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词汇 relaxant
noun uk/rɪˈlæk.sənt/ us/rɪˈlæk.sənt/
[ C ] (also mainly US relaxer)使人放松的事物
something that helps you relax
Fishing is a very good relaxant. 钓鱼是一种很好的放松方式。
Most children regard the journey as a relaxant rather than a stressor.
[ C or U ] (also mainly US relaxer)使肌肉放松的物质,松弛剂
a drug or other substance that makes muscles less tight
Anectine is a muscle relaxant used for putting tubes down patients' throats. 琥珀胆碱是一种肌肉松弛剂,在将管子插入病人喉咙时使用。
Avoid foods that are relaxants - fatty foods, alcohol, chocolate and peppermint - as these loosen the sphincter muscle, resulting in heartburn. 避免吃导致肌肉放松的食物——油腻食物、酒精、巧克力和薄荷——因为这些食物会使括约肌放松,导致胃灼热。
[ C or U ] (also relaxer)(拉直头发时使用的)松弛剂,软化剂
a chemical used for straightening curly hair
I inspected the collection of hair relaxants and coconut oil on the bathroom shelf. 我查看了浴室架子上放着的一大堆头发软化剂和椰子油。
This bleaching process is exacerbated by any chlorine, hair dye, chemicals and relaxants already on the hair. 这种漂白过程会因为头发上已有的任何氯、染发剂、化学品和软化剂而加剧。




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