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词汇 screw
noun uk/skruː/ us/skruː/
[ C ]螺丝
a thin, pointed piece of metal with a raised edge twisting round along its length and a flat top with a cut in it, used to join things together, especially pieces of wood
[ C ] UK扭转,旋转
an act of twisting or turning done to fasten or tighten something
Give it another screw to make sure the lid doesn't come off while we're travelling. 把盖子再拧紧一圈,确保我们在路上时盖子不会掉落。
[ C ] UK slang监狱看守(尤为犯人用语)
(a word used especially by prisoners) a prison guard
[ C ] UK offensive性行为性伙伴
the act of sex, or a sexual partner
I never feel like a screw when I wake up in the morning. 我早晨醒来时从不想性交。
He's a really good screw. 他真是个很棒的性伙伴。
screws [ plural ] (同 thumbscrew)
→  thumbscrew
Tell me or I'll tighten the screws.
Showing no mercy, he turned the screws.
He knew that the screws awaited him.
He declared his innocence despite being tortured with the screws.
The rack and screws had failed to yield the desired results.
have a screw looseidiom informal 行为乖戾;神经有点儿不正常
If you say that someone has a screw loose, you mean that they behave in a strange way and seem slightly mentally ill.
put/tighten the screws on someoneidiom informal 某人)施加压力
to use force or threats to make someone do what you want
They put the screws on him until he paid up. 他们给他施加压力,直到他把钱全部付清为止。
verb uk/skruː/ us/skruː/
[ T usually + adv/prep ]用螺丝固定(或拧紧)
to fasten something using a screw
Screw this piece of wood to the wall. 用螺丝把这块木头固定在墙上。
Screw these two pieces together. 把这两块用螺丝拧在一起。
[ T usually + adv/prep ](用类似螺丝的东西)固定,拧紧
to fasten something using an object similar to a screw
We'll have to screw a hook into the wall. 我们得把一个钩子拧到墙里去。
screw in/together 旋上,拧合
If something screws in/together, it fits or fastens together by being turned.
This light bulb screws in. 这个灯泡是螺口的。
The steel rods screw together. 这些钢条是拧在一起的。
The two parts screw together, and then you can attach the umbrella.
Unfortunately, it leaks where the top and bottom parts screw together.
You'll need to screw the bolt in; that part is threaded.
That part screws in at the bottom.
[ T + adv/prep ](尤指出于不赞同或疼痛)扭曲面部
to tighten the muscles of your face or part of your face into a particular expression, especially one of disapproval or pain
He screwed his eyes tight shut against the bright light. 在强光的照射下,他眯紧了眼睛。
The woman at the breakfast table screwed her mouth into a grimace. 吃早饭时,那个女人抿着嘴,一脸痛苦的样子。
[ T + adv/prep ](尤指纸或布)揉成团
to twist and crush something, especially paper or cloth, roughly with your hands
She screwed the bag up and threw it in the bin. 她把包揉成一团,扔进了垃圾筒。
He screwed the letter into a ball and flung it away. 他把信揉成一团扔了。
[ T usually + adv/prep ]拧牢,旋紧
to fasten something by turning it or twisting it
Screw the lid firmly on to the jar and shake well. 把瓶盖旋紧,然后摇匀。
[ T ] slang骗,欺骗
to cheat or deceive someone
It was only after we'd had the car for a few days that we realized we'd been screwed by the dealer. 车子到手几天后,我们才明白自己被经销商骗了。
[ I or T ] offensive(与…)发生性关系
to have sex with someone
They say he's screwing the boss's wife. 他们说他和老板的妻子有不正当关系。
screw it/you/them!idiom offensive 他妈的!
used when expressing extreme anger
"Screw it!" he said. "If they won't give us the money, we'll just take it." “他妈的!”他说,“如果他们不给钱,我们就自己拿。”
screw up your courageidiom 鼓起勇气
to force yourself to be brave
I screwed up my courage and went in to see the director. 我鼓起勇气进去见主管。
Phrasal verbs
screw around 滥交;偷情
to have sex with a lot of people or with people other than your husband or wife
screw something out of someone 逼(某人)交出;向(某人勒索
to get something from someone by using force or threats
We'll screw every last penny out of him. 我们要逼他交出所有钱。
screw (something) up 犯错搞糟弄坏
to make a mistake, or to spoil something
I totally screwed up the chemistry exam. 化学考试被我彻底考砸了。
Just don't screw up this time. 这次可别搞砸了。
screw someone up 使某人)焦虑不安;令(某人)很难过;使(某人精神崩溃
When bad experiences or people screw you up, they make you worried and unhappy or damage your personality.
It really screwed him up when he saw his friend get killed. 看到自己的朋友遇难,他伤心欲绝。




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