取消今天下午的课——非常抱歉临时通知大家。
draw/get the short strawidiom informal (常因被选中而)不得不做最无趣的事情,干最苦的差事
to have to do the least enjoyable of a range of duties, often because you have been chosen to do it
Mike drew the short straw and had to clean the bathroom. 麦克比较倒霉,得去打扫厕所。
get the short end of the stickidiom US and Australian English 倒霉,承受某情况的恶果
to suffer the bad effects of a situation
The people who get the short end of the stick are those whose income is just too high to qualify for help from the government. 倒霉的是收入正好高那么一点、没有资格取得政府资助的那些人。
have (got) someone by the short and curliesidiom UK very informal (also have (got) someone by the short hairs) 某人在掌握之中抓住某人)的辫子
to have someone in your power
have a short memoryidiom 健忘,记性不好
to forget things quickly
in shortidiom C1 简而言之,总之
used before describing something or someone in as few words and as directly as possible
He's disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him - in short, the man's a pain. 他这个人既没有条理,又没有效率,你需要他的时候他从来不在——简而言之,这个人就是个讨厌鬼。
make short work of somethingidiom informal 快速完成;快速解决
to finish or deal with something quickly
Well, you certainly made short work of the chocolate cake! There's none left for your dad. 你把巧克力蛋糕一下子就吃完了!没有给你爸爸留一点。
not be short of a bob or twoidiom UK informal 非常富有
to be rich
Did you see his car? He's not short of a bob or two! 你看到他的车了吗?他真有钱!
short and sweetidiom informal 短且令人高兴的
surprisingly short in a way that is pleasing
This morning's meeting was short and sweet. 今天早上的会很短很棒。
More idioms
short sharp shockidiom UK 惩罚快速而有效的
(describing or relating to) punishment that is quick and effective
He's in favour of the short sharp shock treatment for young offenders. 他赞同对青少年罪犯予以快速而有效的惩戒。
noun uk/ʃɔːt/ us/ʃɔːrt/
[ C ] UK informal (US shot)(未掺兑的)纯烈性酒
a drink of spirits (= type of strong alcohol) without water or any other liquid added
She only drinks shorts, never wine or beer. 她只喝纯烈性酒,从不喝葡萄酒或啤酒。
[ C ](尤指正片播映之前播放的)电影短片
a short film, especially one made for showing before the main film at a cinema
[ C ]短路(同 short circuit)
informal for short circuit
verb uk/ʃɔːt/ us/ʃɔːrt/
[ I or T ]短路(同 short circuit)
informal for short-circuit : to have or cause a bad electrical connection that makes the current flow in the wrong direction, which often has the effect of stopping the power supply
Circuit breakers shorted, which cut off power to safety systems throughout the plant.
The plumber shorted the washing machine. 水管工把洗衣机弄短路了。
adverb uk/ʃɔːt/ us/ʃɔːrt/
before the arranged or expected time or place
We wanted to explain the plans fully, but the chairman stopped us short, as there were other important matters to discuss. 我们想完整地介绍这些计划,但是主席提前打断了我们的发言,因为还有其他重要的事情需要讨论。
cut something shortidiom C2 提早结束(正在进行的事情)
to have to stop doing something before it is finished
Their conversation was cut short by the arrival of more guests. 因为由更多的客人到来,他们的交谈被中止了。
We had to cut short our holiday because Richard was ill. 我们不得不缩短了假期,因为理查德病了。
prefix uk/ʃɔːt-/ us/ʃɔːrt-/
(与以 -ed 结尾、由名词变化而来的形容词连用)短…的
used with adjectives ending in -ed formed from nouns to describe something with a short part
a short-haired dog (= a dog with short hair) 短毛狗
a short-sleeved shirt (= a shirt with short sleeves) 短袖衬衫




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