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词汇 second
ordinal number, determiner uk/ˈsek.ənd/ us/ˈsek.ənd/
A1 第二(的),第二个(的)
immediately after the first and before any others
Is Carla her first or second child? 卡拉是她的第一个还是第二个孩子?
This is the second time I've had flu this winter. 这是今年冬天以来我得的第二场流感。
Today is the second (of March). 今天是(三月)二日。
A1 第二名(的)
the position in which a person finishes a race or competition if they finish immediately behind the winner
First prize is two weeks in Barbados and second prize is a weekend in Rome. 一等奖是巴巴多斯双周游,二等奖是罗马周末游。
Jones took second place in the long jump. 琼斯在跳远比赛中得第二名。
B1 仅次于第一(的)
Second is used to show that only one thing is better, bigger, etc. than the thing mentioned
St Petersburg is Russia's second (biggest/largest) city. 圣彼得堡是俄罗斯第二大城市。
Iraq's oil reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia's. 伊拉克的石油储量仅次于沙特阿拉伯。
B1 另一(的);又一(的)
She is often described as a second Marilyn Monroe. 她常常被人们称为玛丽莲‧梦露第二。
You really should make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance. 你真的应该好好珍惜这个机会,因为你不会再有这样的机会了。
Richard and Liz have a second home in the mountains. 理查德和莉兹在山区还有一个家。
Pay attention to what she's saying because she won't explain it a second time. 注意听她讲,因为她不会再解释第二遍。
happening only once out of every two possible times
We've decided to hold the conference every second year. 我们已经决定每两年举行一次会议。
Compare: alternate adjective
  • After the USA, China is the second biggest importer of oil.
  • His second novel was much better than his first.
  • The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.
  • This is my second attempt at the exam.
  • In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.
second bestidiom 第二好的,仅次于最好的
not as good as the best and therefore not wanted as much
She refuses to settle for second best - she strives for perfection. 她不甘第二,努力做到最好。
second to noneidiom 与其他一样好的;比其他好的
as good as or better than all others
The conditions that these prisoners are kept in are second to none. 这些犯人的关押环境是最好的。
adverb uk/ˈsek.ənd/ us/ˈsek.ənd/
B1 第二(的),第二个(的)
after the first and before any others
Robertson won the race and Cameron was/came/finished second. 罗伯逊得了赛跑冠军,卡梅伦得了第二名。
In this business, money comes first and principles come a very poor second (= they are much less important). 在这个行当,钱是第一位的,而原则要次要得多。
B2 (also secondly)第二其次
used to introduce the second thing in a list of things you want to say or write
There are two good reasons why we can't do it. First, we can't afford it, and second, we don't have time. 有两个原因可以很好地解释我们为什么不能这样做:第一,我们没有钱;其次,我们没有时间。
noun uk/ˈsek.ənd/ us/ˈsek.ənd/
A2 [ C ] (abbreviation sec.); (s)
a short unit of time that is equal to a 60th of a minute
There are 60 seconds in a minute. 1分钟有60秒。
These computers process millions of instructions per second. 这些电脑每秒钟处理几百万个指令。
The new system can trace a phone call in a fraction of a second. 新系统可以极快地查出来电号码。
B1 [ C ]片刻;瞬间
a very short period of time
"Come on, hurry up!" "I'll just/only be a second - I need to close the window." “来呀,赶快!”“等一下,我关一下窗户就好。”
Do you have a second, Paul? I need to talk to you. 你能抽出点儿时间吗,保罗?我想和你说句话。
It won't take a second (= it will be very quick). 花不了多少时间。
Wait a couple of/a few seconds before trying again. 等一会儿再试。
the second (that) 立刻
as soon as
The second I saw him, I knew he was going to be a star. 我见他的第一面,就知道他会成为一个明星。
The second that I saw her, I knew something was wrong.
He'd been perfectly happy the whole time, and then the second his mother walked through the door, he started crying.
I loved this apartment the second I laid eyes on it.
I knew I'd said the wrong thing the second the words came out of my mouth.
  • Any half-decent sprinter can run 100 metres in 11 seconds.
  • With two laps to go Ngomo led by less than two seconds.
  • The computer takes a few seconds to power up after it's been switched on.
  • She has beaten her own record of three minutes ten seconds.
  • A dog can tear a rabbit apart in seconds.
[ S ]第二个;第二名
the second person or thing to do or be something, or the second person or thing mentioned
This is the second of the four tests. 这是4场测验中的第二场。
seconds [ plural ] informal 添菜;再来的一份食物
an extra amount of food that is given after the first amount has been eaten
seconds of Would anyone like seconds of ice cream? 有人想再来一份冰激凌吗?
No more for me, thanks - I've already had seconds.
Seconds, anyone?
He ate a huge plateful at dinner, followed by seconds and then dessert.
There's a bit more chocolate mousse left if anyone would like seconds?
It would be greedy to have seconds.
[ C ] mathematics specialized(最小角度单位)
the smallest unit used for measuring an angle
There are 3,600 seconds in a degree. 1度有3600秒。
C2 [ C ]残次品
a product that is sold cheaply because it is damaged or not in perfect condition
[ C ](拳击比赛或旧时决斗中的)助手
a person who takes care of someone who is fighting in a boxing competition or, in the past, in a duel (= organized fight)
At the end of the fight he had to be helped out of the ring by his seconds.
[ U ] (also second gear)车辆的二挡
in a vehicle, the gear that combines power with limited speed and is used when increasing or reducing speed
You'll have to change (down/up) into second. 你得换二挡。
[ C ] UK (also second-class degree)(英国大学中的)第二等学位
an undergraduate degree from a university in the UK and some other countries that is a good degree but not the best possible
[ C usually singular ] informal(同 second base)
another word for second base
Garcia reached second on a throwing error.
He is an equally good fielder at second and shortstop.
verb [ T ] uk/ˈsek.ənd/ us/ˈsek.ənd/
to make a formal statement of support for a suggestion made by someone else during a meeting so that there can be a discussion or vote
The motion was proposed by the club's chairwoman and seconded by the secretary. 该动议由俱乐部女主席提出,由干事附议。
"I could use a drink." "I'll second that (= I agree with you)!" “我想喝杯饮料。”“我赞成!”
Related word: seconder
verb [ T ] UK uk/sɪˈkɒnd/ us/səˈkɑːnd/
to send an employee to work somewhere else temporarily, either to increase the number of workers or to replace other workers, or to exchange experience or skills
During the dispute, many police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the prison service. 在争端期间,很多警察从交通管理岗位上被抽调出来,派去监狱。
Related word: secondment




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