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词汇 riot
noun uk/ˈraɪ.ət/ us/ˈraɪ.ət/
C1 [ C ]暴乱;骚乱;聚众闹事
an occasion when a large number of people behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way in public, often as a protest
Food protests and riots have erupted in more than 30 countries. 30多个国家爆发了因食品问题引起的抗议和骚乱。
[ S ] old-fashioned informal非常有趣的人(或事物);令人愉快的场合(或人)
a very funny or entertaining occasion or person
"How was the party?" "It was great - we had a riot." “聚会怎么样?”“好极了——我们都很开心。”
I met Mike's brother for the first time - he's a riot. 我是第一次见到迈克的哥哥——他真是风趣极了。
  • In the riot, the statues were toppled from their pedestals.
  • Police used tear gas to put the riot down.
  • The weeks following the riots were extremely tense.
  • The prison riots have sharpened the debate about how prisons should be run.
  • According to unconfirmed reports, two people were killed in the riots last night.
a riot of colouridiom C2 绚丽多彩;色彩斑斓
extremely colourful and bright
Jim's rose garden is a riot of colour. 吉姆的玫瑰园五彩缤纷。
run riotidiom C2 欢闹;嘈杂
If people run riot, they behave in a way that is not controlled, running in all directions or being noisy or violent.
I dread them coming here because they let their kids run riot. 我害怕他们到访,因为他们任由孩子胡闹。
If your imagination runs riot, you have a lot of strange, exciting, or surprising thoughts.
My imagination was running riot, thinking of all the ways that I could spend the money. 我的思维象脱缰的野马,放任地想着可以花掉这笔钱的种种方法。
verb [ I ] uk/ˈraɪ.ət/ us/ˈraɪ.ət/
C2 暴乱;骚乱;聚众闹事
to take part in a riot
Students are rioting in the streets of the capital. 首都街头发生了学生骚乱。
Related words: rioterrioting




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