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词汇 rigger
noun [ C ] uk/ˈrɪɡ.ər/ us/ˈrɪɡ.ɚ/
sailing specialized索具工
someone who arranges and works with the ropes that support and control a ship's sails
He had a licence to act as a rigger on a sailing ship around 1880.
A whole army of shipwrights, boiler-makers, painters, and riggers slowly rebuilt the ship. 一大队造船工人、锅炉制造工、油漆工和索具工慢慢地重建了这艘船。
someone who works with ropes, chains, lifting devices, etc. on a building site (= a piece of land on which a building or other structure is being built)
When they have cut through a section, the riggers come in and cable it to a crane.
I can't get the standard of riggers, chippies, and plasterers I need. 我雇不到符合我需要的吊装工、木工和泥水匠。
someone who puts up large pieces of stage, lighting, and sound equipment for concerts, festivals, film sets, etc.
He leads a team of riggers on the film set.
A rigger suffered a broken leg in the accident at Earl's Court in London. 伦敦伯爵广场的一名舞台搭建工在事故中腿部骨折。
someone who repairs the moving parts and flight controls of an aircraft
The riggers spent a couple of weeks checking the aircraft before it flew again.
He worked as a rigger with the ground crew, responsible for examining the aircraft. 他担任机械师,与地勤人员一起工作,负责检查飞机。
someone who works on or helps build an oil rig (= a large structure with equipment for removing oil from under the ground, especially from under the sea)
In some jobs, for example divers and offshore riggers, physical fitness is essential.
A rigger from Elgin was one of the first oilmen to arrive back at Aberdeen Airport. 来自苏格兰埃尔金镇的一名石油钻井工是第一批返回阿伯丁机场的石油工人之一。
someone who takes care of, repairs, and packs parachutes (= large pieces of cloth that are fastened to people who jump from an aircraft, to make them fall safely to the ground)
He served as a parachute rigger in Vietnam.
He has been a rigger for 15 years and has jumped at least 800 times. 他做了15年的降落伞拆装员,至少跳了 800 次伞。
theatre & film specialized动画设计师
in animation (= moving images created from drawings, models, etc. that are photographed or created by a computer), someone who creates the frameworks that make the characters move
Riggers create digital skeletons for computer-generated characters.
A character rigger designs the skeletal frameworks of animated characters. 动画设计师设计动画角色的骨骼框架(控制和调整角色的姿态、动作和表情)。
someone who arranges dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed
The US has hit election riggers from that country with a visa ban.
Market riggers should be punished with with fines and prison. 市场操纵者应被处以罚款和监禁。
sailing specialized桨架,划桨挂钩"
a long part that sticks out from the side of a rowing boat and holds the supports for the oars (= long poles used for rowing)
The dented bow rigger needed repair.
A blade got caught between the water and the rigger. 一扇螺旋桨叶片夹在水和桨架之间。
art specialized (also rigger brush)索具画笔
a long pointed brush for painting with bristles (= hairs) made of sable (= the hair of a small animal)
For painting tree branches, he uses riggers in sizes 2, 4, and 6. 他用二号、四号和六号索具画笔画树的树枝。
A fine sable rigger brush will make very precise lines. 细貂毛索具画笔能画出很细的线条。




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