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词汇 room
noun uk/ruːm/ /rʊm/ us/ruːm/ /rʊm/
A1 [ C ]房间,室
a part of the inside of a building that is separated from other parts by walls, floor, and ceiling
I like this room - it has plenty of light. 我喜欢这个房间——光线非常充足。
I could hear people talking in the next room. 我能听见隔壁房间里的说话声。
She's waiting for you in the conference room upstairs. 她在楼上会议室等你。
figurative The whole room (= all the people in the room) turned and looked at her. 整个房间里的人都扭过头来看她。
a bedroom
She's upstairs in her room. 她在楼上自己房间里。
Go tidy your room, or you can't watch TV tonight. 去整理你的房间,不然今晚不能看电视。
a single/double room (= a bedroom for one person/two people) 单/双人房
[ C ](用于合成词中)房间,室,厅
used as a combining form in the names of particular rooms
a bedroom 卧室
a bathroom 浴室
a dining room 餐厅
a living room 客厅
rooms [ plural ] UK old-fashioned (尤指大学中租住的)一套房间,住所,寓所
a set of rented rooms, especially in a college or university
These were his rooms when he was studying here.
She invited me to her rooms in the college.
After dinner he returned to his rooms.
Her rooms were painted white and very sparsely furnished.
He walked into my rooms without knocking.
The meeting had taken place at his rooms at Jesus College.
We had tea in her rooms at Trinity College.
  • Leave the windows open to let the room air a bit.
  • The room was dimly lit.
  • I think this room has got a lot of potential.
  • Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by twelve noon.
  • We asked for adjoining rooms.
B1 [ U ]空间,空地方
the amount of space that someone or something needs
That sofa would take up too much room in the flat. 那个沙发放在公寓房中太占空间。
James took the books off the little table to make room for the television. 詹姆斯拿走了小桌上的书,腾出地方来放电视。
He's fainted! Don't crowd him - give him room. 他昏倒了!别围在他旁边——给他让出点地方来。
Is there (enough/any) room for me in the car? 我还能坐进车里去吗/车里还有我坐的地方吗?
[ + to infinitive ] There's hardly room to move in here. 这里面挤得几乎动都动不了。
Synonym: space (EMPTY PLACE)
[ U ]机会余地
opportunity for doing something
I feel the company has little room for/to manoeuvre. 我觉得公司几乎没有回旋的余地。
  • If we push the table back against the wall, we'll have more room.
  • Come and stay with us - we've got bags of room.
  • Scoot over and make room for your sister.
  • We have no room for shirkers in this office.
  • Shove over, Lena, and make some room for me.
no room for somethingidiom 无法容忍,不能容许
If you say there is no room for a feeling or type of behaviour, you mean it is not acceptable.
In a small company like this, there is no room for laziness. 在这样的小公司中,懒惰的员工是没有容身之地的。
room for doubtidiom 可疑之处,可置疑的地方
a possibility of something being true
There is little room for doubt about what happened. 所发生的一切已毋庸置疑。
room for improvementidiom C1 改进的余地进步的可能
a possibility or hope that someone or something will improve
Her writing is better but there is still room for improvement. 她写得比以前好多了,但是仍有改进的余地。
no/not enough room to swing a catidiom 空间很狭小;(地方连转个身都困难
said about a place or space that is very small
verb [ I usually + adv/prep ] US uk/ruːm/ /rʊm/ us/ruːm/ /rʊm/
to rent a room from someone, or share a rented room with someone
At college he rooms with this guy from Nebraska. 在大学里他和这个来自内布拉斯加州的小伙子是室友。
Synonym: board




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