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词汇 road
noun [ C or U ] uk/rəʊd/ us/roʊd/
A1 ;公路,马路;
a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along
We live on a busy/quiet road. 我们住在一条繁忙/僻静的公路边。
Be careful when you cross a main road. 横过大马路时要小心。
There's a coffee shop on the other side of the road. 在马路对面有一家咖啡店。
The road from here to Adelaide runs/goes through some beautiful countryside. 从这儿通往阿德莱德的公路经过一些风景优美的乡村地区。
All roads into/out of the town were blocked by the snow. 所有进/出城的道路都被大雪封住了。
I hate flying so I go everywhere by road or rail. 我讨厌坐飞机,所以无论去哪我都是坐汽车或者火车。
I live in/on Mill Road. 我住在米尔路。
My address is 82 Mill Road. 我的地址是米尔路82号。
Is this the Belfast road (= the road that goes to Belfast)? 这是去贝尔法斯特的路吗?
Most road accidents are caused by people driving too fast. 大多数道路交通事故都是由于车速过快引起的。
on the road (指汽车状况良好)可以上路,可以行驶
If a vehicle is on the road, it is working as it should and can be legally used.
My car was in the garage for a week, but it's now back on the road. 我的小轿车在修车厂修了一个星期,不过现在可以重新上路了。
  • The car skidded off the road, hit a tree and overturned.
  • New pedestrian pathways are being built alongside the road.
  • I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.
  • Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.
  • Wintry conditions are making roads hazardous for drivers in the northeast of England.
all roads lead to Romeidiom saying 条条大路通罗马;殊途同归
said to mean that all the methods of doing something will achieve the same result in the end
be on the road to somethingidiom informal 即将取得…;在…的过程中
to be likely to achieve something
The doctors say she's on the road to recovery. 医生说她正在恢复。
come to the end of the roadidiom 结束,到头
to finish
My relationship with Jeannie has come to the end of the road. 我和珍妮的关系已经结束了。
get out of the road!idiom informal (用于粗鲁地告诉别人不要堵住路)让开!别堵住路!
used to rudely tell someone to stop blocking the way
one for the roadidiom informal 离别前的最后一杯酒
an alcoholic drink just before leaving
Before I went home, she persuaded me to have one for the road. 我告辞回家前,她劝我最后喝上一杯。
road to Damascusidiom 人生中的重要经历;改变人生的经历
Your road to Damascus is an experience you have that you consider to be very important and that changes your life.
the road to hell is paved with good intentionsidiom saying 黄泉路上徒有好意多(指空有好的意图却不付诸行动,则不仅无用,还会给自己带来很多问题或惩罚)
said to emphasize that you must not simply intend to behave well but you must act according to your intentions, because you will have problems or be punished if you do not
take to the roadidiom 出发,动身
to start travelling
After a short visit, they took to the road again. 短暂的参观之后,他们再次上路了。




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