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词汇 same
adjective uk/seɪm/ us/seɪm/
the sameA1 相同的,同样的
exactly like another or each other
My twin sister and I have the same nose. 我孪生姐姐的鼻子和我的长得一样。
exactly the same She was wearing exactly the same dress as I was. 她穿的裙子和我的一模一样。
the same something as someone/something Hilary's the same age as me. 希拉里和我同岁。
the same way She brought up her children in just (= exactly) the same way her mother did. 她养育孩子的方法和她母亲完全一样。
Compare: similar
A1 [ before noun ]相同的,同一的
not another different place, time, situation, person, or thing
My brother and I sleep in the same room. 我弟弟和我睡在同一个房间。
Rachel's still going out with the same boyfriend. 蕾切尔还在和同一个男朋友交往。
That (very) same day, he heard he'd passed his exams. 就在同一天,他听说自己通过了考试。
I would do the same thing again if I had the chance. 如果有机会,我还会做同样的事情。
They eat at the same restaurant every week. 他们每个星期都在同一家餐馆吃饭。
Shall we meet up at the same time tomorrow? 我们明天在同一时间见面好吗?
  • You have the same dish every time we come here.
  • She's been in the same job for years.
  • I find myself endlessly repeating the same phrases.
  • I always buy the same brand of toothpaste just out of habit.
  • We always shop at the same places.
at the same timeidiom 尽管如此
used to mention something that must be considered in addition to what you have just said
No one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem. 没人喜欢冲突,但尽管如此,我们不得不处理这个问题。
be in the same boatidiom C2 在同一艘船上;处境相同,面临同样的困境
to be in the same unpleasant situation as other people
She's always complaining that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat. 她总是抱怨自己的钱不够用,可是我们的处境都一样。
by the same tokenidiom C2 同理,同样地,由于同样的原因
used to mean that something you are about to say is also true, for the same reasons as what has just been said
I don't think that prices will go up but, by the same token, I don't see them going down either. 我认为价格不会上涨,同样,我也认为价格不会下跌。
it all amounts/comes to the same thingidiom (无论如何做)结果都一样
used to mean that any of several different possible actions will produce the same result
It doesn't matter whether you do it first or last - it all amounts to the same thing. 你最先做还是最后做这件事都无所谓——结果都一样。
it's the same old storyidiom informalC1 一直都是这样,又是老一套(表示糟糕的情况以前多次出现)
said when talking about a bad situation that has happened many times before
It's the same old story - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 还是老一套——富人愈富,穷人愈穷。
not in the same leagueidiom 比不上,不如
not nearly as good as something or someone else
She's a brilliant golfer - I'm not in the same league. 她高尔夫球打得非常好——我比不上她。
one and the sameidiom 同一个事物同一个人
the same thing or person
I was amazed to discover that Mary's husband and Jane's son are one and the same (person). 我惊奇地发现玛丽的丈夫就是简的儿子。
same differenceidiom not standard 差不多一样
said when you agree that what you said was not exactly correct, but you think the difference is not important
"He was driving a red car." "Actually, it was maroon." "Same difference." “他开一辆红色的车。”“实际上是褐红色的。”“差不多吧。”
same old same oldidiom informal 老一套,千篇一律
used to say that a situation or someone's behaviour remains the same, especially when it is boring or annoying
Most people just keep on doing the same old same old every day. 许多人每天都重复做着同样的事情。
the same old thingidiom 沉闷且一成不变的事物
something that has not changed, with the result that it seems boring
You get tired of eating the same old thing for breakfast. 早餐总吃一样的东西让人厌烦。
pronoun uk/seɪm/ us/seɪm/
the same asA2 一模一样完全一样
exactly like
just the same as People say I look just the same as my sister. 人们说我和我姐姐长得一模一样。
John thinks the same as I do - it's just too expensive. 约翰的想法和我一样——那太贵了。
I think she feels the same as me, to be honest, which is that it's a complete waste of time.
I was just the same as you at your age.
Ollie guessed that she probably thought the same as him.
I just wanted to be treated the same as her.
the sameB2 没有变化的
not changed
It's been years since I've been here, but everything's the same.
exactly the same After all these years you look exactly the same - you haven't changed a bit. 这么多年过去了,你看起来还是老样子——一点儿也没变。
the same as always Charles is just the same as always. 查尔斯还是老样子。
the sameB1 同样的事物同样的情况
not another different thing or situation
it is the same with I'm terrible at physics, and it's the same with chemistry - I get it all wrong. 我对物理一窍不通,化学也一样——我完全理解不了。
all the sameidiom C1 仍然,依然,照样
despite what has just been said
It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same. 假期里天天下雨——不过我们仍然玩得很开心。
be all the same to someoneidiom 某人)来说无所谓;某人)来说都一样
to not be important to someone which of several things is chosen
I don't mind whether we eat now or later, it's all the same to me. 我们现在吃或者晚些吃都可以,对我来说都一样。
If it's all the same to you, I don't think I'll go. 如果你觉得可以的话,我不太想去。
not the sameidiom 不那么令人愉快的,不那么合人意的
not as good
You can make shortbread with margarine instead of butter, but it isn't the same. 你可以用人造黄油代替黄油制作甜酥饼,不过口味差一些。
same againidiom informal 再来一份同样的饮料
said when you want another drink of the same type as you have just had
"What are you having, David?" "Same again, please." “你喝什么,戴维?”“和刚才的一样。”
same hereidiom informal (also same) 我同意我也一样
used when you agree with what someone has said or you have experienced the same thing as they have
"I thought that film was awful!" "Same here!" “我觉得那部电影糟糕透了!"“我也有同感!”
"I never really liked him." "Same!"
same to youidiom informal (用于回应问候或辱骂)你也一样
used as an answer to someone who has greeted or insulted you in order to wish the same thing to them
"Have a good holiday!" "Same to you!" (= I hope you have a good holiday too.) “假日愉快。"“也祝你假日愉快!”
adverb uk/seɪm/ us/seɪm/
the sameB2 同样地
in the same way
We treat all our children the same. 我们对待自己所有的孩子都一视同仁。
the same as I need some time to myself, the same as anybody else. 和别人一样,我也需要一些属于自己的时间。




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