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词汇 sand
noun uk/sænd/ us/sænd/
B1 [ U ]沙,沙子
a substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts
a grain of sand 一粒沙
The children played all day in/on the sand. 孩子们玩了一整天沙子。
coarse/fine sand 粗/细沙
Mix one part sand to three parts cement. 将一份沙和三份水泥混合。
sands [ plural ] UK 沙滩,海滩
large flat areas of sand near the sea
golden sands miles of golden sands 绵延数英里的金色沙滩
We spent every weekend playing on the sands at Langland Bay.
I walked to Ramsgate along the sands.
My mother is never happier than when she's walking her three little dogs along the sands there.
Why don't we stroll back along the sands?
I just remember those beautiful stretches of sands.
  • The child was tracing patterns in the sand with a stick.
  • Baby Martha was wriggling her toes in the sand.
  • I shook the sand out of my towel.
  • I like to feel the sand between my toes.
  • By midday the sand was too hot to walk on.
verb [ T ] uk/sænd/ us/sænd/
to make something smooth by rubbing it with something rough, especially sandpaper (= strong paper with sand attached to it)
Sand the door (down) thoroughly before starting to paint. 刷漆之前要把门彻底打磨光滑。




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