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词汇 regular
adjective uk/ˈreɡ.jə.lər/ us/ˈreɡ.jə.lɚ/
B1 频繁的;经常发生的;经常做的
happening or doing something often
a regular customer/churchgoer/reader/user 老顾客/经常去教堂做礼拜的人/固定读者/老用户
Professional athletes make regular appearances on TV. 职业足球运动员经常在电视上亮相。
  • She goes to her doctor for regular check-ups.
  • He paid regular amounts of money to a charity.
  • If you don't sort out the papers on your desk on a regular basis they just keep on accumulating.
  • There is a regular train service between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  • I'll need regular updates on your progress.
B2 定时的固定的有规律的规则的均匀的
existing or happening repeatedly in a fixed pattern, with equal or similar amounts of space or time between one and the next; even
Her heartbeat was regular. 她的心跳很正常。
The gardeners planted the trees at regular intervals. 园丁按照固定的间隔种树。
I suggest that we have regular meetings/meet on a regular basis. 我建议我们定期会面。
Someone who is regular empties their bowels often enough, and a woman who is regular always has her period at approximately the same time.
The doctor asked if I was regular/if my bowel movements were regular. 医生问我大便是否正常。
  • Is she paid a regular wage or is it on commission only?
  • Many companies operate regular job appraisals, often on an annual basis.
  • We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month.
  • The bells ring at regular intervals through the day.
  • If you don't sort out the papers on your desk on a regular basis they just keep on accumulating.
A2 mainly US普通的一般的寻常的
usual or ordinary
Her regular secretary was off sick for a week. 她平时的秘书生病了,休假一周。
I couldn't see my regular dentist. 我不能去找平时给我看病的那个牙医了。
You can use low-fat or regular cream cheese. 你可以用低脂或普通的奶油奶酪。
Do you want large fries or regular fries with that? 你想配大包还是普通薯条?
B1 language specialized(动词、名词或形容词)规则的,按规则变化的
A regular verb, noun, or adjective follows the usual rules in the structure of its various forms.
"Talk" is a regular verb but "be" is not. 动词 talk 是个规则动词,而 be 就不是。
a regular guy US 可亲近信赖的人好人
a normal man who is liked and trusted
He just seemed like a regular guy - like one of us.
He likes to project this image of being a regular guy.
I know he owns multi-million company, but his employees say he's just a regular guy around the office..
He was presented as a regular guy - a family man who loved watching his kids play ball.
He's doing his best to come across as a regular guy, but it's painfully clear he has lived an incredibly sheltered and privileged life.
regular army, soldier, etc. 正规军/正规军士兵等
an army that exists all the time, or a soldier in such an army
The following year she enlisted in the regular army.
At the time, it was a branch of the regular army.
The more serious problem is a lack of troops in the regular army.
Over 1,500 regular solidiers perished in the battle.
He served as a regular soldier in the Royal Artillery for the best part of a decade.
The country did not have the funds to raise a regular army until the 17th century.
  • I'm not her regular secretary - I'm just filling in.
  • All the networks pre-empted their regular schedules to broadcast news of the hijacking.
  • This is not my regular lipstick.
  • Do you have these pants in a regular length?
  • He seems like a regular guy.
the same on both or all sides
He's very handsome, with regular features and deep brown eyes. 他相貌英俊,五官端正,长着一双深褐色的眼睛。
A square is a regular quadrilateral. 广场是个正四边形。
[ before noun ] informal完全的彻底的十足的
real; complete
The situation here now is becoming a regular disaster. 这里的局势现在正在演变成一场惨重的灾难。
old-fashioned That child is a regular charmer/little nuisance. 那个小孩真是个地地道道的迷人精/讨厌鬼。
Related word: regularity
(as) regular as clockworkidiom mainly UK 准时
never late or always at the same time
In this country the trains are regular as clockwork. 在这个国家,列车非常准时。
He calls me every day at ten, as regular as clockwork. 他每天十点钟给我打电话,非常准时。
noun [ C ] uk/ˈreɡ.jə.lər/ us/ˈreɡ.jə.lɚ/
someone who often goes to a particular event or place, such as a shop or restaurant
He's one of the regulars at the pub. 他是酒馆的常客之一。
a soldier whose permanent job is being a soldier




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