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词汇 register
verb uk/ˈredʒ.ɪ.stər/ us/ˈredʒ.ə.stɚ/
B1 [ I or T ](尤指把姓名)登记,注册,记录
to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record
I registered the car in my name. 我把车登记在我的名下。
Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police. 所有外国人在到达后两周内必须在当地警察局登记。
Students have to register for the new course by the end of April. 选修这门新课程的学生必须在4月底之前注册。
  • They always register their ships under a flag of convenience.
  • Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.
  • Increasingly, the unmarried father of a child in Europe registers his paternity at the baby's birth.
  • You will need proof of identity to register at the library.
  • Customers who register on-line will receive a ten percent discount.
C2 [ I or T ]显示;指示;表达
to record, show, or express something
The Geiger counter registered a dangerous level of radioactivity. 盖革计数器显示辐射强度达到了危险级别。
The earthquake was too small to register on the Richter scale. 地震太弱了,无法用里氏震级显示。
formal His face registered extreme disapproval of what he had witnessed. 他的神情显示出他对所看到的一切极不赞成。
[ I or T ] informal(事物)受到注意,被意识到;()注意到,意识到
If something registers, someone realizes it and if someone registers something, they realize it.
I did mention the address but I'm not sure that it registered (with him). 我确实提到过地址,但是(他)听没听进去,我就没有把握了。
I scarcely registered the fact that he was there. 我几乎没有注意到他在那儿。
[ T ]挂号邮寄
If you register a letter or parcel, you send it using a special postal service, so that it will be dealt with in a special way and not be lost.
a registered letter 挂号信
noun uk/ˈredʒ.ɪ.stər/ us/ˈredʒ.ə.stɚ/
[ C ]花名册登记簿注册表
a book or record containing a list of names
Guests write their names in the (hotel) register. 客人们在(旅馆)登记簿上登记。
Is your name on the register of voters? 选民册上有你的名字吗?
[ C ]学校点名册
a book used to record if a child is present at school
If a child is absent, the teacher notes it down in the (class) register. 如果哪个孩子没有来,老师会在(班级)点名册上记下来。
[ U ](老师在上、下午开始时对学生的)点名登记
in school, the period at the start of the morning and afternoon when a teacher records on an official list that children are present
C1 [ C or U ] language specialized语域,语体风格
the style of language, grammar, and words used for particular situations
People chatting at a party will usually be talking in (an) informal register. 人们在聚会上聊天通常都是用非正式语体。
[ C ](乐器或人的)音区,声区
all the notes that a musical instrument or a person's voice can produce, from the highest to the lowest
music written mainly for the lower/higher register of the clarinet 主要为单簧管低/高音区演奏而谱的乐曲
[ C ] mainly US (UK usually till)收款机
the drawer in a cash register (= a machine which records sales in a shop, and in which money is kept) or the cash register itself
Next time you have the register open, could you give me some change? 你下次打开收银机时,给我些零钱好吗?
I think these items have been rung up wrongly on the register. 我想这些商品在收银机上记错了。




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