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词汇 rock
noun uk/rɒk/ us/rɑːk/
B1 [ C or U ]岩石礁石
the dry solid part of the earth's surface, or any large piece of this that sticks up out of the ground or the sea
Mountains and cliffs are formed from rock. 山和悬崖都是由岩石构成的。
The boat struck a rock outside the bay and sank. 船在海湾外撞上了一块礁石,沉没了。
[ C ]岩块石块大石
a piece of rock or stone
The demonstrators were hurling rocks at the police. 示威者向警察投掷石块。
rocks [ plural ] 礁石
a line of large stones sticking up from the sea
The storm forced the ship onto the rocks. 暴风雨致使这艘轮船触礁。
We went climbing on the rocks.
He'd slipped on the rocks and cut his leg.
We looked down at the sea crashing against the rocks.
I used to like the sound of the sea washing against the rocks.
If you're going to go swimming in the ocean, watch out for the rocks!
[ C ]宝石;(尤指)钻石
slang for a valuable stone used in jewellery, especially a diamond
Have you seen the size of the rock he gave her for their anniversary? 你看见他结婚周年纪念时送给她的钻石有多大了吗?
  • The boat sank almost immediately after it had struck the rock.
  • The rock weighed over a ton and was completely immovable.
  • A crab scuttled away under a rock as we passed.
  • She turned her ankle on the rocks and had to hobble back to camp.
  • There were some large rocks sticking up out of the water.
A2 [ U ]摇滚乐
a type of popular music with a strong, loud beat that is usually played with electric guitars and drums
a rock group 摇滚乐队
a rock star 摇滚歌星
  • Many of the Rolling Stones' records have become rock classics.
  • An unlikely assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.
  • On Radio London they play African and South American music as well as rock and pop.
  • The restaurant was hopelessly mismanaged by a former rock musician with no business experience.
  • Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral.
be (caught) between a rock and a hard placeidiom 进退两难,左右为难
to be in a very difficult situation and to have to make a hard decision
be (as) solid as a rockidiom 坚如盘石,非常牢固
to be very strong
I always thought their marriage was solid as a rock. 我总以为他们的婚姻坚如盘石。
get your rocks offidiom UK slang (性交时)达到高潮
to have an orgasm
on the rocksidiom informal濒临崩溃
likely to fail soon
I think their marriage is on the rocks. 我觉得他们的婚姻濒临解体。
If you have an alcoholic drink on the rocks, you have it with pieces of ice.
I'll have a whisky on the rocks, please. 请给我来杯加冰块的威士忌。
verb uk/rɒk/ us/rɑːk/
C2 [ I or T ]使)摇晃,(使摇动
to (cause someone or something to) move backwards and forwards or from side to side in a regular way
He picked up the baby and gently rocked her to sleep. 他抱起了婴儿轻轻摇着哄她入睡。
If you rock back on that chair, you're going to break it. 你坐在那把椅子上要是往后摇,椅子会散架的。
[ T ]使剧烈震动;使猛烈摇动
If a person or place is rocked by something such as an explosion, the force of it makes the person or place shake.
The explosion, which rocked the city, killed 300. 这次爆炸使整座城市剧烈震动,致使300人丧生。
  • The nurse rocked the cradle.
  • He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.
  • He tried to calm the screaming baby by rocking it back and forth.
  • She was gazing out the window, rocking rhythmically to and fro.
  • He rocks in his sleep.
[ T ]使震惊使震动惊吓
If an event rocks a group of people or society, it causes feelings of shock.
The managing director's resignation rocked the whole company. 总经理的辞职震惊了整个公司。
[ T ] slang因穿戴而显得好看(或时髦)
to wear a particular style of clothing, etc. and look good or fashionable
There are celebrities over 40 years old who can still rock a tattoo. 有的名流已经40多岁了,但是刺上一个纹身依然显得时髦。
someone/something rocksidiom slang …棒极了,…很好,…绝了(表示非常喜欢或赞成)
used to show that you like or approve of someone or something a lot
"Do you like him?" "Yeah, he rocks!" "你喜欢他吗?" "喜欢,他棒极了!"
rock the boatidiom informalC2 惹麻烦惹事捣乱
If you rock the boat, you do or say something that will upset people or cause problems.
Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished. 在谈判结束之前不要惹是生非。
Phrasal verbs
rock out 激情演奏摇滚乐
to perform rock music loudly and enthusiastically
The singer and his E Street Band played their longest ever concert in Helsinki, Finland, in 2012, when they rocked out for four hours and six minutes. 2012年,这位歌手和他的E街乐队在芬兰赫尔辛基举行了他们成立以来最长的演唱会,他们在台上激情摇滚了4小时6分钟。
to listen to and enjoy rock music, for example by dancing
Audience members were transported back to the days of roller skates, disco lights, and smoke machines as they rocked out to the music of the Bee Gees. 观众们随着比知乐队的音乐摇摆着,仿佛被带回了溜冰鞋、迪斯科灯和烟雾机的年代。
rock up 来到,到达
to arrive somewhere
They rocked up two hours late, dressed in ball gowns. 他们迟到了两小时,穿着舞会晚装裙。
Synonym: turn up (somewhere)




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