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词汇 set something up
set something up
phrasal verb with set verb uk/set/ us/set/ setting | set
B1 建立,创立(公司、机构、系统、工作方式等)
to formally establish a new company, organization, system, way of working, etc.
A committee has been set up to organize social events for the students. 已经成立了一个委员会来组织学生的社交活动。
She plans to set up her own business. 她计划开办自己的企业。
They've set up a fund for victims of the earthquake. 他们已经为地震中的受难者设立了一个基金会。
B2 安排,策划
to arrange for an event or activity to happen
We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals. 我们需要安排一次会议来讨论这些建议。
The government has agreed to set up a public enquiry. 政府同意进行公开调查。
  • They have set up a helpline for bullied children.
  • I set up my business in 1995.
  • We have set up a new system for recording invoices.
  • The church committee was set up many years ago.
  • I'm trying to set up a judo club.
  • We set up a meeting between the brothers.
  • They set up a series of workshops.
  • I managed to set up an appointment for her to see a psychologist.
set someone up
phrasal verb with set verb uk/set/ us/set/ setting | set
to establish someone or yourself in a business or position
After he left college, his father set him up in the family business. 大学毕业后,他父亲就安排他在家族企业中任职。
She set herself up as an interior designer. 她做了一名室内装饰设计师。
to provide the money that someone needs for an important task or activity that is expected to last a long time
Winning the lottery has set them up for life. 他们中了彩票,一生都吃穿不愁。
to provide someone with the energy or health that you need for a particular period of time
A good breakfast really sets you up for the day. 一顿好的早餐能使你一整天精力充沛。
[ often passive ] informal某人)设下圈套;陷害,栽赃(某人
to trick someone in order to make them do something, or in order to make someone seem guilty of something that they have not done
They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police. 他们声称自己没有贩卖毒品,是被警方栽赃陷害的。
set something/someone up
phrasal verb with set verb uk/set/ us/set/ setting | set
to provide someone or something with all the necessary things for a particular activity or period of time
I think we're set up with everything we need for the journey. 我认为我们已经准备好了旅行需要的一切。
We went on a shopping trip and got him all set up for the new term. 我们去购物,给他准备好新学期需要的一切。
set (something) up
phrasal verb with set verb uk/set/ us/set/ setting | set
to prepare something for use, especially by putting the different parts of it together
We only had a couple of hours to set up before the exhibition opened. 展览开始前,我们只有几个小时来准备展台。
I need one or two people to help me set up the equipment. 我需要一两个人帮我安装这台设备。
noun uk/ˈset.ʌp/ us/ˈset̬.ʌp/
[ S ]组织结构事物安排体制
the way in which things are organized or arranged
When I started my new job, it took me a while to get used to the set-up. 我开始新工作的时候,花了一段时间才适应这种组织形式。
"Nice little set-up you've got here," he said as we showed him around the house. “你们这里布置安排得真是不错,”我们带他看房子时他说道。
[ C usually singular ] informal诬陷,栽赃
a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do
When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up. 在她的行李里发现了毒品后,她声称这是被人陷害的。




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