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词汇 relation
noun uk/rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ us/rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/
relations [ plural ]B2 (人际或团体之间的)关系,联系,交往
the way in which two people or groups of people feel and behave towards each other
relations between Relations between him and his new wife are rather strained. 他和新娶的妻子之间的关系很紧张。
enjoy relations with formal Britain enjoys friendly relations with Canada. 英国和加拿大的关系非常友好。
Relations between the two brothers were stormy at the best of times.
There has been a breakthrough in relations between the two countries.
The two nations have put their differences behind them and are once again enjoying cordial relations.
B2 [ U ]关联关系联系相似
the connection or similarity between two things
The relation between the original book and this new film is very faint. 原著和这部新电影之间没太多联系。
She bears no relation to (= she is not similar to) her brother. 她和她弟弟性格迥异。
in/with relation to somethingB2 关于,有关,涉及
in connection with something
She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings. 她对照地图看周围环境来确定她所处的位置。
The study looked at sleep length in relation to body mass.
Their job is to assess the benefits of the drug in relation to its potential risks.
With events like these, we have to be realistic about how much money we can generate with relation to cost.
Problems can also occur with relation to language and communication.
B1 [ C ]亲戚,亲属
a member of your family
The funeral was attended by friends and relations. 死者的亲友参加了葬礼。
She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin. 她是我的一个姻亲,因为她嫁给了我表哥。
have (sexual) relations (with someone)idiom formal (与某人)关系
to have sex or a sexual relationship with someone
The couple had been having sexual relations for a year. 这对夫妇在婚前就已经有一年的性关系了。




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