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词汇 retreat
verb uk/rɪˈtriːt/ us/rɪˈtriːt/
C2 [ I often + adv/prep ]退却;撤退;后退
to go away from a place or person in order to escape from fighting or danger
Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat (from the city). 敌机的轰炸迫使坦克(从这座城市)撤离。
When she came towards me shouting, I retreated (behind my desk). 她大叫着冲向我时,我就后退(到了桌子后面)。
C2 [ I ]退却;躲避;隐退
to go to a quiet safe place in order to avoid a difficult situation
When he's done something wrong, he retreats to his bedroom. 他要是做了什么错事,就会躲到自己卧室里去。
  • Fire fighters had to retreat from the fierce heat.
  • On seeing us, the deer stood stock-still for a moment, then turned and retreated into the forest.
  • The army was forced to retreat.
  • I saw her coming and retreated.
  • They retreated to the relative safety of the forest.
[ I often + adv/prep ]改变主意;退缩;放弃信仰
to decide not to do something, or to stop believing something, because it causes too many problems
The government is retreating from its promises. 政府要收回其承诺。
[ I ]价格在上涨之后回落
If a price retreats, it goes down after it has gone up.
Wheat prices retreated after a two-day increase. 小麦价格在两天的上涨之后回落。
noun uk/rɪˈtriːt/ us/rɪˈtriːt/
C2 [ C usually singular, U ](士兵或军队的)撤退,退却,后退
a move back by soldiers or an army, either because they have been defeated or in order to avoid fighting
the retreat from Dunkirk 敦刻尔克大撤退
Enemy soldiers are now in (full) retreat. 敌军正在(全面)撤退
C2 [ C ]退隐处;静居处;僻静处
a private and safe place
a country/mountain/lakeside retreat 乡间/山区/湖畔的幽静的住所
[ C or U ]静修,静思(时间
a period of time used to pray and study quietly, or to think carefully, away from normal activities and duties
We went on (a) retreat at/to a monastery in Wales. 我们去威尔士的一家修道院静修。
  • We saw the rain and made a hasty retreat into the bar.
  • The battle ended in an ignominious retreat from the front line.
  • The luxury resort is used as a retreat by the rich and famous.
  • The book discusses 10 famous military retreats.
  • Thousands of soldiers died during the retreat.
[ C ](信仰的)改变;退缩;放弃
a change from previous beliefs or behaviour
The professor's speech marked/signalled a retreat from his usual extreme views. 教授的演讲标志着/表明他已经放弃了他一贯的极端观点。
[ S or U ]价格下跌的情况
a situation in which the price of something goes down
Over the past few weeks we have seen the currency's big retreat from its historic high. 在过去几周内,这一货币的价格从历史最高点大幅回落。




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