

词汇 send
vt., vi.sent, sending1. 送,派;递;使前往
She sent me a present.她送了我一件礼物。
She sent for the doctor.她派人去请医生。
It is now being sent to his home by train.现在正用火车把它运往他家。
The judge sent the criminal to prison.法官判罪犯入狱。
2. 使…陷入;使处于(某种状态)
This noise will send me mad.这吵声会使我发疯。
3. 发信,寄信;传令
If any letters come can I send them on?如果有信来,我是否可以把他们转寄去?
Please send me a card.请寄一张明信片来。
4. (天然事物)发出,长出,生出
The trees send forth many branches.树长出很多枝。
5. (上帝)赐与,施与
Send her victorious.天佑我王胜利。
6. (无线电或无线电发报员)发报,发送
send away for函购,邮购 (= send off for)
send down1. 使下降,使降低2. 向下发送;吩咐
I'll send down to the kitchen for coffee.我会吩咐厨房准备咖啡。
3. (大学)开除学生4. 关进监狱,送进牢房
send up1. 使上升,使升高2. 讽刺性的模仿;戏谑




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