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词汇 scare
verb [ I or T ] uk/skeər/ us/sker/
C1 使)惊恐,(使)害怕;受惊吓,感到害怕
to (make a person or animal) feel frightened
Sudden noises scare her. 突然的响声把她吓了一跳。
She's very brave - she doesn't scare easily. 她很勇敢——她不会那么容易害怕的。
He scared me out of my wits (= made me extremely frightened) by driving so fast. 他开得那么快,把我吓得半死。
Meeting new people scares me stiff/to death (= makes me extremely nervous and worried). 与陌生人见面我会感到很紧张,手足无措。
She scared the hell/life/living daylights out of me (= frightened me very much) when she fell out of the tree. 当她从树上掉下来时,我都吓死了。
scare someone shitlessidiom offensive 某人)吓得屁滚尿流
to make someone extremely frightened
Phrasal verbs
scare someone/something away/offC1 把…吓跑
to make a person or an animal so frightened that he, she, or it goes away
Don't make too much noise or you'll scare away the birds. 别弄那么大声音,会把鸟儿吓跑的。
She scared off her attacker by screaming. 她大声叫喊,把袭击她的人吓跑了。
scare someone away/offC1 吓跑,吓退(某人
to make someone so worried about doing something that they decide not to do it
If you charge as much as that, you'll scare customers off. 如果你要价那么高,会吓跑顾客的。
scare someone into doing something 胁迫某人)做…
to persuade someone to do something by frightening them
The two boys scared the old man into handing over his wallet. 这两个男孩恐吓老人,逼他交出了钱包。
scare something up 仓促准备,勉强凑成
to find or get something despite difficulties or limited supplies
There's hardly any food in the house, but I'll scare something up from these leftovers. 家里几乎没有什么吃的,但我会用这些剩饭菜张罗出一顿饭来。
noun uk/skeər/ us/sker/
[ S ]惊恐,恐慌
a sudden feeling of fear or worry
I got/had a scare (= I was very worried) when I looked at my bank statement this morning! 我今天早上看到银行结算清单时吓了一跳。
You gave us a real scare (= frightened us) when you fainted, you know. 你知道吗,你晕倒的时候真把我们吓坏了。
[ C ](往往不必要的)担忧;人心惶惶
an occasion when a subject receives a lot of public attention and worries many people, often when there is no real danger
a bomb/health scare 炸弹/健康恐慌
The government are accused of employing scare tactics (= ways of frightening people in order to persuade them to do something). 政府被指控使用了恐吓手段。
The papers have been publishing scare stories (= newspaper reports which make people feel unnecessarily worried) about the mystery virus. 报纸上一直在发布关于神秘病毒的骇人报道。




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