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词汇 report
verb uk/rɪˈpɔːt/ us/rɪˈpɔːrt/
B1 [ I or T ]报道报告汇报
to give a description of something or information about it to someone
We called the insurance company to report the theft. 我们打电话将失窃的事情告知保险公司。
The assassination was reported in all the newspapers. 所有报纸都报道了这起暗杀事件。
I want you to report (to me) on progress (= on what you have done) every Friday. 我希望你每周五(向我)汇报进展情况。
[ + -ing verb ] Spies reported seeing a build-up of soldiers. 密探报告说看见士兵正在集结。
[ + obj + adj ] He was reported missing in action. 报告称他在战斗中失踪了。
The inquiry reports (= will officially make its results known) next week. 调查结果将在下周发布。
be reported to be/do something (没有确凿证据的情况下)传说,据说,传闻
to be described by people as being or doing a particular thing although there is no real proof
The storm is reported to have killed five people. 据说这场暴风雨已经造成5人死亡。
She was reported to be in critical condition though this has yet to be confirmed.
Three others were reported to be severely injured in the incident.
She was reported to have thrown a book at him in a meeting.
The President is reported to be furious.
He was certainly offered a large sum of money, reported to be over $2 million.
[ T ]举报;告发
to make a complaint to a person in authority about something or someone
My neighbours reported me to the police for firing my rifle in the garden. 我的邻居们因为我在花园里打枪而向警方举报了我。
  • Witnesses reported seeing a huge orange fireball as the oil refinery exploded.
  • Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.
  • Her disappearance was reported to the police department's Missing Persons Bureau.
  • Do you have anything to report?
  • Several journalists have been killed or injured by stray bullets while reporting on the civil war.
[ I usually + adv/prep ]报到
to go to a place or a person and say that you are there
I report for (= am ready for and at) work/duty at 8 a.m. every morning. 我每天上午8点报到上班。
Phrasal verbs
report back 汇报;回报;回禀
to bring information to someone in authority
Find out their names and report back to me tomorrow. 查清他们的姓名,明天汇报给我。
report to someone 某人)负责;向(某人)报告;是(某人)的属下
Someone you report to at work is the person in authority over you who gives you tasks and checks that you do them
You will report directly to the boss. 你将对老板直接负责。
noun [ C ] uk/rɪˈpɔːt/ us/rɪˈpɔːrt/
A2 (also school report); (US also report card)学生成绩报告单
a teacher's written statement to parents about a child's ability and performance at school
B1 报道;报告;记述
a description of an event or situation
a news/weather report 新闻报道/天气预报
a company's financial/annual report 公司财政/年度报告
I gave/made/submitted a report of the theft to the insurance company. 我向保险公司提交了失窃报告。
She sent in weekly reports on the situation. 她每周都发回形势报告。
reports [ plural ] 传闻
stories for which you do not yet have real proof
get reports of We're getting reports of a plane crash in Paris. 我们听到传言说一架飞机在巴黎坠毁。
According to reports, ten pupils were expelled. 有传闻说,10名学生被开除了。
Unconfirmed reports suggest that two soldiers have been taken hostage.
The coach has dismissed recent reports that he is leaving the club.
Health officials have confirmed reports that three more workers have tested positive for the virus.
The actor arrived in the UK amid reports that his marriage is on the rocks.
  • The report contains numerous demonstrable errors.
  • The prime minister issued a denial of the report that she is about to resign.
  • The content of her report is shrouded in secrecy.
  • We file these reports under country of origin.
  • The newspaper reports of the discussion only roughly approximated to what was actually said.
the loud noise of a shot
We heard the loud/sharp report of a rifle. 我们听到一声震耳欲聋/尖锐刺耳的枪声。




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