

词汇 time
n.1. 时间;时光,光阴
kill time消磨时间
no time to watch television没有闲功夫看电视
It's time for class.上课时间到了。
What's the time?几点了?
How do you spend your time at home?你在家里怎么打发时间?
I hadn't time to finish my homework.我没有时间完成家庭作业。
Time failed me to finish all the multiple-choice questions.我想把多选题全部做完,但时间不够了。
We have had a good time.我们玩得很快乐。
2. 时代,时期
in ancient times古代
ahead of one's time思想超时代的
behind the times落伍,跟不上时代
3. 次;回
This time, the policeman lost his temper.这次,警察发脾气了。
For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.有生以来第一次有了一张带垫子的弹簧床,他为此很得意。
How many times have you read this book?你把这本书读了几遍了?
4. 每小时工资
double time for Sundays星期天每小时的工资是平常的两倍
5. 乘
Three times six is eighteen.三乘六得十八。
6. (pl) 目前;现在7. 〈音〉拍子,节拍
all the time始终;一直
bide one's time等待良机
from time to time有时;偶尔;时常
have no time for没时间做(某事)
in no time (at all)立刻;赶快;马上
keep time(钟表)走得准
many a time常常;多次
on time准时;按时
The train arrived on time.火车准时到达。
pass the time of day寒喧,打招呼
vt.timed, timing1. 安排时间;选择适宜的时间2. 记录…所花的时间3. (击球或射球)正是时候




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