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词汇 run
verb uk/rʌn/ us/rʌn/ running | ran | run
A1 [ I or T ]跑,奔跑
(of people and some animals) to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground
[ + to infinitive ] The children had to run to keep up with their father. 孩子们得一路跑着才能跟上他们的父亲。
I can run a mile in five minutes. 我可以在5分钟里跑1英里。
The sheep ran away/off in fright. 羊受惊跑掉了。
A little girl ran up to (= came quickly beside) me, crying for her daddy. 一个小女孩跑到我身边,哭着让我替她找爸爸。
In the semi-final she will be running against her nearest rival. 半决赛中,她将与水平最接近自己的对手一决高下。
The first two races will be run (= will happen) in 20 minutes. 头两个赛跑项目将在20分钟后举行。
[ T ]使(狗、马等)参加比赛;赛(狗、马等)
If you run an animal in a race, you cause it to take part.
Thompson Stables are running three horses in the next race. 汤普森赛马训练公司将派出3匹马参加下一场比赛。
[ I + adv/prep ]赶快;迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到某地方)
to go quickly or in a hurry
Would you run to the post office and get me some stamps? 你能不能赶快到邮局给我买一些邮票来?
You don't put on weight when you spend all day running around after small children. 你整天不歇脚地跟在小孩们后面转是胖不起来的。
run for something 奔跑追赶;赶抢;快跑躲避
to run fast in order to get or avoid something
I ran for the bus but it drove off. 我跑着去赶公共汽车,但是车却开走了。
run on the spotUK (US run in place) 原地踏步跑
to move your legs as if running, while you stay in one place
I run on the spot to warm up before I start training. 我在开始训练前原地踏步跑做准备活动。
  • "How does she manage to run so fast at her age?" he asked in awed tones.
  • They stripped naked and ran into the sea.
  • "I ran all the way home," she puffed.
  • People were screaming and running down the steps to escape the flames.
  • She runs much faster than he does.
B2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]使)行进,(使)行驶,(使移动;(使持续
to (cause something to) travel, move, or continue in a particular way
Trains are still running, despite the snow. 尽管下了雪,列车仍在运行。
A bus runs (= goes on a particular route at particular times) three times a day into town. 有一趟公共汽车每天3次开往城里。
Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow. 滑雪板底部打了蜡,这样就能在雪上滑得顺畅自如。
The route/railway/road runs (= goes) across the border/into Italy/through the mountains. 这条路线/铁道/公路穿过国界/通向意大利境内/在群山中穿行。
A climbing rose bush runs (= grows) up the side of the door. 一丛攀缘蔷薇盘绕在门侧。
There's a beautiful cornice running around/round all the ceilings. 所有的天花板四边都装饰着漂亮的檐口。
The film runs (= lasts) for two hours. 这部电影长两个小时。
The show/course/film runs (= continues) for another week. 演出/课程/电影播放将再继续一周。
A magazine subscription usually only runs (= can be used) for one year. 杂志订阅期限通常只能是一年。
Buses are running an hour late, because of an earlier accident. 因为先前的一起车祸,公共汽车的运行晚点一小时。
The truck's brakes failed and it ran (= went) off the road. 卡车刹车失灵,冲出了马路。
Trains run on rails (= move along on top of them). 火车在铁轨上行驶。
Electricity is running through (= moving along within) this cable. 电流正通过这条电缆。
An angry muttering ran through (= went through) the crowd. 人群中传出一阵低沉而愤怒的抱怨声。
A shiver of fear ran through his (body). 一阵恐惧的战栗传遍他全身。
She ran her finger along/down the page/list, looking for her name. 她用手指一行行划过那张纸/名单寻找自己的名字。
Could you run the tape/film/video back/forwards, please? 你可以把磁带/电影/录像带倒回去/向前快进一下吗?
Could you possibly run me (= take me in your car) home/to the station? 你能否开车把我送回家/到车站?
He ran (= pushed) his fingers through his hair and looked up at me. 他用手梳拢了一下头发,抬头看我。
  • A river runs along one side of the field's perimeter.
  • The ring road runs around the periphery of the city centre.
  • A ripple of applause ran through the crowd.
  • Her words kept running through my mind.
  • A deep furrow has formed in the rock, where water has run over it for centuries.
B2 [ I or T ]使)运转;(使)运作;(使)运行;操作
to (cause something to) operate
Keep clear of the machines while they're running. 机器运转时不要靠近。
The government took desperate measures to keep the economy running. 政府采取孤注一掷的措施来维持经济的运行。
Do you know how to run this sort of machinery? 你会操作这种机器吗?
The mechanic asked me to run the engine (= switch it on and allow it to work) for a minute. 修车工人让我发动引擎转一分钟。
They had the new computer system up and running (= working) within an hour. 他们一小时之内就使新的计算机系统运行起来了。
We've run the computer program, but nothing happens. 我们已经运行了这个计算机程序,但是没有起作用。
We're running (= doing) an experiment. 我们正在做一个试验。
The football team asked the coach which play they should run next.
B1 [ T ]经营管理开办
to be in control of something
He's been running a restaurant/his own company since he left school. 他毕业后就一直在经营自己的饭店/公司。
The local college runs (= provides) a course in self-defence. 当地的一所大学开了一门自我防卫课。
a well-run/badly-run organization/business/course 管理良好/不善的组织;经营良好/很差的公司;设置得很好/差的课程
run a tight ship 牢牢控制,有效的严格管理
to control a business or other organization firmly and effectively
Ruth runs a tight ship and has no time for shirkers. 露丝执行了有效的严格管理,员工没有办法开小差。
[ T ]拥有(自己的车);
If you run a car, you own one, drive it, and pay for the costs.
I can't afford to run a car. 我养不起车。
[ T ]安排(生活或工作)
to organize the way you live or work
Some people run their lives according to the movements of the stars. 一些人按照星体的运行规律来安排自己的生活。
  • We must impose some kind of order on the way this office is run.
  • Modification of the engine to run on lead-free fuel is fairly simple.
  • Feedback from the sensors ensures that the car engine runs smoothly.
  • The engineer soon got the air-conditioning running again.
  • We are running below capacity because of cancelled orders.
B2 [ I or T ]使)流动;(使)流出;(使)排出;(尤指衣服的颜色)褪色,扩散,渗色
to (cause something to) flow or produce liquid
I can feel trickles of sweat running down my neck. 我可以感觉到津津汗水顺着脖子往下流淌。
Don't cry, or your make-up will run (= become liquid and move down your face). 别哭了,要不然化的妆就要花了。
The walls were running with damp. 墙受潮出现了斑斑渍迹。
The river runs (down) to/into the sea. 这条河流入大海。
The hot tap is running cold (= producing cold water)! 热水龙头竟然流出了冷水!
I turned the tap on and ran some cold water on the burn. 我打开水龙头用凉水冲被烫伤的地方。
[ + two objects ] I'll run you a hot bath (= fill a bath with water for you). 我去给你放洗澡水。
My nose and eyes have been running all week because of hay fever. 我得了干草热,一星期都在流鼻涕淌眼泪。
figurative After twelve hours at her computer, the words began to run into one another (= seem mixed together). 她在文字处理机前工作了12小时后,看屏幕上的字都觉得模糊一片了。
Synonyms: dribble (FLOW SLOWLY)drip flow (MOVE)spill trickle down, from, out of, etc. something
[ I or T ](衣服的颜色)褪色,扩散,渗色
(of colours in clothes, etc.) to come out or spread
I must have washed my dress at too high a temperature, because the colour has run. 我洗这件裙子时用的水肯定太热了,因为都褪色了。
If the first layer isn't dry before you add the next one, the colours will run into each other (= mix). 如果第一层没有干就涂上第二层,那两层的颜色就会渗在一起。
  • The tears ran down her cheeks.
  • I put my new green shirt in a hot wash and the colour ran.
  • Rivulets of sweat ran down his face.
  • My nose has started to run.
  • I was chopping onions so my eyes were running.
[ L only + adj ]变得变成成为
to be or become
Differences between the two sides run deep (= are serious). 双方的分歧加剧了。
The river/reservoir/well ran dry (= its supply of water finished). 河水/水库/水井干涸了。
Supplies are running low (= there's not much left). 储备所剩无几了。
We're beginning to run short of money/Money is beginning to run short (= there's not much left). 我们的钱快花完了/钱快花完了。
  • By this time all the wells had run dry.
  • I'll stop and get some gas - we're running low.
  • We're running low on milk - could you buy some more?
  • Our patience ran out.
  • Feelings were running high at the residents' meeting.
[ I ] (UK also ladder)(连裤袜或长筒袜上的)脱线,抽丝
If tights (= thin clothing that covers the legs) run, a long, thin hole appears in them.
Oh no, my tights have run! 哎呀,糟了,我的连裤袜抽丝了!
C1 [ T ]发表,刊登;播出
to show something in a newspaper or magazine, on television, etc.
All the newspapers ran (= printed) stories about the new peace talks. 所有报纸都刊登了新一轮和谈的消息。
Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system. 第四频道正在播出揭露法律体系不公正之处的系列节目。
[ I ] Indian English(电影在某处)放映
If a film is running at a particular place, you can see it there.
What's running at the the Metro this week? 这周Metro电影院在放什么电影?
[ I ]参加竞选
to compete as a candidate in an election
Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time. 撒切尔夫人想要第四次参加竞选。
He's going to run against Smith/for president/for re-election. 他将要和史密斯作为对手进行竞选/竞选总统/竞选连任。
run for office 参加竞选
to compete as a candidate in an election for a position of authority and responsibility in a government or other organization
She is considering running for office. 她正在考虑参加竞选。
[ T ]走私,非法携带(枪支或毒品)
to take guns or drugs illegally from one place to another
He was arrested for running drugs across the border into America. 他因为越境向美国走私毒品而被捕。
be running on emptyidiom informal 勉强支撑(虽精疲力竭仍打起精神继续工作并保持活跃)
to continue to work and be active when you have no energy left
I get the impression he's been running on empty for months now. A holiday will do him good. 我感觉他如今有好几个月都是在勉强支撑。放个假对他会有好处。
mainly US and Australian English空转(某人或组织没有新思想,或不如以前有效率)
If a person or an organization is running on empty, they have no new ideas or are not as effective as they were before.
The fund-raising campaign was running on empty after ten years under the same leader. 十年都在同一个人的领导下,资金筹集活动只是在空转。
run aground/ashoreidiom (also run onto the rocks) 搁浅
If a ship or boat runs aground/ashore, it hits the coast, sometimes becoming stuck there.
run a mileidiom informal 极不情愿赶快躲避
to be extremely unwilling to be involved in something, and to avoid it
He'd run a mile if I asked him to marry me. 我要是提出和他结婚,他就会躲得远远的。
run and runidiom 久演不衰
to be performed successfully for a long period of time
This show will run and run. 这场演出将会经久不衰。
run someone closeidiom 几乎赶上某人);几乎和(某人)平分秋色
to be nearly as good, fast, etc. as someone else
She got 90 percent, but Fred ran her close with 87 percent. 她得到90分,而弗雷德紧追其后,得了87分。
run errandsidiom 跑腿出门办事
to go out to buy or do something
After school he runs errands for his father. 放学后他替父亲跑跑腿办些事情。
run highidiom 激愤情绪激动(或高涨)
If feelings are running high, people are angry or excited.
run in the familyidiom 家族遗传,世代相传
If a quality, ability, disease, etc. runs in the family, many members of the family have it.
Intelligence seems to run in that family. 那一家人都很聪明,好像是遗传的。
We're all ambitious - it seems to run in the family. 我们一家人都很有抱负——好像是遗传。
run through someone's head/mindidiom (想法、曲调等)萦绕于脑际,在脑海中盘旋不去
If something is running through your head/mind, you cannot stop thinking about it or singing it silently.
I've had that tune running through my head all day. 那个曲调一整天都萦绕在我的脑际。
run its courseidiom 自然发展;持续到自然结束
to develop and finish naturally
The doctor's advice is to let the fever run its course. 医生建议让高烧自然退下去。
I had to accept that the relationship had run its course. 这段关系已经结束,我不得不接受这个现实。
More idioms
run your eye over somethingidiom 迅速浏览一遍;匆匆看完;从头到尾扫视
to look quickly at the whole of something
Can I have a copy of the article to run my eye over, before it's printed? 在文章付印之前,可否给我一份样稿让我扫一遍?
run yourself into the groundidiom informal 拼命工作,累得筋疲力尽,把自己累垮
to make yourself very tired by working too much
We ran ourselves into the ground to meet the July deadline. 为了在7月份的最后期限前完成任务,我们拼命工作。
be running a feveridiom 发烧,发热
to be hotter than you should be because you are ill
be running at somethingidiom C2 保持在特定水平;达到…比率
to be at the rate of something
Inflation is running at 10 percent. 通货膨胀率达10%。
running with bloodidiom 血流成河
If a place is running with blood, a lot of fighting is happening and many people are being hurt or killed there.
During the revolution the streets were running with blood. 革命期间,街道上血流成河。
run someone out of town (on a rail)idiom US informal 某人)逐出市镇
to force someone to leave a town
The sheriff and his men ran the horse thieves out of town. 治安官和他的手下把那些偷马贼赶出镇去。
run someone raggedidiom informal (通常通过给某人沉重或艰巨的工作)使某人)筋疲力尽,压得(某人)透不过气来
If you run someone ragged, you make them very tired, usually by giving them too much work or work that is too demanding.
The kids have run me ragged this week - I'm glad they're going back to school tomorrow. 这一星期孩子们可把我累坏了——他们明天就要回学校上学了,我真开心。
run round in circlesidiom informal 做无用功,徒劳无功;在原地兜圈子
to be very active but with few results
We've been running round in circles trying to get the information we need, but no-one will tell us anything. 我们徒劳地试图找到需要的信息,但是没有任何人愿意告诉我们。
run the showidiom informal 做一把手主管一切
to be the leader, who is in control of a group of people doing something
If you need help, ask Mark - he's running the show. 如果你需要帮助,跟马克说一声——他是这儿的头儿。
run through someone's mind/headidiom 突然想到;(想法)突然闪过,闪进脑中
to suddenly think of something
It ran through my mind that I was being tricked by Charlie. 一个想法突然闪进我的脑中:我被查理骗了。
run someone/something to groundidiom (UK also run someone/something to earth) 经过艰难调查而发现经过艰苦努力而搜寻到
to find someone or something after a lot of searching and problems
Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago. 侦探们历尽艰辛终于在芝加哥的一座公寓楼内挖出了恐怖分子。
run wildidiom disapprovingC2 (尤指孩子)放肆,撒野,肆意胡闹
If someone, often a child, runs wild, that person behaves as they want to without being controlled by anyone.
Phrasal verbs
run across someone 偶然遇到某人),偶然撞见(某人
to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to
I ran across several old friends when I went back to my hometown. 我回老家时和几个老朋友不期而遇。
run across something 遇到(未曾预料的问题);陷入(预想不到的麻烦)
to experience a problem when you are not expecting to
We've run across a slight problem with the instruction manual. 说明书上有一个地方我们看不大明白。
run after someone/something 追逐…;追赶…
to chase someone or something that is moving away from you
Why do dogs run after cats? 为什么狗看见猫就追?
She ran after me to hand me some papers I'd dropped. 她在后面追我,把我掉的一些文件交给我。
run after something 对…孜孜以求;努力追求
to try very hard to get or achieve something
She has spent her life running after fame and fortune. 她一辈子都在追逐名利。
run after someone 勾引某人);(为寻欢而)追求某人
to try to start a sexual relationship with someone
He's always running after women. 他老是要拈花惹草。
run against someone/something 反对…;违反…;不利于…
to oppose or have an effect that is not helpful towards someone or something
Luck is really running against you tonight! 你今晚可真背运!
Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry. 目前舆论对银行业普遍表示不满。
run along! (用于告诉孩子)走开!,一边去!
said to children to tell them to go away
Run along now, children! 快走开,孩子们!
run aroundC2 忙碌;奔忙
to be very busy doing a lot of different things
I'm exhausted - I've been running around all morning. 我累坏了——整个上午我一直忙个不停。
run around after someone 围着(尤指自己不尽力做事的人)忙个不停
to do a lot of things for someone else, especially when that person should be able to do more for himself or herself
I seem to spend most of my time running around after those kids. 我大部分时间好像都在围着那些孩子们转。
run around with someone 某人)厮混;经常与(某人混在一起
to spend a lot of time with someone
She's running around with Micky and his friends these days. 近来她老是跟米基还有他的那些朋友混在一起。
More phrasal verbs
run awayB2 突然离开;逃离;逃走
to leave a place or person secretly and suddenly
He ran away from home when he was only twelve. 他年仅12岁时就离家出走了。
Mark and my sister are planning to run away together to get married. 马克和我姐姐打算一起私奔到外地结婚。
to avoid dealing with a problem or difficult situation
She accused him of running away from his responsibilities. 她指责他逃避责任。
run away with someone (马或汽车)速度过快使(骑马者、开车者)失去控制
If an animal or machine that you are riding runs away with you, you lose control of it and it carries you away.
Her horse ran away with her. 她骑的马失去控制,驮着她狂奔而去。
If a feeling or idea runs away with you, you cannot control it and it makes you behave stupidly.
Sometimes my imagination runs away with me and I convince myself that they are having an affair. 有时候我会禁不住胡思乱想,认为他们有暧昧关系。
run away with something 轻而易举地赢得;轻松取胜
to win a competition or prize very easily
She ran away with four first prizes. 她轻松地赢得4个第一名。
run something by someone 某人)说…(以听取对方意见);某人)征求对…的看法;就…请教(某人
to tell someone about something so that that person can give their opinion about it
Would you run your idea by me one more time? 你能不能再跟我说一遍你的想法?
run someone/something downC1 informal(常指不公正地)批评,诋毁,说…的坏话
to criticize someone or something, often unfairly
He's always running himself down. 他老是贬低自己。
to hit and injure a person or animal with a vehicle, especially intentionally
Two masked men on motorbikes tried to run me down. 两个戴面罩的人骑着摩托车想要撞我。
to find someone or something after following or searching for him, her, or it for a long time
I finally ran Mr Green down in/to a house in the country. 我终于在乡下的一所房子里找到了格林先生。
run (something) down UK削减;(使变萎缩;(使衰减
to reduce a business or organization in size or importance, or to become reduced in this way
The government is secretly running down the troop levels. 政府正在暗地里缩减军队规模。
If a machine or device such as a clock or battery runs down, it loses power, or if you run it down, you cause this to happen.
These batteries can be recharged when they run down. 这些电池电量用完时可以再充电。
You'll run the battery down if you leave your car lights on. 你要是让车灯开着,就会把电瓶里的电耗尽。
run something down (较大的船)撞,撞上,撞沉(较小的船)
If a large ship runs down a smaller one, it hits it.
run yourself down 累倒
to make yourself tired and ill
Since he took that extra job, he's really run himself down. 自从他承担了那份额外的工作,他就真的把自己累倒了。
run something in (小心缓慢地)试开(新车),使(新车发动机)试转
If you run in a vehicle, you use it carefully and slowly for a short time when it is new, so that you do not damage its engine.
run someone in 警察逮捕某人),拘留(某人),把(某人)关进监狱
If the police run someone in, they find that person and take them to a police station.
run (something) into something/someoneB2 开车撞上…
to drive a vehicle into an object or a person in another vehicle by accident
I had to brake suddenly, and the car behind ran into me. 我不得不急踩刹车,后面的车就撞上了我的车。
He ran his motorbike into a tree. 他骑着摩托车撞在一棵树上。
run into someoneB2 偶然遇到某人);无意碰见(某人
to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to
Graham ran into someone he used to know at school the other day. 格雷厄姆前几天偶然遇到一个过去的校友。
run into something 遭遇困难);遇到(麻烦);陷入(困境
If you run into problems, you begin to experience them.
We ran into bad weather/debt/trouble. 我们遇到了坏天气/背上了债务/遇到了麻烦。
to reach a particular cost or amount, as a total
The repairs will probably run into thousands of dollars. 维修费可能会达数千美元之多。
run off 突然跑掉;迅速离开
to leave somewhere or someone suddenly
You can't run off (home) now, just when I need you! 你不能现在丢下我(回家),我正需要你!
My wife has run off with another man. 我妻子跟另一个男人私奔了。
run something off 复印;印出;复制
If you run off copies of something, you print them.
[ + two objects ] Could you run me off five copies of this, please? 替我把这个复印5份好吗?
to quickly and easily write something that is usually slow or difficult to write, such as a piece of poetry or music
Kate can run off a sonnet in half an hour on any subject you like. 只要你定好一个题材,凯特都能在半小时内信笔写出一首十四行诗。
to win points easily in a competition
Iowa ran off 12 straight points to take the lead. 爱荷华队连得12分,取得了领先。
run off with something 偷了…逃走
to leave a place or person suddenly after having stolen something
He ran off with $10,000 of the company's money. 他偷了公司一万美元后逃之夭夭。
run on (超过预定时间)持续;拖延
If an event runs on, it continues for longer than expected.
The game/speech/discussion ran on for hours. 这场比赛/演讲/讨论持续了数小时。
If time runs on, it seems to pass quickly.
Time's running on - let's get this job finished soon! 时间过得太快了——我们还是尽快把这工作做完吧!
run on somethingC1 (某种动力)运转;以…为动力
If a machine runs on a particular type or supply of power, it uses that power to work.
Some calculators run on solar power. 一些计算器利用太阳能来工作。
run outB1 用完;耗尽;卖光
to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left
I've run out of milk/money/ideas/patience. 我的奶喝完了/我的钱花光了/我黔驴技穷了/我失去耐心了。
"Do you have any milk?" "Sorry, I've run out." “你有牛奶吗?”“对不起,我都喝完了。”
B2 被耗尽;被用完
If a supply of something runs out, all of it has been used or it is completely finished.
The milk has run out. 牛奶喝完了。
My patience is beginning to run out. 我开始不耐烦了。
If a document or official agreement runs out, the period of time for which it lasts finishes.
My passport runs out next month - I must get it renewed. 我的护照下个月就到期了——我得去办理延期手续。
used to say that there is not much time left in which to achieve something
Time is running out for the men trapped under the rubble. 对于被压在瓦砾之下的人们来说,时间不多了。
run someone out (正在跑动的击球员)截杀出局
If you are run out in cricket, a player on the opposing team throws the ball at the wicket you are running towards and hits it before you can reach it, and your turn as batsman ends.
Their best batsman was run out for (= having scored) 99. 他们最好的击球员在得了99分后被截杀出局。
run out on someone/something 遗弃;离弃;背弃
to leave someone you are having a relationship with or something you are responsible for, without warning and usually causing problems
She ran out on him two months ago, leaving him to take care of their two children. 她在两个月前突然离开了他,把两个孩子丢给他一个人照顾。
run someone/something overB2 )碾过,轧过,撞倒并碾轧
If a vehicle or its driver runs over someone or something, the vehicle hits and drives over him, her, or it.
I think we've just run a rabbit over. 恐怕我们刚才轧死了一只兔子。
run over 溢出
If liquid runs over, it flows over the edges of something, because there is too much of it.
The water/The bath is running over - quick, turn the taps off. 水/洗澡水溢出来了——快,关掉水龙头。
run over (something) 超过;超(时)
to continue after the expected finishing time
We're starting to run over time, so could you keep your speeches short, please. 恐怕我们要超时了,你可否将发言缩短?
run over/through somethingC2 扼要陈述;匆匆练习;排演
to quickly say or practise something
I'll just run over what's been said so far, for latecomers who missed the first speakers. 为使后来才到的人了解前几个发言者所讲的内容,我将对已作的发言简要复述一下。
She quickly ran over her speech before going on-stage. 她在登台之前将演讲内容快速过了一遍。
The director wants to run through the whole play this morning. 导演想要在今天上午排演整部剧。
to examine a document or subject with someone in order to explain it or to get their help or opinion on it
I'd like to run over the main points of the article with you. 我想和你一起探讨一下这篇文章的要点。
I'm really struggling with this maths - could you run through it with me later? 这道数学题我怎么都做不出来,一会儿你能跟我一起看看吗?
run round
→  run around
run through something (尤指快速)过目,浏览;检查;处理
to look at, examine, or deal with a set of things, especially quickly
We ran through the list, but none of the machines seemed any good. 我们浏览了一下商品目录,但那些机器好像都不太好。
I'd like to run through these points/questions with you, if that's okay, because you've made several mistakes. 如果可以的话,我想和你一起看看这几个要点/问题,因为你出了几个错。
If a quality runs through something, it is in all parts of it.
Melancholy runs through all her stories. 她的所有短篇小说中都弥漫着一种忧郁气息。
Racism runs right through society. 种族主义流毒遍布整个社会。
to use up an amount of something quickly
It took him just a few months to run through all the money his father left him. 他在短短数月内就把他父亲留给他的钱挥霍一空。
run someone/something through 刺穿刺透
to push a sword or similar pointed weapon right into a person or animal
He drew his sword and ran the villain through. 他拔出剑来,一下子刺进了那个恶棍的胸膛。
run to something 达到(数量、水平或尺寸)
to reach a particular amount, level, or size
The new encyclopedia runs to several thousand pages. 这部新的百科全书厚达几千页。
to have enough money to buy something or (of an income, etc.) to be enough to buy something
I can lend you €1,000, but I can't run to more than that. 我可以借给你1000欧元,但是再多我就拿不出来了。
My salary won't run to foreign holidays. 靠我的工资可不够到外国去度假。
If your taste or skill runs to something, that is the type of thing that you enjoy or can manage to do.
I doubt if his musical taste runs to opera. 我说不准他的音乐爱好是否包括欣赏歌剧。
My cooking skills don't run to fancy cakes and desserts. 恐怕凭我的烹调技艺还做不出花式糕点和甜点。
run something up 积欠(账款或债务)
If you run up a debt, you do things that cause you to owe a large amount of money.
She stayed two weeks at the hotel and ran up a bill that she couldn't pay. 她在宾馆住了两个星期,欠了一大笔账,没有能力支付。
to quickly make something such as a piece of clothing from material
[ + two objects ] I can run you up some curtains in a few hours, if you want. 如果你想要,我可以为你赶制些窗帘,几个小时就好。
to make the price or value of something increase
Heavy buying ran the price of stocks up higher than expected. 大量的买进使得股票价格上涨到了一个出人意料的水平。
to raise a flag into the air on a pole or mast
They've run up a British flag on the roof. 他们在屋顶上升起了一面英国国旗。
run up against somethingC2 遭遇(未料到的困难)
to experience an unexpected difficulty
The plans for the new bridge ran up against strong local opposition. 新桥的计划遇到了当地的强烈反对。
run with something 接受某物)并继续发展
to accept something, start to use it, and develop it further
The Japanese took that technology and ran with it. 日本人接受了这项技术,并以之为基础继续开发。
noun uk/rʌn/ us/rʌn/
B1 [ C ]跑,奔跑;(尤指为了锻炼而进行的)跑步
the action of running, especially for exercise
We go for/do a three-mile run every evening after work. 我们每天傍晚下班后都会跑上3英里。
If you set off at a run (= running), you'll be exhausted later. 如果你一开始就跑,过些时候你就会筋疲力尽的。
  • Jim had just been on a run and was dripping with sweat.
  • The local elections can be seen as a dummy run for the national election next year.
  • The escapees were recaptured after three days on the run.
  • After the run they were fit to drop.
  • "Do you want to join me on a ten-mile run?" "Not likely !"
[ C ]行程,航程
a journey
The number of aircraft on the New York-Moscow run is being increased. 纽约—莫斯科之间的航线正在增加航班。
old-fashioned Let's go for a run (out) in the car somewhere. 让我们开车到(外面)什么地方兜兜风吧。
The plane swooped in on its bombing run. 飞机猛然俯冲下来轰炸。
[ C ](一部戏的)连续上演
the period during which a play is performed
The musical's London run was a disaster. 该音乐剧在伦敦的演出彻底失败。
They're doing a run at the Cambridge Playhouse. 他们正在多玛仓库剧院进行连续演出。
  • England's unbeaten run of ten games ended last night when they went down 4-2 to France.
  • Her run of bad luck continued when she had her purse stolen.
  • After a successful run on Broadway the musical is coming to the West End.
  • The school run in the morning increases congestion on the roads.
  • The bus broke down on its run between Brighton and London.
[ C usually singular ]抢购争购
a situation in which many people suddenly buy a particular product
There's been a run on umbrellas because of all this rain. 就因为这场雨,大家都在抢购雨伞。
[ C usually singular ]抛售
a situation in which many people suddenly sell a particular product
A sudden run on the dollar has lowered its value. 突然出现的抛售导致美元贬值。
a run of somethingC2 一连串
A run of something is a continuous period during which it lasts or is repeated.
a run of successes/defeats/bad luck 一个又一个的成功/一连串的失败/厄运连连
the general/usual run of something (某物的)普通类型,一般货色
the usual type of something
Their food is the general run of hotel cooking. 他们的饭菜是一般宾馆饭菜的水平。
[ C ]饲养场牧场
an area of ground of limited size for keeping animals
a sheep/chicken/hen run 牧羊场/养鸡场
B2 [ C ](板球或棒球中的)一分
in cricket and baseball, a single point, scored by running from one place to another
England need 105 runs to win the game. 英格兰队需要得到105分才能赢得比赛。
The pitcher allowed three runs in just two innings.
  • Pakistan declared at 350 for 7, leaving Australia to make an unlikely 5 runs an over to win.
  • It isn't easy to score runs against pace bowlers.
  • A single to extra cover brought him the run he needed to complete his century.
  • Thorpe scored most of his runs on the leg side.
  • England scored 158 runs before lunch for the loss of only one wicket.
[ C ] (UK also ladder)(连裤袜或长筒袜上的)脱线,抽丝
a long, vertical hole in tights and stockings
I've got a run in my tights from the nail on my chair. 我的连裤袜被椅子上的钉子刮了一下,抽丝了。
the runsinformal 拉肚子,腹泻,跑肚
a condition of the bowels in which the contents are passed out of the body too often and in a form that is too liquid
Synonym: diarrhoea
against the run of playidiom (面对更强大或占上风的对手)逆袭
If a football team scores a goal against the run of play, they score when the opposing side has been playing better or had more opportunities to score.
West Brom scored against the run of play just before half time. 西布朗足球队逆袭成功,临近半场时攻入一球。
give someone a run for his/her/their moneyidiom 不让(某人轻易取胜某人)竭尽全力才获胜
to not allow someone to win easily
We're going to give the other candidate a run for her money. 我们不会让另外的那个候选人轻易获胜的。
have a good run for your moneyidiom 过得愉快;过得有意义;没有虚度时光
to have a good enough time
I've achieved a lot in my life and I feel I've had a good run for my money. 我在一生中取得了很多成就,所以觉得没有虚度时光。
in the long runidiom B2 从长远看;终究
at a time that is far away in the future
It seems a lot of effort but I'm sure it's the best solution in the long run. 看起来需要付出很大的努力,但从长远来看,我敢肯定这是最好的解决办法。
in the short runidiom 从短期看;不久
at a time that is near in the future
It's not a long term solution, but it will save money in the short run. 这并非解决问题的长远之计,但是从短期看,这很省钱。
make a run for itidiom C2 快跑躲避,奔跑逃命
to suddenly start running in order to escape from somewhere
One of the prisoners tried to make a run for it. 其中一名囚犯试图逃跑。
be on the runidiom (尤指为逃避警察的抓捕)奔逃,躲藏
to be trying to avoid being caught, especially by the police
After a month on the run, the prisoners were finally recaptured by the police. 在东躲西藏一个月后,这些犯人终于再次落入警察的手中。
to hurry from one activity to another
She's always on the run and never has time for a chat. 她总是忙个不停,连闲聊一会儿的工夫都没有。
on the runidiom 在赶路的途中
while hurrying to go somewhere
I eat breakfast on the run if I'm late for work. 如果我上班要晚了,就在路上吃早饭。
the run of somethingidiom 使用…的自由;出入(某地)的自由
the freedom to use something
While she's away, I've got the run of her house. 她外出不在的时候她的家就由我掌管。
So do you have the run of the garden? 那么你可以自由出入这个花园?




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