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词汇 see
verb uk/siː/ us/siː/ seeing | saw | seen
A1 [ I or T ]看见;看出
to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes
Turn the light on so I can see. 打开灯,这样我才能看见。
I can see you! “我能看到你!”
[ + (that) ] The teacher could see (that) the children had been fighting. 老师可以看出,孩子们打过架。
[ + infinitive without to ] Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station. 雅基看见那辆汽车开到了警察局门口。
[ + -ing verb ] From the window we could see the children playing in the yard. 从窗口看去,我们可以看见孩子们在院子里玩耍。
[ + past participle ] His parents saw him awarded the winner's medal. 他父母观看了他被授予获胜者奖牌。
See (= look at) p. 23 for prices and flight details. 票价与航班的具体情况请见第23页。
UK See over (= look at the next page) for further information. 更多信息见下一页。
A2 [ T ]看,观看(电影、电视节目等)
to watch a film, television programme, etc.
Did you see that documentary on Channel 4 last night? 你昨天晚上看4频道的纪录片了吗?
C1 [ T often passive ]是…的发生时间(或地点);见证
to be the time or place when something happens
This summer has seen the end of water restrictions in the area thanks to a new reservoir. 由于有了新水库,今年夏天该地区取消了用水限制。
you ain't seen nothing yet humorous 好戏还在后头呢
said to mean that more surprising or exciting things are likely to happen
If you thought that show was amazing, just you wait. You ain't seen nothing yet!
Let me tell you there's more where that came from. You ain't seen nothing yet!
That was just the start - you ain't seen nothing yet.
If you think these sales figures are promising, you ain't seen nothing yet.
I've only just begun - you ain't seen nothing yet.
  • I saw him this morning.
  • Have you seen Angela?
  • If you see Nicky say hello from me.
  • I've seen a few houses but none that I've really liked.
  • I haven't seen any shoes that I've wanted to buy.
B1 [ T ]知道;明白;懂得
to understand, know, or realize
[ + (that) ] I see (that) the club is organizing a theatre trip next month. 我知道下个月俱乐部将组织去看一次戏。
[ + question word ] He can't see what difference it makes to come (= he doesn't think it is important if he comes) on Thursday instead of Friday. 他认为星期五不来星期四来也没什么。
They didn't see the need/any need (= understand that it was important) to notify their members of the changes in writing. 他们认为没有必要用书面形式通知其成员相关变化。
They refused to help because they're too busy, but he seems to see more in it than that. 他们拒绝帮忙的理由就是太忙,但他似乎觉得其中另有隐情。
"I'm tired." "So I see - you've been yawning all afternoon." “我累了。”“我知道——你整个下午都打哈欠”
I was surprised that they couldn't see my point of view. 我很惊讶他们无法理解我的观点。
The government didn't want to be seen to be making concessions to terrorists. 政府不想让人觉得他们在向恐怖分子妥协。
After she read his book she started to see the issue in another/a different/a new light (= differently). 她读完他的书之后,开始以另一种/不同的/新的角度看待这个问题。
  • I see he's left that report on my desk.
  • I see Bill's on another of his trips.
  • I don't see why she's more important than anyone else.
  • Why can't you see things from my point of view?
  • I see what you're saying.
A1 [ I or T ]遇见;看望;和…来往;拜访
to meet or visit someone, or to visit a place
We're seeing friends this weekend. 我们周末要去探望朋友。
I haven't seen Jerry around (= in the places I usually meet him) in the last few weeks. 近几个星期我没有看到杰里。
No one has seen much of Daryl since he got married. 自从达里尔结婚以后,大家都没怎么看见他了。
They see a lot of each other (= are often together). 他们经常见面。
My mother is seeing the doctor again next week. 我妈妈下周又要去看病。
The children wanted to see the circus. 孩子们想看马戏。
The agent said they could see the house (UK also see round the house) at 3 p.m. 经纪人说他们下午3点可以看房子。
[ T ]和…谈恋爱
to have a romantic relationship with someone
How long has she been seeing him? 她和他交往有多久了?
  • I'm seeing Peter tonight.
  • I saw her last week - we went out for dinner together.
  • I've arranged to see John at the weekend.
  • He's been seeing a woman that I work with.
  • She told me her husband had been seeing someone.
B2 [ T ]看待;认为;考虑;想象
to consider or think about, especially to think about someone or something in a particular way, or to imagine someone doing a particular activity
She didn't see herself as brave. 她不认为自己很勇敢。
It was easy to see the gift as a kind of bribe. 这份礼物很容易被当成是一种贿赂。
[ + obj + -ing verb ] I can't see her accepting (= I don't think she will accept) the job in the present circumstances. 我认为在目前情况下她不会接受那份工作。
As I see it/things/the situation, we'll have to get extra help. 在我看来,我们得找更多的人帮忙。
Try and see it my way - I'll be left without any help if you go. 设想一下我的处境——如果你离开,我就孤立无援了。
  • Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
  • I can't see Annie on a horse somehow.
  • I can't see him coming back home for any length of time.
  • I don't see myself as a mother figure.
  • I think he sees himself very much as a leader.
[ T usually + adv/prep ]陪同;护送
to take someone somewhere by going there with them
He saw his visitors to the door. 他把客人送到门口。
Her friends saw her home. 她的朋友们送她回了家。
The security guard saw the protesters off the premises. 保安人员将抗议者赶了出去。
B2 [ I + question word ]查看弄清
to try to discover
Will you see if you can get anyone to help? 你看能否找一个人帮忙?
I'll see what I can do. 我看看我可以做点什么。
C2 [ + (that) ]确认保证
to make certain that something happens
The receptionist said he'd see (that) she got the message. 接待员说他一定会传话给她。
UK See (that) you're ready by five, or there'll be trouble. 你要确保5点前做好准备,否则就会有麻烦。
can't see it (myself)idiom UK (用来表示不明白为什么其他人认为…好)我就不觉得
used to say that you do not understand why people think something is good, or that you do not agree
The chairwoman thought the new plan was a great improvement, but I couldn't see it myself . 女主席认为新方案有很大的改进,可我没有看出来。
can't see the wood for the treesidiom UK (US can't see the forest for the trees) 见木不见林
to be unable to understand a situation clearly because you are too involved in it
have seen better daysidiom 已经破败光彩不再
to be old and in bad condition
That jacket has seen better days. Why don't you get a new one? 那件夹克很旧了,为什么不买件新的?
sth has to be seen to be believedidiom UK (US usually you'd have to see it to believe it) 非亲眼所见,否则真难以置信
to be so extreme that it is difficult to believe
The prices in that place have to be seen to be believed! 那里东西的价格如果不是亲眼所见真难以置信!
(if you've) seen one, you've seen them allidiom disapproving (用来表示某一类的东西全都差不多)
used to say that all the things of a particular type are very similar
If you've seen one episode of that show, you've seen them all. 那个节目只要看一集就够了。
I/we'll (have to) seeidiom C1 到时候再看情况;到时候再说
used to say that you will make a decision about something later
"Do you think there'll be time to stop and eat?" "We'll see." “你认为会有时间吃饭吗?”“到时候再说。”
let me see/let's seeidiom 让我/我们想想,让我/我们看看
used when you want to think for a moment about something
"Is there a shop that sells sports clothes?" "Let me see - I think there's one near here." “你知道哪儿有卖运动服装的商店吗?”“让我想想——我想这附近就有一家。”
not see beyond somethingidiom disapproving 只关心…
to have all your attention on something and therefore be unable to consider other things
The government cannot see beyond next year's election. 政府只关心明年的大选。
not see someone for dustidiom UK informal 某人)逃之夭夭;(某人躲得不见人影
used to describe someone leaving quickly in order to avoid something
If you let him know that Margaret's coming, you won't see him for dust. 要是你让他知道玛格丽特会来,他会溜之大吉的。
not see hide nor hair of someoneidiom informal 根本没见过(某人)的影子
to not see someone at all over a period of time
I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since last Friday. 自上周五开始我就压根没有见过她。
More idioms
see something comingidiom 预计…会发生
to expect something to happen
No one else had expected the factory to close, but we saw it coming. 其他人都没想到工厂会倒闭,但是我们预计到了。
see someone in hell before ...idiom mainly UK informal 决不会,死也不会
If you would see someone in hell before you would do something they have suggested, you are very determined not to do it.
I'd see her in hell before I'd agree to an arrangement like that. 我决不会同意她那样安排。
see someone rightidiom UK informal 确认某人)得到帮助(或善待)
to make certain that someone is helped or treated well
Ask Mrs Martin at the desk over there about the invoices - she'll see you right. 请向那边服务台的马丁夫人咨询有关发票的事——她会帮你解决的。
see your way (clear) to doing somethingidiom 同意;允许
to agree to do or allow something
Could you see your way to letting us borrow the machine on Wednesday? 你能否同意我们星期三借用一下机器?
see a man about a dogidiom UK informal 出去一下(尤指上厕所的隐讳说法)
You might say you have to see a man about a dog when you do not want to say what you are really doing, especially when going to the toilet.
I've just got to see a man about a dog. I'll be back in a minute. 我出去一下,一会儿就回来。
see eye to eyeidiom C2 (两人)意见一致
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other.
My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements. 在这些安排上,我的姐姐们和我意见不一致。
see fitidiom formal 觉得…有好处;觉得有必要
If you see fit to do something, you think it is good or necessary to do it.
She saw fit to pull her son out of the school. 她觉得有必要带儿子离开学校。
see in the New Yearidiom 新年守岁
to not go to bed on 31 December until after twelve o'clock at night in order to celebrate the start of a new year
see lifeidiom 见世面;大开眼界
to experience many different and often unexpected things
As a volunteer on the childcare project, I really saw life. 作为儿童护理项目的志愿者,我真的见了不少世面。
see redidiom C2 非常生气暴怒
to become very angry
People who don't finish a job really make me see red. 我最讨厌别人干活有始无终。
see sense/reasonidiom C2 明白事理,变得明智起来
to be reasonable and have good judgment
We talked to her for an hour, but we couldn't make her see sense. 我们同她谈了一个小时,但就是说不通她。
see starsidiom (头部受撞击而)眼冒金星
If you see stars, you are partly unconscious because you have been hit on the head.
see the back of someone/somethingidiom UK 巴不得…早点结束;再也不愿见到(某人
If you are pleased to see the back of someone or something, you are pleased that you no longer have to be involved with him, her, or it
The hotel staff were glad to see the back of such a difficult guest. 宾馆员工很高兴把这么难伺候的客人打发走。
see the colour of someone's moneyidiom UK informal 确认某人)会付钱
To see the colour of someone's money is to make certain that a person is going to pay for something.
"I'll have one of those." "Let's see the colour of your money first!" “我要买其中的一个。”“让我们先看看你的钱吧!”
see the jokeidiom UK (US get the joke) 明白可笑之处
to understand something funny and find it funny yourself
Everyone else laughed loudly, but I didn't see the joke. 其他人都在大声地笑,而我却不知道他们在笑什么。
see the last of something/someoneidiom 最后一次见到再也不会见到
to not see something or someone again because that thing or person has gone away or has ended
see the lightidiom 恍然大悟;顿悟
If you see the light, you suddenly understand something you didn't understand before.
see the light of dayidiom 首次出现,问世
When something sees the light of day, it appears for the first time.
see the point of somethingidiom 理解…的重要性(或原因)
to understand the importance of or the reason for something
They couldn't see the point of more training. 他们不明白为什么要继续训练。
see something with your own eyesidiom (尤指不是亲眼所见就不会相信)亲眼所见
to see something yourself, especially when it is something that you would not believe to exist or be true if you did not see it
They took all the money and left. I saw it with my own eyes. 我亲眼看见他们把所有的钱拿走后就离开了。
You saw with your own eyes how much he's changed. 你亲眼看到他的变化有多大的。
see you (later)idiom informalA1 再见
seeing is believingidiom saying 眼见为实;百闻不如一见
said to mean that if you see something yourself, you will believe it to exist or be true, despite the fact that it is extremely unusual or unexpected
I never thought Mark would get out of bed before lunchtime on a Saturday, but seeing is believing! 我从没想到马克星期六会在午饭前起床,真是眼见为实!
seeing thingsidiom 产生幻觉
If you are seeing things, you are imagining that things are happening when they are not.
I could have sworn I saw Marie come in just now. I must have been seeing things. 我可以发誓,我看见玛丽刚才进来了。我一定是产生幻觉了。
we'll (soon) see about thatidiom (用于认为某事不公而生气地试图阻止时)我倒要看看
used when you are angry about something that you feel is unfair and that you intend to stop happening
He wants to park his car on my lawn? Well, we'll soon see about that! 他想把车停在我的草坪上?好,我倒要看看他怎么停!
what you see is what you getidiom saying 所见即所得;一目了然
said to show that there is nothing hidden
See also: WYSIWYG
wouldn't be seen deadidiom informal (通常因为会太尴尬而)决不会做
If someone wouldn't be seen dead in a particular place or doing a particular thing, they would never do it, usually because it would be too embarrassing.
I wouldn't be seen dead wearing a dress like that. 我才不会穿那样的裙子呢。
you seeidiom C1 你看;你知道
used when you hope someone else will understand what you are saying or asking
You see, it's better if you do your homework before dinner. 你看,如果你在晚饭前把家庭作业完成了就更好。
You see, I'm one of those people who likes to try new things. 你知道,我就是那种喜欢尝试新东西的人。
Phrasal verbs
see about something 关照处理
to prepare for or deal with an action or event, or to arrange for something to be done
It's getting late - I'd better see about lunch. 时间不早了——我最好去做午饭。
[ + -ing verb ] You should see about getting your hair cut. 你该理发了。
see something in someone/something 看出…有(某种特质)
to believe that someone or something has a particular quality
Her teachers saw something special in her. 她的老师看出她身上有与众不同的地方。
Some people like to spend their whole holiday lying on a beach, but I don't see the fun in that. 有些人喜欢假期躺在沙滩上,我就看不出有什么好玩。
see someone offB2 某人送行
to go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say goodbye to them
My parents saw me off at the airport. 我父母到机场为我送行。
UK 打发走某人);(通常指)驱逐某人),赶走(某人
to send away someone who is attacking you or who is not wanted, usually forcefully
The caretaker ran out and saw off the boys who had been damaging the fence. 管理员跑出来,把那些破坏栅栏的男孩子轰了出去。
see someone/something off 击败使不再为害
to defeat someone or something, or to deal with him, her, or it effectively so that that person or thing can no longer cause harm
The company believes it has now seen off this unwelcome bid. 这家公司认为他们已经击败了不受欢迎的收购者。
England saw off Luxembourg 5–0. 英格兰队以5:0击败卢森堡队。
see something out 渡过(难关)
to wait or last until the end of a difficult event or situation
The besieged town doesn't have enough food to see the month out. 被围困的小镇没有足够的食物度过这个月了。
They saw out the storm in the best shelter they could find. 他们在能找到的最好的隐蔽处躲过了那场暴风雨。
see someone out 某人出去
to go to the door of a building or room with someone who does not live or work there, when they are leaving
My secretary will see you out. 我的秘书会送你出去。
see yourself out 自己出去
to leave a building or room by yourself after visiting someone there
It's ok - I'll see myself out. 好的——我会自己出去。
see someone through something 帮助某人渡过(难关)
to help or support someone during a difficult period in their life
He was a prisoner of war for five years, but his courage saw him through. 他做了5年的战俘,但勇气助他熬了过去。
My brother lent me $500 to see me through the next few weeks. 我弟弟借给我500美元,我这才维持下去接下来的几个星期。
see something through (尤指艰难地)坚持做完
to continue doing a job or activity until it is finished, especially when it is difficult
The degree would take me three years to complete, but I was determined to see it through. 我要花3年的时间才能拿到学位,但我有决心坚持到底。
see through someone/somethingB2 看穿,识破
to realize that someone is trying to deceive you to get an advantage, or that someone's behaviour is intended to deceive you, and to understand the truth about the situation
They were very friendly, but it didn't take long to see through them. 他们很友好,但我很快就把他们看穿了。
She saw through his excuse at once. 她马上看穿了他的借口。
More phrasal verbs
see to something/someoneB2 处理,办理,应付
to deal with a person or task that needs to be dealt with or is waiting to be dealt with
"These letters need posting." "I'll see to them later." “这些信需要寄出去。”“我过一会儿来处理。”
Mrs Chapman asked for some help with the orders - could you see to it? 查普曼夫人在订货方面需要帮助——你能办一下吗?
[ + that ] Please see to it that no one comes in without identification. 请注意不要让没有身份证明的人进入。
noun religion specialized (also See) uk/siː/ us/siː/
[ C ]主教教区
a place where there is a cathedral and where a bishop or archbishop has authority
the See of York/Exeter/Lincoln 约克/艾克斯特/林肯主教教区
bishops and their sees 主教和他们的教区
the Holy Seeidiom 教皇作为罗马主教的教区,教廷,圣座
the area where the Pope as the Bishop of Rome has authority




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