

词汇 worse
adj.1. (bad的比较级) 更坏,更不好
Worse of all, their reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films raise the temperature of the surrounding air.更糟糕的是,大楼外墙那涂着银色或金色薄膜的反光玻璃使周围的气温大大提高了。
Your work is bad but hers is worse; mine is worst of all.你的工作不好,但她的更坏,而我的最坏。
It Could be Worse.可能更糟。
Worse than all, rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes lead to bad tastes and a distorted viewpoint towards human life.更糟的是,不良的电视广告和有害的电视节目促成了低级趣味和对人生不正确的看法。
I'm worse at sums than John.我的算术不如约翰好。
2. (ill的比较级)(病情)更严重,更糟糕
He's getting steadily worse.他的病情每况愈下。
At least, she's no worse.至少她的病没有恶化。
adv.(badly 的比较级)更坏地; 更糟地
You're working worse than I expected.你做的比我预料的要差。
She sings worse than ever.她唱得比过去糟。
n.1. 更坏的事,较坏的事2. (前面与the连用)更坏的情况




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