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词汇 result
noun uk/rɪˈzʌlt/ us/rɪˈzʌlt/
B1 [ C or S ]结果后果
something that happens or exists because of something else
The road has been widened, but the result is just more traffic. 道路被拓宽,但结果车流量却更大了。
His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness. 他自己的粗心大意直接导致他摔断了腿。
I tried to repaint the kitchen walls with disastrous results. 我试图重新粉刷一下厨房的墙,结果却弄得一塌糊涂。
To ensure good/the best results, use Italian tomatoes and fresh basil. 为了保证做好后口味好/最佳,要用意大利西红柿和新鲜的罗勒。
Synonym: outcome
as a result of somethingB2 因为…;由于…
because of something
Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 由于最近销售量滑坡,利润下降了。
As a result of the accident, he suffered permanent brain damage.
In future, extreme weather events are likely to be worse and more frequent as a result of climate change.
She died last week as a result of complications from Parkinson's disease.
It was suspected that the building had collapsed as a result of structural failure.
[ C usually plural ]成效成果
a good or pleasing effect
We've spent a lot of money on advertising and we're beginning to see the results. 我们已经花了很多钱来做广告,我们的付出现在开始见成效了。
She's an excellent coach who knows how to get results. 她是个优秀的教练,知道如何取得好的训练效果。
Synonym: payoff (RESULT)
  • He left as a direct result of what she said.
  • The result of the election seems to be a foregone conclusion.
  • 750 manual workers will lose their jobs as a result of company cutbacks.
  • Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.
  • We've achieved some marvellous results with this new drug.
B1 [ C ](科学实验或医学检查的)结果
the information you get from something such as a scientific experiment or medical test
The results of the opinion poll showed that most women supported this action. 民意调查结果显示,大多数女性支持这一行动。
B1 [ C ](考试或测试的)成绩
the mark you receive after you have taken an exam or test
I finished my exams yesterday, but I won't know/get the results until August. 我昨天考完试,但是考试成绩要到8月份才能知道。
[ C ]计算的)结果,答案
the answer to a calculation in mathematics
We used different methods of calculation, but we both got the same result. 我们俩用了不同的计算方法,但是得出的结果都一样。
Synonyms: answer (SOLUTION)solution (ANSWER)
B1 [ C ]选举的结果;(比赛的)成绩,比分
the score or number of votes, showing the success or failure of the people involved, in a sports competition, election, etc.
the results of the local elections 地方选举结果
UK the football results 足球比赛的比分
We were expecting to win, so a draw was a disappointing result for us. 我们期望赢得比赛,所以平局的结果令我们失望。
Compare: score noun (WIN)
[ C ] UK informal(体育比赛中)胜局,获胜
a win in a sports competition
The team needs a result to go through to the semifinals. 这支球队必须要赢得一场比赛才能打进半决赛。
results [ plural ](公司在某一阶段的销售、利润等的)成绩
the amount of a company's sales, profit, etc. during a particular period
financial results Airlines reported significantly better financial results for the first quarter. 航空公司报告第一季度财务成绩显著改善。
The company is due to publish its annual results on March 5th.
They reported a rise in arrears in their quarterly results.
They will clarify the situation when they report third-quarter financial results tomorrow.
The prices were reflected in the 2021 financial results.
verb [ I ] uk/rɪˈzʌlt/ us/rɪˈzʌlt/
to happen or exist because something else has happened
Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in the exam system, and chaos resulted. 老师们对考试制度的重大变化没有做好充分准备,因此出现了混乱的局面。
Synonym: ensue
Phrasal verbs
result from something 因…发生,由于…导致
If a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it is caused by it.
His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness. 童年时的一场疾病导致他行走困难。
result in somethingB2 导致结果造成
to cause a particular situation to happen
The fire resulted in damage to their property. 他们的财产因火灾蒙受了损失。
[ + -ing verb ] Icy conditions resulted in two roads being closed. 路面结冰,导致两条公路被封闭。




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