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词汇 salt
noun uk/sɒlt/ us/sɑːlt/
A1 [ U ]盐,食盐
a common white substance found in sea water and in the ground, used especially to add flavour to food or to preserve it
salt and pepper 盐和胡椒粉
Can you pass the salt, please? 请把盐递过来好吗?
Add a pinch of (= small amount of) salt to the sauce. 往酱汁里加点儿盐。
  • The sauce needs a little salt.
  • Most snack foods are high in salt.
  • People generally eat far too much salt in their diet.
  • I very rarely add salt to food.
  • You mustn't add salt to babies' food.
[ C ] chemistry specialized化学
a chemical substance that is a combination of a metal or a base with an acid
Potassium nitrate and potassium chloride are potassium salts. 硝酸钾、氯化钾都是钾盐。
See also: bath saltscoarse saltcommon saltEpsom saltsiodized saltkitchen saltkosher saltrock saltsea saltsmelling saltstable salt
add salt to somethingidiom UK old-fashioned 使(某一主题或对话)更有趣
If you add salt to a subject or conversation, you make it more interesting.
You can be sure she'll always add salt to the conversation! 你大可放心,她总能够让对话更有趣。
salt of the earthidiom (also salt-of-the-earth) 是诚实善良的人
very good, honest, and reasonable, and not thinking you are special in any way
They were such a lovely couple. They really were the salt of the earth.
He was the sort of person referred to as salt of the earth: very friendly and straightforward.
It's a community with a great sense of pride, full of salt of the earth people.
He's a salt-of-the-earth type with absolutely no pretentions.
take something with a pinch of saltidiom UK (US take something with a grain of salt) 对…半信半疑,对…有所怀疑
to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true
You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate. 你不能完全相信她的话,她总是喜欢夸大其词。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/sɒlt/ us/sɑːlt/
containing or preserved in salt
salt water 盐水
salt cod/pork 腌鳕鱼/猪肉
verb [ T ] uk/sɒlt/ us/sɑːlt/
to add salt to or put salt on something
Don't forget to salt the potatoes. 不要忘了往土豆里加盐。
When it's icy, the city salts the roads to thaw the ice. 结冰时,这座城市里的道路上会撒上盐来化冰。
Phrasal verb
salt something away 秘密储存(常指钱)
to save something, often money, secretly
He salted away a fortune over the years and no one ever knew! 这些年他偷偷地存了一大笔钱却没人知道!
noun (also SALT) uk/sɒlt/ us/sɑːlt/
[ U ]言语和语言治疗(speech and language therapy 的缩写)
abbreviation for speech and language therapy
[ C ]言语和语言治疗(speech and language therapy 的缩写)
abbreviation for speech and language therapist
noun [ U ] uk/sɒlt/ us/sɑːlt/
(美苏)限制战略武器会谈(Strategic Arms Limitation Talks的缩写)
abbreviation for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks: a series of discussions between the US and the USSR that took place from 1969 to 1979 and aimed to limit the number of nuclear weapons




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