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词汇 settlement
noun uk/ˈset.əl.mənt/ us/ˈset̬.əl.mənt/
C1 [ C or U ](结束争端的)协议
an official agreement that finishes an argument
It now seems unlikely that it will be possible to negotiate/reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict. 现在看来和平解决这一冲突是不可能的。
As part of their divorce settlement, Jeff agreed to let Polly keep the house. 作为离婚协议的一部分,杰夫同意房子归波莉所有。
C2 [ C ]庭外和解;庭外和解费
an arrangement to end a disagreement involving a law having been broken, without taking it to a law court, or an amount of money paid as part of such an arrangement
They reached an out-of-court settlement. 他们达成了庭外和解。
The actor accepted a settlement of $100,000 from the magazine. 这名演员接受了杂志10万美元的庭外和解费。
  • Lack of willingness to compromise on both sides is the main stumbling block to reaching a settlement.
  • This settlement will resolve one of the most vexatious problems in the field of industrial relations.
  • Employers have reached a settlement over new working practices.
C2 [ C or U ]定居;定居地
a place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place
A large Roman settlement has been discovered just outside the French town. 在这座法国城市郊外发现了一处大型古罗马人定居点。
Many Native Americans were killed during the settlement of the American West by Europeans in the 19th century. 许多美洲印第安人在19世纪欧洲人在美国西部开拓殖民地的过程中被杀害。
[ C or U ]结算;结帐;支付
the action of paying money to someone
The settlement of his debts took him several months. 他花了几个月时间才还清了债务。
I enclose a cheque in settlement of your claim. 我附上一张支票支付你的索赔。
UK Her mother made a settlement on her (= made a formal arrangement to give her money) when she started college. 她开始读大学时,她母亲赠与了她一笔钱。
[ U ](建筑物、地面的)沉降,下沉
the process of the slow sinking of a building or the ground




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