词汇 | right |
释义 | right adjective uk/raɪt/ us/raɪt/ (CORRECT) A1 对的,正确的 correct You got three answers right and two wrong. 你答对了三道题,错了两道。 I set the clock to the right time. 我把表调准了。 "Is that Ms Kramer?" "Yes, that's right." “是克雷默女士吗?”“是的,我就是。” Am I right in thinking (= is it true) that you will be at the conference? 你要去参加会议,是这么回事儿吧? You're right to be annoyed - you've been treated very badly. 你生气是理所应当的——你受到的对待及不公平。 You must put matters right (= make the situation better) by telling the truth. 你必须说出实情,这样事情才会出现转机。 Compare: wrong adjective (NOT CORRECT) A1 (判断或说法)准确的,确切的,恰当的 If you are right about something or someone, you are correct in your judgment or statement about it, him, or her. You were right about Pete - he's a real troublemaker. 你对皮特的看法没错——他的确只会制造麻烦。
(SUITABLE) B1 合适的,恰当的;理想的;符合要求的 suitable or correct, or as it should be He's the right person for the job. 他是做这个工作的合适人选。 I think you've made the right decision. 我认为你作出的决定是恰当的。 The temperature of the swimming pool was just right (= exactly as I wanted it). 游泳池的水温正合适。 That hat looks just right on you. 那顶帽子你戴着再合适不过了。 He thought the time was right to let his intentions be known. 他认为公开自己意图的时机已经成熟。 Compare: wrong adjective (NOT SUITABLE) (人或地方)重要的,显贵的,显赫的 used to refer to a person who is considered to be socially important or a place that such people go to She knows all the right people. 她认识所有的头面人物。 He likes to be seen in the right clubs and restaurants. 他喜欢让人看到他出入那些高级俱乐部和餐馆。 the right way round/up UK (US the right way around/up) 在正确的位置;不偏不倚 in the correct position The lid has to go on the right way round or it won't fit. 盖子得放正,不然的话就盖不严。 Keep the bottle the right way up. 把瓶子放正了。 Make sure you've got everything the right way round. Are you sure you've got that the right way round? It's upside down - turn it the right way up. It automatically shows the image the right way up.
(MORALLY ACCEPTABLE) B2 [ after verb ]公正的;正当的;符合道德的;正义的 considered fair or morally acceptable by most people I don't believe they should have put him in prison. It isn't right. 我觉得他们不应该把他关进监狱,这是不公正的。 [ + to infinitive ] It's not right to criticize people behind their back. 在背后批评人不道德。 [ + that ] It is only (= completely) right that men and women should be paid the same for doing the same work. 只有做到男女同工同酬才公正。 Compare: wrong adjective (NOT MORAL)
(HEALTHY) 健康的;正常的 healthy, or working correctly I haven't felt right since I ate that meal last night. 昨晚自打我吃了那些东西,就一直感到很难受。 Something isn't quite right with the brakes on your bike. 你的自行车车闸不好用了。 (COMPLETE) [ before noun ] UK informal(强调非常糟糕)十足的 used for emphasizing when something is bad He's a right idiot. 他是个十足的白痴。 His house is a right mess. 他家里乱极了。 (DIRECTION) A2 右边的,右侧的;向右的;在右边;向右 on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north Most people write with their right hand. 大多数人用右手写字。 He likes to sleep on the right side of the bed. 他喜欢睡在床的右侧。 Compare: left adjective adverb
Idioms be (as) right as rainidiom informal (尤指病后)完全康复,十分健康 to feel healthy or well again You just need a good night's sleep, and then you'll be right as rain again. 你只要好好睡一晚上觉就会完全恢复了。 be not (quite) right in the headidiom informal 精神不正常 to not have one or more of the mental abilities that most people have be not in your right mindidiom 精神不正常;神志不清 to be not thinking clearly or to be mentally ill My poor old granny isn't in her right mind half the time. 真可怜,我那年迈的奶奶现在明白一阵,糊涂一阵。 be on the right linesidiom 根据正确的原则,按照正确的方向 If you are on the right lines, you are doing something in a way that will bring good results. Do you think we're on the right lines with this project? 你认为我们这个项目是在沿着正确的方向做吗? be on the right trackidiom 做法对路;方法得当 to be doing something in a way that will bring good results These results suggest that we are on the right track. 这些结果表明,我们的做法是正确的。 give your right armidiom informal 不惜一切代价;(为了…)愿舍弃很多 If you say that you would give your right arm to do or have something, you mean you would like it very much. I would give my right arm to meet the president. 只要能见到总统,要什么我都给。 in the right place at the right timeidiom 在恰当的时机出现在恰当的地点;占天时地利 in the best position or place to take advantage of an opportunity The key to success is to be in the right place at the right time. 成功的关键就是要在恰当的时机出现在恰当的地点。 press/push the right button(s)idiom 抓住要点,抓住要害(以获得所需结果) to do exactly what is necessary to get the result that you want You have to know how to push all the right buttons if you want to be a successful diplomat. 如果你想成为一个成功的外交官,你必须懂得如何抓住要害得到你想要的东西。 put/set someone rightidiom informal 纠正(某人)的错误想法;使(某人)明白正确的道理 to stop someone believing something that is not true, or to correct someone by telling them the truth She thought she wouldn't have to work hard, but we soon put her right on that. 她认为不需要努力工作,但是我们很快就纠正了她这种错误的想法。 使(某人)恢复健康;使(某人)复原 to make someone feel better A good night's sleep will soon put you right. 你好好睡一宿,很快就会恢复的。 a right oneidiom UK informal 愚蠢的人(或事) someone very annoying or silly We've got a right one here, eh! “我们这儿有个笨蛋,是不是!” the right stuffidiom (尤指完成困难的任务所需的)必要品质 the qualities needed to do or be something, especially something that most people would find difficult He has shown he has the right stuff to be a leader. 他显示出具有成为领袖的必要品质。 right adverb uk/raɪt/ us/raɪt/ (DIRECTION) A2 右侧地;向右地 on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north Turn/Go right (= take the road on the right) at the first traffic lights. 在第一个红绿灯处向右转。 (EXACTLY) B1 正好,恰好;一直,径直 exactly or all the way I've got a pimple right on the end of my nose. 一个粉刺正好长在我鼻尖上。 They built a row of hotels right along the sea-front. 他们沿着海岸修了一排宾馆。 (表示强调)完全地,彻底地 used for emphasis The car ran right (= completely) out of fuel. 车把汽油彻底用光了。 She walked right (= all the way) past me without noticing me. 她跟我走了个面对面,可是没有注意到我。 I'll be right back/I'll be right with you (= I will return very soon). 我马上就回来。 right away mainly US (also right off)B1 立即,立刻,马上 immediately I'll call them right away, because if I wait, I'll probably forget to do it. They met at Freddie's party and hit it off right away. We had a reservation for seven o'clock and were seated right away. I'll get to it right away. Right off, I can tell that he's a go-getter. right now 就是现在;就在此刻 at the present time We're very busy right now. 我们现在很忙。 Right now we're having dinner. They're the best band in the world right now. I'm not dating anyone right now. I can't talk right now but I'll call you this evening, okay? He's probably watching over us right now. I'm not hungry right now but I probably will be in a couple of hours. (IN TITLES) (用于称呼主教、议员等)阁下 used as part of the title of particular people, such as bishops and some members of Parliament the Right Honourable Diane Abbott, MP 黛安‧阿伯特议员阁下 (CORRECTLY) B2 对地,正确地 correctly Why does he never do anything right? 为什么他老是做什么都做不对? (SUCCESSFULLY) go right 一切顺利;称心如意 If something goes right, it is successful or happens in a way that you hoped it would. Things haven't been going right for me these past few months. 最近这几个月,我过得不太顺利。 She made a great start - absolutely everything went right for her. Sometimes it's good to reflect on the things in your life that are going right. Nothing went right for them after United's goal. If everything goes right, the project should be finished by the end of June. Idioms right behind someoneidiom 全力支持,鼎力拥护(某人) If you are right behind someone, you give them your complete support. My whole family are right behind me in this crisis. 在这次危机中,全家人都全力支持我。 right, left, and centreidiom (US also right and left) 时时,时刻;四面八方,处处 all the time or everywhere He spends money right, left, and centre. 他到处乱花钱。 right noun uk/raɪt/ us/raɪt/ (DIRECTION) A2 [ S ]右边;右面;右部 the right side English is written and read from left to right. 英语是从左向右读写的。 King's Avenue is the first right (= the first road on the right side). 国王大道是右边的第一条道。 In this photo, my wife is the woman standing on/to my right. 在这张照片里,我妻子就是站在我右边的那个人。 US I took/made (informal hung) a right (= turned into the next road on the right side) after crossing the bridge. 我过桥后向右转。
(POLITICS) the right[ S, + sing/pl verb ] (also the Right)C2 右派政党;右派人士 political parties or people that have traditional opinions, and that believe in low taxes, property, and industry being privately owned, and less help for the poor The right was/were in power after 1979. 1979年以后,右派政党上台执政。 He's a man of the far (= extreme) right. 他是一个极右翼分子。 Compare: left noun (POLITICS) (MORALLY ACCEPTABLE) B2 [ U ]正义;公正;正当 what is considered to be morally good or acceptable Your conscience should tell you the difference between right and wrong. 凭你的良知应该能够分清是非。 in the right 有理;正确;合法 If you are in the right, what you are doing is morally or legally correct. You're definitely in the right - there's no doubt about that. They felt they were in the right. I felt justified in saying what I said because I knew I was in the right. She's convinced she's in the right and nothing I say will dissuade her from that view. So who's in the right here? I think David is in the right on this one. B2 [ C or U ]权利;正当要求 the fact that a person or animal can expect to be treated in a fair, morally acceptable, or legal way, or to have the things that are necessary for life She campaigned for women's rights during the 1960s. 20世纪60年代,她参加了争取妇女权利的运动。 Everyone has a right to education. 人人都享有受教育的权利。 She has no more right to a company car than I have (= she does not deserve one more than I do). 她并不比我更有权利要求公司配车。 [ + to infinitive ] You're not my boss, so what right (= authority) do you have to tell me what to do? 你又不是我的老板,你有什么资格批评我? You have every right (= you have a good reason) to complain. 你完全有理由抱怨。 within your rights 在自身合法范围内;(做某事)是正当的 If you are within your rights to do something, you are legally allowed to do it. I think I'm quite within my rights to demand a full refund. 我认为我完全有权利要求全额退款。 You're within your rights to request a particular teacher. He's perfectly within his rights to refuse to pay for it. The question is whether the newspaper was within its rights to publish the photographs. The judge concluded that the defendant was well within their rights. Surely you're within your rights to send the dish back if it's not what you ordered. rights [ plural ] 著作权,版权;发行权 legal controls over who is allowed to use a book or film He has acquired the film rights to the book (= he is allowed to make a film of the book). 他已经取得了将这本书拍成电影的制片权。 His firm owns the rights to the film. Later that year they bought the rights to the film. Before you can sell the rights, we need to establish who owns the intellectual property. It's reported that she received an eight figure sum for the movie rights to her autobiography. 购股权,认股权 new shares in a particular company that have become available for people to buy who already own shares The company made a rights issue of one new share for every four held. 公司给予每四股现有股份认购一股的权利。 put/set something to rights 使走上正轨;使恢复正常;纠正 to improve or correct something The company needs over a million dollars to set its finances to rights. 这家公司需要100多万美元才可以使其财务重回正常轨道。 His bike was badly damaged in the accident and the mechanic spent several hours putting it to rights yesterday. My hair was such a mess, it needed more than a brush to set it to rights. The storm had caused some damage in the garden but Julia soon set things to rights. It took a while to put things to rights after the flood.
Idioms by right ofidiom 因为;由于 because of She spoke first, by right of her position as director. 因为她是董事,所以先发言。 by rightsidiom 按理说;正当合理地 if the situation was fair By rights, it should be my turn next. 按理说,下一个该轮到我了。 in your own rightidiom 依靠自己的能力;根据自己的权利;凭自己的资格 If you have a position in your own right, you have earned it or got it by yourself and not because of anyone else. She's a millionaire in her own right. 她全靠自己的能力挣得百万家产。 the rights and wrongsidiom 是非曲直的真实情况;孰是孰非 the details of who or what is fair or unfair I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter - I just want you both to stop arguing. 我不关心在这件事上孰是孰非——我只是想让你们两个都不要再吵了。 right exclamation informal uk/raɪt/ us/raɪt/ (AGREEMENT) A2 (表示同意或听懂别人说的话)好,行,对 used to express agreement with someone or to show that you have understood what someone has said "Johnny, you climb up first." "Right." “约翰尼,你打头,第一个爬。”“好的。” A2 (尤指为了开始一项活动而引起人们的注意)嗨,喂,好了 said when you want to make a group of people notice you, especially so that you can start an activity Right, everyone. Could you all stop talking, and then we'll begin. 好了,各位。请不要再说话,我们就要开始了。 (用于讲述故事时吸引人注意或者弄清楚听者是否明白)对吧,哎 said between parts of a story that you are telling, in order to make certain that people are paying attention and understanding So there I was right, middle of the night, right, and this guy came up to me... “好啦,我就在那儿,半夜里,对吧,这家伙向我走了过来……”
Idioms right you are!idiom UK old-fashioned informal (also UK old-fashioned informal righto!) 明白啦;一点儿不错;好的 said to show that you understand and agree "Give me a shout when you're ready." "Right you are." “你要是准备好了就叫我一声。”“好的。” too rightidiom UK informal 一点儿不错,太对了;太有道理了 said when you agree completely "You can't do anything in this town if you don't have any money." "Too right." “在这个城市里你要是没有钱,什么也做不成。”“一点都不错。” right verb [ T ] uk/raɪt/ us/raɪt/ formal改正,纠正;使恢复正常 If you right a situation or a mistake, you make it better or correct it. It's a terrible situation and we should right it as soon as possible. 这种局面太糟糕了,我们应当尽快使其恢复正常。 将(船)扶正;使(船)翻转(到正常位置) If a boat rights itself, it turns itself back to its correct position in the water. The canoe will right itself if it capsizes. 独木舟如果翻了,会自己正过来。 |
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