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词汇 set
verb uk/set/ us/set/ setting | set
B2 [ T usually + adv/prep ]放,置;使处于(指定的地方、位置)
to put something in a particular place or position
He set a vase of flowers on the table. 他把一瓶花放在桌子上。
The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest. 宿营地设在松树林的中央。
Our house is set back from the road. 我们的房子离公路有一定的距离。
B1 [ T usually + adv/prep ](故事、电影等)以…为背景
If a story, film, etc. is set in a particular time or place, the action in it happens in that time or place.
"West Side Story" is set in New York City in the late 1950s. 《西区故事》是以20世纪50年代末的纽约为背景的。
  • He set the books down on the table.
  • She set the tray down beside me.
  • Finish chopping the onions and set them to one side.
  • The building itself is set back from the street.
  • The mansion is set in 90 acres of beautiful, unspoilt countryside.
B2 [ T ]使处于特定状态
to cause something or someone to be in the stated condition or situation
It is believed that the building was set alight/ablaze/on fire deliberately. 据信,这幢大楼遭人故意纵火。
The new director has set a lot of changes in motion in our department. 新主管在我们部门推行了很多变革。
[ + adj ] After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally set free. 坐了多年牢之后,在爆炸案中遭错判有罪的数名男子终于被释放了。
If I've made a mistake, then it's up to me to set it right (= correct it). 如果我犯了错,那就该由我来纠正。
set someone/something doing something 使开始做引起
to cause someone or something to start doing something
His remarks set me thinking. 他的话引起我的深思。
The thunderstorm set the radio crackling. 雷雨使收音机发出噼噼啪啪的声音。
set someone to work 某人)布置工作
to give someone work to do
I was set to work dusting the bookshelves. 我被安排做清除书架尘土的工作。
  • We watched as demonstrators doused a car with petrol and set it alight.
  • A peace campaigner had set herself on fire in protest at the government's involvement in the war.
  • Rioters armed with firebombs set light to police barricades.
  • The new government has decided to set all political prisoners free.
  • The lamp caught fire and set light to the curtains.
B2 [ T ]建立设立
to establish or decide something
The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students. 学校因未能为学生设定高标准而受到了批评。
The committee has set new limits on spending. 委员会对开支设定了新的限制。
Lewis has set a new world record. 刘易斯创造了一项新的世界纪录。
The court's decision has set a legal precedent. 法庭的判决开创了一项判例。
Parents should set a good example to their children. 父母应该为孩子树立良好的榜样。
He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30. 他给自己定的目标是在30岁前赚到第一个100万。
  • We're not in a position to set any conditions - we'll have to accept what they offer us.
  • They need to set some boundaries of behaviour for that child.
  • My brother set the academic standards we all had to follow.
  • We have set ourselves a limit for our spending.
  • He sets us a great example by cycling to work every day.
B2 [ T ]设定;调定
to get something ready so that it comes into operation or can be used
[ + to infinitive ] The heating is set to come on at 5 p.m. 暖气设定在下午5点钟启动。
Have you set up the DVD player? 你把DVD播放机调定好了吗?
I usually set my watch by the time on the computer. 我通常是按计算机显示的时间对表。
He set the alarm for 7 a.m. 他把闹钟设在早上7点钟。
Will you set the table (= put plates, knives, forks, etc. on it ready for use), please? 你来摆一下餐桌,好吗?
[ T ]设置,布置(戏剧、电影或电视节目的布景)
to put furniture and other things on a stage so that it represents the time and the place in which the action of a play, film, or television programme is going to happen
During the interval the stage was set for the second act. 在幕间休息时,工作人员布置了第二幕的布景。
  • She set her clock by the time on the computer.
  • I've set the alarm for 7.30.
  • I set the heating to come on at six.
  • The oven is set to come on automatically.
  • I set the washing machine for a delicate wash.
B1 [ T ]使固定,确定
to fix or make certain
Has a date/time been set for the meeting yet? 会议的日期/时间确定了吗?
The price of the house has been set at €425,000. 这所房子的定价为42.5万欧元。
set into something/be set with something 镶入/镶有
If a precious stone is set in/into a piece of jewellery, or a piece of jewellery is set with a precious stone, the stone is fixed firmly to the piece of jewellery.
a gold ring with a diamond set into it 镶着一颗钻石的金戒指
a brooch set with rubies and pearls 镶有红宝石和珍珠的胸针
[ T ]固定(断骨);接();把(断骨)复位
When a doctor sets a broken bone, he or she puts it into the right position so that it will heal.
[ I ](断骨)愈合
When a broken bone sets, it heals in a particular position.
[ T ]头发)做发型
If you have your hair set, you have it arranged while it is wet so that it will be in a particular style when it is dry.
[ T ]绷紧(身体部位);使显出坚定的表情
If you set a part of your body, you tighten the muscles around it in order to show that you are determined about something.
"I'm never going back to him," she said, setting her jaw firmly. “我永远都不会回到他身边,”她咬紧牙关说。
His face was set in determination. 他脸上显出坚定的表情。
[ I ](液体等)凝固,凝结
If a liquid or soft material sets, it becomes firm or hard.
Leave the jelly in the fridge to set. 把果冻放在冰箱里凝固。
Don't walk on the concrete until it has set. 混凝土还没凝固之前别在上面走。
  • We set a date for a follow-up meeting.
  • Have you set a time for the next appointment?
  • The price of the boat was set too high for us.
B2 [ T ] UK (US assign)布置(学校或家庭作业)
to give someone a piece of school work or homework to do
My science teacher always sets a lot of homework. 我的科学课老师总是布置很多家庭作业。
What books have been set for this term? 这学期布置学生要读哪些书?
[ + two objects ] What homework have you been set for the holidays? 你在放假时被布置了哪些家庭作业?
[ T ]某人)布置工作
to give someone a particular task to do
Harry set them to work painting the walls. 哈利布置他们油漆墙壁。
[ + two objects ] We set the kids the task of clearing the snow from the drive. 我们给孩子们布置了打扫门前路上积雪的任务。
[ T ]为…谱曲;给…配乐
to write or provide music for a poem or other words so that they can be sung
poems set to music 谱了曲的诗歌
B1 [ I ](太阳、月球或行星)降于地平线之下,下落
(of the sun, moon, or planets) to go down below the horizon (= the line at which the earth seems to join the sky)
We sat on the beach and watched the sun set. 我们坐在海滩上观看日落。
The setting sun cast long shadows across the lawn. 夕阳在草地上投下了长长的影子。
See also: sunset noun
not set the world on fireidiom 不一鸣惊人;不成功
to not be very exciting or successful
He has a nice enough voice but he's not going to set the world on fire. 他的声音够好听的,但还不会一鸣惊人。
set the scene/stageidiom (also the scene/stage is set) 铺平道路,做好准备
used to mean that conditions have been made right for something to happen, or that something is likely to happen
This weekend's talks between the two leaders have set the scene for a peace agreement to be reached. 本周末两位领导人之间的会谈为达成和平协议铺平了道路。
The stage looks set for a repeat of last year's final. 看起来去年决赛的一幕可能会重演。
Phrasal verbs
set about something 开始做,开始处理
to start to do or deal with something
[ + -ing verb ] I have no idea how to set about changing a tyre on a car. 我不知道如何更换汽车轮胎。
I tried to apologize, but I think I set about it the wrong way. 我想道歉,但我觉得我一张嘴道歉就说错话了。
set about someone 攻击某人
to attack someone
Her attacker set about her with a knife. 袭击者是用一把刀子袭击她的。
set someone against someone 使某人某人争论(或斗争);使(某人反对某人
to cause one person to argue or fight with another person
This war has set neighbour against neighbour. 这次战争使邻国之间反目成仇。
set something against something 比较权衡
to consider something in relation to another thing and compare their different qualities or effects
You have to set the advantages of the plan against the disadvantages. 你得权衡一下这个计划的利弊。
to use or record one thing, especially the cost of something, in order to reduce or remove the effect of another
The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against tax. 出公差和因公娱乐的费用可以不纳税。
set something/someone apart 使…与众不同
If a quality or characteristic sets someone or something apart, it shows him, her, or it to be different from, and usually better than, others of the same type.
What set her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas. 她与其他求职者不同的地方在于,她有许多独特的见解。
set something aside 拨出,留出(金钱或时间)
to save something, usually money or time, for a special purpose
He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids. 他为孩子们存了一笔钱。
[ + to infinitive ] I set aside half an hour every evening to hear Erik read. 我每天晚上都留出半个小时听埃里克朗读。
If a judge or court sets aside a previous decision or judgment, they state that it does not now have any legal effect, usually because they consider it to have been wrong.
The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction. 上诉法院撤销了对他的判决。
to decide that you will not be influenced by your own feelings or opinions because they are not important at a particular time
In times of war people tend to set aside political differences. 战争期间,人们往往不计较政治分歧。
to ignore or not think about a particular fact or situation while considering a matter
Setting aside the question of cost, what do you think of the idea in principle? 先把成本问题搁在一边,理论上讲你觉得这个意见怎样?
set someone back (something) 花去(某人一大笔钱
to cost someone a large amount of money
Buying that suit must have set you back. 买那套西服一定花了你一大笔钱。
It's a handy gadget and will only set you back about $15. 这件有用的工具只需花你15美元。
set something/someone backC1 耽误;推迟
to delay an event, process, or person
The opening of the new swimming pool has been set back by a few weeks. 新游泳池开业推迟了几个星期。
A war would inevitably set back the process of reform. 战争无疑会耽误改革的进程。
See also: setback
set something back 削弱使倒退使受挫
to reduce something to a weaker or less advanced state
This defeat has set back their chances of winning the competition. 这次失败降低了他们赢得这次竞赛的机会。
See also: setback
set something down [ often passive ](尤指作为正式文件)写下,记录下
to write or print something, especially to record it in a formal document
The rules of the club are set down in the members' handbook. 俱乐部的规则写在了会员手册中。
to land an aircraft
More phrasal verbs
set someone down mainly UK车辆)停下来让(乘客下车
If a vehicle sets down a passenger, it stops so that the passenger can get out.
The cab set us down a long way from our hotel, and we had to walk. 出租车在离宾馆很远的地方放下了我们,我们只得步行了。
set something forth 阐明(set sth out 的正式说法)
formal for set something out
set in (不好的事)到来,开始(而且可能会持续)
When something unpleasant sets in, it begins and seems likely to continue in a serious way.
This rain looks as if it has set in for the rest of the day. 看来今天雨不会停。
If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the wound is cleaned well, or an infection could set in. 如果你被狗咬了,必须确保伤口彻底清理干净,否则可能会发生感染。
Despair seems to have set in among the team. 整支队伍似乎都陷入了绝望之中。
set off/outB2 出发,启程
to start a journey
What time will we have to set off for Grandma's house tomorrow? 我们明天得在什么时候出发去奶奶家?
Jenny set off down the road on her new bike. 珍妮骑着新自行车沿着马路出发了。
They've just set off on a round-the-world cruise. 他们刚刚出发去环球旅行。
set something offC2 引起,引发(常指一系列事件)
to cause an activity or event, often a series of events, to begin or happen
The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots. 法庭审理这起警官案件作出的初审判决引起了严重的暴乱。
C2 使发出巨响;使爆炸,引爆
to cause a loud noise or explosion, such as that made by a bomb or an alarm (= a warning sound) to begin or happen
Terrorists set off a bomb in the city centre. 恐怖分子在市中心引爆了一颗炸弹。
Somebody set the alarm off on my car. 有人触发了我车上的报警器。
to make something look attractive by providing a contrast (= attractive difference) to it
The new yellow cushions nicely set off the pale green of the chair covers. 黄色的新靠垫把浅绿色的椅套衬托得很好看。
set someone off 使某人开始做
to cause someone to start doing something
[ + -ing verb ] Every time I think about it, it sets me off laughing. 每次我想到它,就会笑起来。
She's finally stopped crying - don't set her off again. 她终于不哭了——现在别再惹她哭了。
set someone/something on someone 使…攻击(某人
to make an animal or person attack someone
The security guards set their dogs on the intruders. 警卫放狗咬非法闯入者。
If you do that again, I'll set my big brother on you! 如果你再那么做,我会叫我大哥来对付你!
set on/upon someone [ often passive ]攻击某人
to attack someone
He was set upon by a vicious dog. 他遭到了一只恶狗的攻击。
to surround or catch someone and prevent them from escaping
As he left the theatre, the singer was set upon by fans desperate for autographs. 那名歌手在离开剧院时被疯狂的歌迷围住索要签名。
set outC2 (怀着特定目的)开始,着手
to start an activity with a particular aim
She set out with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship. 她努力的目标就是成为历史上最年轻的冠军。
[ + to infinitive ] They set out to discover a cure for cancer. 他们开始寻找一种治愈癌症的方法。
to start a journey
set something outB2 (formal set something forth)(尤指书面)详述,阐明
to give the details of something or to explain it, especially in writing, in a clear, organized way
The board has set out its goals/plans/proposals for the coming year. 董事会阐述了下一年的目标/计划/建议。
Your contract will set out the terms and conditions of your employment. 你的合同会详细说明聘用条款。
to arrange something, usually a number of things, in an attractive or organized way
The farmers' market was full of brightly coloured vegetables set out on stalls. 农夫市场上到处都是色泽鲜亮的蔬菜,整整齐齐地摆在摊子上。
Every evening Michael sets out the breakfast dishes on the table, ready for the morning. 每天晚上迈克尔都会把早餐用具摆在桌上,为第二天早晨作好准备。
set to 干劲十足地开始做;毅然开始
to start working or dealing with something in an energetic and determined way
If we all set to, we should be able to finish the job in a week. 如果我们都能认真干起来,就能在一星期内完成这项工作。
to begin to fight
set something upB1 建立,创立(公司、机构、系统、工作方式等)
to formally establish a new company, organization, system, way of working, etc.
A committee has been set up to organize social events for the students. 已经成立了一个委员会来组织学生的社交活动。
She plans to set up her own business. 她计划开办自己的企业。
They've set up a fund for victims of the earthquake. 他们已经为地震中的受难者设立了一个基金会。
B2 安排,策划
to arrange for an event or activity to happen
We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals. 我们需要安排一次会议来讨论这些建议。
The government has agreed to set up a public enquiry. 政府同意进行公开调查。
set someone up 某人)安置职位,使(某人就职
to establish someone or yourself in a business or position
After he left college, his father set him up in the family business. 大学毕业后,他父亲就安排他在家族企业中任职。
She set herself up as an interior designer. 她做了一名室内装饰设计师。
to provide the money that someone needs for an important task or activity that is expected to last a long time
Winning the lottery has set them up for life. 他们中了彩票,一生都吃穿不愁。
to provide someone with the energy or health that you need for a particular period of time
A good breakfast really sets you up for the day. 一顿好的早餐能使你一整天精力充沛。
[ often passive ] informal某人)设下圈套;陷害,栽赃(某人
to trick someone in order to make them do something, or in order to make someone seem guilty of something that they have not done
They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police. 他们声称自己没有贩卖毒品,是被警方栽赃陷害的。
set something/someone up 为…提供必需品
to provide someone or something with all the necessary things for a particular activity or period of time
I think we're set up with everything we need for the journey. 我认为我们已经准备好了旅行需要的一切。
We went on a shopping trip and got him all set up for the new term. 我们去购物,给他准备好新学期需要的一切。
set (something) up 准备;(尤指)安装,装配
to prepare something for use, especially by putting the different parts of it together
We only had a couple of hours to set up before the exhibition opened. 展览开始前,我们只有几个小时来准备展台。
I need one or two people to help me set up the equipment. 我需要一两个人帮我安装这台设备。
set yourself up as something 自称是,自命为
to say that you are a particular type of person
He sets himself up as an expert on vegetable growing, but he doesn't seem to me to know much about it. 他以蔬菜种植专家自居,但在我看来他对此懂得并不多。
noun uk/set/ us/set/
A2 [ C ]套;副
a group of similar things that belong together in some way
We bought Charles and Mandy a set of cutlery as a wedding present. 我们为查尔斯和曼迪买了一套刀叉餐具,作为送给他们的结婚礼物。
I always keep a tool set in the back of my car. 我一直都在汽车的后备箱内放着一套工具。
The doctor said that he hadn't seen this particular set of symptoms before. 医生说他以前没有见过这样一种症候群。
We need to establish a new set of priorities. 我们需要重新安排应优先考虑的一组事项。
A2 [ C ](尤指游戏用的)一套用具
a number of objects or pieces of equipment needed for a particular activity, especially playing a game
a chess/train/chemistry set 一副象棋/一组模型火车/一套化学实验用品
[ C ] mathematics specialized(数学中的)集,集合
In mathematics, a set is a group of objects with stated characteristics.
[ C, + sing/pl verb ]有相同爱好的一群人
a group of people who have similar interests and ways of living
the fashionable set 一群时髦的人
She's got in with a very arty set. 她和一群搞艺术的人在一起。
  • Government by coalition has its own peculiar set of problems.
  • A set of stamps has been commissioned in commemoration of Independence Day.
  • He only needs two more cards to complete the set.
  • Cross the bridge and turn right at the first set of traffic lights.
  • They got an entire set of silver cutlery as a wedding present.
B2 [ C ]布景;场景
the place where a film or play is performed or recorded, and the pictures, furniture, etc. that are used
a movie set 电影场景
a stage set 舞台布景
a set designer 布景师
They first met on the set of "Star Wars". 他们第一次见面是在《星球大战》的外景地。
  • He designs the sets for the local drama group.
  • She was famous for throwing tantrums on set.
  • They met on the set of 'Titanic'.
B2 [ C ](网球比赛的)一局
a part of a game of tennis or volleyball
They won in straight sets (= they won every set). 他们一局未失。
C2 [ C ](尤指流行音乐或爵士音乐会上的)一段表演
a musical performance that forms part of a concert, especially one of pop music or jazz
The band's opening set lasted 45 minutes. 乐队的开场表演持续了45分钟。
  • I played a couple of sets with Alfie.
  • He won the match by five sets to three.
the set of something (身体部位的)姿势,样子
the position in which you hold a part of your body
I could tell from the set of his jaw that he was angry. 看他绷得紧紧的下巴,我便知道他在生气。
[ C ]做头发
the act of having your hair set
a shampoo and set 洗头并做发型
[ C ] old-fashioned电视机
a television
We need a new television set. 我们需要一台新电视机。
adjective uk/set/ us/set/
C1 [ after verb ]准备好的,预先准备的
ready and prepared
Shall we go now - is everyone set? 我们可以走了吗——大家准备好了吗?
Is everything all set for the party? 聚会一切都准备妥当了吗?
At the start of the race, the starter said "On your marks, get set, go". 发令者在起跑时常说:“各就位,预备,跑。”
We were just getting set to leave when Ben said he had something important to tell us. 当本说他有一些重要的事要告诉我们时我们正准备离开。
[ after verb ]可能的在适当条件下的
likely or in a suitable condition
He looks set to become world champion again this year. 他今年似乎有可能再次成为世界冠军。
C2 不变的,固定的
always the same, never changing
My parents say I have to be home by a set time. 我父母说我得在规定的时间回家。
UK The restaurant does a set lunch (= a meal which is offered at a fixed price, but with little or no choice about what you have to eat) on Sundays. 这家餐馆星期天午餐供应套餐。
The receptionist had a bright set smile on his face, but I could tell that he was bored. 接待员带着一成不变的灿烂微笑,但我看得出其实他觉得很厌倦。
My father has very set opinions/views on the matter. 我父亲在这件事上的看法很难改变。
set expression/phrase 固定说法/短语
a phrase in which the words are always used in the same order
[ before noun ] UK必修课本
used to describe a book or writer that must be studied for a particular course
The students are reading "Lord of the Flies" as one of their set books this year. 学生们今年的规定阅读书目中有《蝇王》。
Eventually, he became a set author in Australian schools.
See also: set text
be (dead) set against somethingidiom 坚决反对
to be determined not to do something
Why are you so set against going to college? 你为什么这么反对上大学呢?
They are dead set against (= strongly opposed to) the plans to close the local hospital. 他们坚决反对关闭当地医院的计划。
be set fairidiom UK old-fashioned 持续晴朗干燥
(of the weather) to be clear and dry and not changing or expected to change
be set in your waysidiom 因循守旧
to do the same things every day and to not want to change those habits
As people get older, they often become set in their ways. 随着年岁渐长,人们行事也往往一成不变起来。
be set on/upon somethingidiom 下决心做
to be determined to do something
She seems set on marrying him. 她似乎已打定主意要嫁给他。




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