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词汇 row
noun uk/rəʊ/ us/roʊ/
B1 [ C ]一排;一行;一列
a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other
a row of houses/books/plants/people/horses 一排房屋/一排书/一行植物/一队人/一队马
We had seats in the front/back row of the theatre. 我们坐在剧场前/后排。
US (UK terrace)排屋,排房
a line of houses joined together along their side walls
[ C ](用于一些道路的名称中)路,街
used in the names of some roads
Prospect Row 普罗斯帕克特街
in a rowB2 接连地;连续地
one after another without a break
She's been voted Best Actress three years in a row. 她已经连续3年当选为最佳女演员。
The fact is that they've lost three elections in a row.
The school has been rated unsatisfactory for two years in a row now.
I've been out four nights in a row and I'm exhausted.
That means we've eaten chicken three nights in a row.
That's four wins in a row for us now without even conceding a goal.
  • The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns.
  • I'd like seats on the front row of the stalls.
  • "This is our fourth victory in a row, " he gloated.
  • They built a row of hotels right along the sea-front.
  • A row of tall fir trees shuts off the view of the street in front.
[ C usually singular ]
the activity of making a boat move through water using oars (= poles with flat ends)
They've gone for a row to the island. 他们划船去那个岛了。
a hard/tough row to hoeidiom mainly US 难以应对的情况
a difficult situation to deal with
Teachers have a tough row to hoe in today's schools. 在如今的学校里,老师们的工作很难做。
verb [ I or T ] uk/rəʊ/ us/roʊ/
to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with oars (= poles with flat ends)
The wind dropped, so we had to row (the boat) back home. 风小了,我们只好划船回家。
He rowed for the US in the 2016 Olympics.
Related words: rowerrowing
Phrasal verb
row back 改变(先前的决定、想法);改口
to change a previous decision, opinion, or statement
The management rowed back on the decision the very next day. 管理层第二天就改变了这个决定。
noun mainly UK uk/raʊ/ us/raʊ/
[ C ]争吵,吵架;打斗
a noisy argument or fight
My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting. 我父母经常吵架,但大部分时间都是我爸在那儿扯着嗓子嚷嚷。
What was a political row over government policy on Europe is fast becoming a diplomatic row between France and Britain. 这本来是一场关于政府对欧洲政策的政治争论,却很快演变成法国和英国两国之间的外交摩擦。
  • They had an awful row several years ago, but now they've resolved their differences.
  • There was an almighty row when I asked them to leave.
  • We had a flaming row over it last night.
  • Did you manage to patch things up with Jackie after your row?
  • They have massive rows because they're both so stubborn.
[ S ]大的噪音,响声,闹声
loud noise
I can't concentrate because of the row the builders are making. 建筑工人弄出那么大噪声,我没法集中注意力。
verb [ I ] mainly UK informal uk/raʊ/ us/raʊ/
to argue, especially loudly
My parents are always rowing (about/over money). 我父母总是(为了钱的事情)吵个不休。




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