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词汇 settle
verb uk/ˈset.əl/ us/ˈset̬.əl/
B2 [ T ]确定;决定;解决,结束(争端等)
to reach a decision or an agreement about something, or to end a disagreement
Good, that's all settled - you send out the invitations for the party, and I'll organize the food. 好,那就这么定了——你发聚会的请帖,我来准备吃的。
[ + question word ] They haven't yet settled when the wedding is going to be. 他们还没有确定婚礼在什么时候举行。
"The tickets are €40 each." "Well, that settles that - I can't afford that much." “入场券每张40欧元。”“好吧,那就算了吧,我付不起那么多钱。”
I'd like to get this matter settled once and for all (= reach a final decision on it). 我想把这件事了结了。
B2 [ I or T ]安排
to arrange something
The details of the contract have not yet been settled. 合同的细节问题仍然没有谈妥。
Our lawyer advised us that it would be better to settle out of court (= reach an agreement in a legal case without it being decided in a court of law). 我们的律师建议我们最好在庭外和解。
It took months to settle (= bring to an end) the dispute/strike. 用了好几个月的时间才解决这次争端/结束这次罢工。
My father and I have agreed finally to settle our differences (= stop arguing). 我和我父亲最终同意不再争论。
  • They had to go to court to settle the argument.
  • They're still dithering about who to invite, but we really need to get it settled.
  • He still needs to settle the date of the meeting.
  • That's settled - I never want to see him again.
  • We haven't quite settled who's responsible for what.
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]使)(舒舒服服地)坐下安顿下来
to relax into a comfortable position
After dinner we settled in front of the television for the evening. 晚饭后,我们舒舒服服地坐在电视机前。
The dentist told her patient to settle back in the chair. 牙医让病人靠在椅子上放松。
He settled himself down with a newspaper, and waited for the flight to arrive. 他安心坐下来看报纸,等候航班到来。
  • I settled back and waited for the film to start.
  • We settled in our comfortable carriage and watched the scenery roll by.
  • I couldn't seem to settle the children in bed.
  • I settled myself with a cup of tea and thought about what had happened.
B2 [ I usually + adv/prep ](尤指永久性地)定居,安家
to go and live somewhere, especially permanently
After they got married, they settled in Brooklyn. 他们结婚后在布鲁克林定居下来。
[ I or T, often passive ](尤指从别国)移居殖民地;殖民
to arrive, especially from another country, in a new place and start to live there and use the land
America was first settled by people who came across from Asia over 25,000 years ago. 2.5万年前,从亚洲来的移民首次在美洲安家落户。
  • We've moved all over the country, but I'd like to settle here now.
  • The Romans settled in Britain in the first century AD.
  • After decades of desert life, they settled in the mountains.
C1 [ I ]降落;沉降
to move to a lower level and stay there; to drop
The house had been empty for years, and dust had settled on all the surfaces. 这座房子多年来一直空着,所有东西上面都落了一层灰。
Do you think the snow will settle (= remain on the ground and other surfaces without melting)? 你认为会积雪吗?
The contents of this package may settle (= fall towards the bottom of the container and so seem to be less). 包裹里的东西可以再压紧一些。
  • The juice goes thick at the bottom when it settles.
  • Snow had settled on the rooftops.
  • Once dust settles in the gaps, it will not work as well.
C2 [ I or T ]支付(尤指欠款或被索款项);偿付;结算
to pay, especially money that you owe
Please settle your account/bill without further delay. 请立即付清账款/账单,勿再拖延。
It took the insurance company months to settle my claim. 保险公司用了好几个月才付清我的理赔金。
formal Payment of your account is now overdue, and we must ask you to settle (= pay the money you owe) immediately. 您账上的款项已逾期未付,请您务必马上付清。
[ I or T ]使)安静下来;(使平静下来
to become quiet and calm, or to make something or someone do this
The weather is expected to settle towards the end of the week. 天气预计会在周末时稳定下来。
I'll call you back as soon as I've settled the kids for the night. 我把孩子们安顿下来睡觉后,就马上给你回电话。
Before a performance, she takes three deep breaths to settle her nerves. 在演出之前,她会深呼吸3次来平定紧张的情绪。
We're very busy this week, but things should settle (down) a bit after the weekend. 我们这个星期很忙,不过周末之后事情应该会少一点儿。
UK Joe's parents are very worried about him because he doesn't seem to be able to settle to (= to give his whole attention to) anything. 乔的父母很为他担心,因为乔似乎做什么事都不能够安下心来。
[ I + adv/prep ]稳定下来
to reach and remain at a certain level or in a certain state
The pound rose slightly against the dollar today, then settled at $1.53. 英镑对美元的汇率今天略有上升,之后便停留在1.53美元的价位上。
A peaceful expression settled on her face. 她脸上现出一副平静的神色。
After the recent riots, an uneasy calm has settled on the city. 最近的暴乱平息后,城里笼罩着一种令人不安的平静气氛。
settle an accountidiom 清算旧账,报复
to harm someone because they have harmed you in the past
Police think that the killings may be a result of accounts being settled between local gangs. 警方认为这些谋杀事件可能是当地黑帮互相清算旧账的结果。
settle your affairsidiom formal (通常通过立遗嘱)安排死后财产继承事宜,安排身后事
to decide what will happen to your possessions after your death, usually by making a legal document
settle an (old) scoreidiom (also settle (old) scores) 清算旧账,报复
to harm someone because they have harmed you in the past
The president used his speech to settle some old scores with his opponents. 总统利用他的演说跟对手算了一笔旧账。
Phrasal verbs
settle downB2 (also settle into somewhere)安顿下来,习惯于新环境
to become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it
She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school. 她很快适应了新居/新工作/新学校的生活。
C1 (通常与伴侣)定居,安定下来
to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner
Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet. 最终我想安定下来生儿育女,但现在还不是时候。
settle (someone) downC2 使)安静下来;(使平静下来
to become quiet and calm, or to make someone become quiet and calm
Come on all of you, stop talking and settle down please! 好了,大家别吵了,请安静!
They settled down on the sofa to watch the film. 他们安静下来坐到沙发上看电影。
settle for something 无奈接受勉强同意
to accept or agree to something, or to decide to have something, although it is not exactly what you want or it is not the best
They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but settled for £1,500. 他们本来希望他们的汽车能卖2000英镑,但后来只得以1500英镑卖掉了。
He wants a full refund and he won't settle for anything less. 他想全额退款,少一分也不行。
She never settles for second best. 她从不甘心于退而求其次。
settle inC1 适应新环境,安顿下来
to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there
Once we've settled in, we'll have you over for dinner. 一旦我们安顿下来,一定要请你过来吃饭。
settle someone in 帮助某人)适应新环境,安顿(某人
to help someone to become familiar with a new job or a new place where they will be living, working, or staying
The nurse will be with you soon - she's settling a new patient in at the moment. 护士马上就会到你这里来——她现在正在安顿一位新来的病人。
settle on something 选定,决定
to agree on a decision
Have you settled on a name for the baby? 你们决定给宝宝起什么名字了吗?
settle something on someone 赠与(某人财产)
to formally give money or property to someone
When he died, he settled his money on his children. 他去世时把钱都留给了他的孩子们。
settle up 结账;付清欠款
to pay someone the money that you owe them
Would you like to settle up now, sir? 先生,您想现在结账吗?
You buy the tickets and I'll settle up with you later. 你来买票,过后我把钱给你。




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