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词汇 regularity
noun uk/ˌreɡ.jəˈlær.ə.ti/ us/ˌreɡ.jəˈler.ə.t̬i/
[ U ]有规律的事,常规现象
the fact of something happening or being done often
The same familiar faces reappear in the law courts with depressing regularity. 相同的、熟悉的面孔频频出现在法庭上,令人沮丧。
Large projects fail with monotonous regularity. 大型项目因为单调的规律性而失败。
  • This is a city where clubs open and close with alarming regularity.
  • They protested about the postal service where credit cards, parcels, and letters have disappeared with frightening regularity.
  • Attacks on highways and bridges have occurred with increasing regularity in recent months.
[ U ]规律性;稳定性;正当性
the fact of something existing or happening repeatedly in a fixed pattern, with equal or similar amounts of space or time between one and the next
The amounts and regularity of payments are set in the membership agreement. 会员协议中规定了付款的数额和规则。
[ U ](排便或经期)有规律性
the fact of someone emptying their bowels often enough, or of a woman having her periods with approximately the same time between them
Bulk-forming laxatives can be used on a daily basis to restore regularity. 可使粪便成块的通便药可以每天使用,以恢复排便规律性。
Reducing stress levels can help your menstrual cycle to revert to regularity. 减轻压力可以帮助你恢复月经周期正常。
  • They found that regularity of contraceptive use is related to socioeconomic status.
  • He was credited with bringing order and regularity to the procedure of the House of Lords.
  • The regularity of the seasons matches the regularity of the great Christian festivals of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
[ C or U ] language specialized(词语的)规律性
the fact of a verb, noun, or adjective following the usual rules of a language in its various forms, or a form that follows the usual rules
Our research looks at verb regularity in a historical corpus of English. 我们的研究着眼于一个英语历史语料库中的动词规律性。
Researchers in language acquisition have shown that children play an active role in extracting regularities from the language around them. 语言习得的研究人员表示:儿童会积极主动地从周围的语言环境中寻找语言的规律性。
  • When we look in depth at our materials we soon realize that certain patterns, certain regularities, certain trends can be discerned.
  • The theory does explain the empirical regularities in the CEO labour market.
  • Most of us never doubt the value of regularity and stability as essential cogwheels in the clockwork of daily life.
  • We conclude that students could benefit from explicit instruction in gender-ending regularities.
  • This study examines the effect of regularity and inflectional entropy on the production of Greek verbs.
[ C or U ](形状的)规律
the fact of being the same on both or all sides
Symmetry and regularity in the shape and size of facial features is universally recognized as being beautiful. 五官的形状和大小的对称性和规律性被普遍认为是美丽的标准。
  • The building should be governed by the abstract principles of regularity, symmetry, and harmony.
  • Her striking clothes emphasized the strength and regularity of her strong features.
See: regular




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