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词汇 raw
adjective uk/rɔː/ us/rɑː/
B1 食物)生的,未经烹调的,没煮的
(of food) not cooked
raw fish 生鱼
  • Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids digestion.
  • Helen made a grimace of disgust when she saw the raw meat.
  • Peppers are usually cooked with other vegetables or eaten raw in salads.
  • Prawns are grey when they're raw, and turn pink when they're cooked.
  • People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat.
B2 原料未经加工的,自然状态的
(of materials) in a natural state, without having been through any chemical or industrial process
Oil is an important raw material that can be processed into many different products, including plastics. 石油是一种重要的原料,可以加工成包括塑料在内的许多种产品。
They claimed that raw sewage was being pumped into the sea. 他们断言,下水道的污水未经处理就被直接排入了大海。
Raw information has been collected but has not yet been studied in detail.
raw data/evidence/figures 原始数据/第一手证据/初始数字
used to refer to a person who is not trained or is without experience
I would prefer not to leave this job to John while he's still a raw recruit/beginner. 约翰刚被招进来/刚开始工作,还是个生手,我不想把这项工作留给他来做。
Feelings or qualities that are raw are natural and difficult to control.
We were struck by the raw energy/power of the dancers' performances. 舞蹈演员们那粗狂奔放、富有激情的表演给我们留下了很深的印象。
Her emotions are still a bit raw after her painful divorce. 经历过那段痛苦的离婚后,她的情绪仍然无法平静下来。
A piece of writing that is raw is one that does not try to hide anything about its subject.
His new play is a raw drama about family life. 他的新剧本是家庭生活的真实写照。
  • Our chief expenditure is on raw materials.
  • In this period, there were 974 outbreaks of communicable disease attributed to the consumption of raw milk.
  • The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials.
  • Until recently the country's economy has been insulated from recession by its reserves of raw materials.
  • The drains spew (out) millions of gallons of raw sewage into the river.
sore or painful because of being rubbed or damaged
The shoe had rubbed a raw place on her heel. 鞋把她的一个脚后跟磨破了。
used to describe weather that is very cold
a raw morning 一个寒冷的早晨
a raw wind 刺骨的寒风
The evening was cold and raw. 那个晚上寒冷刺骨。
Related word: rawness
come the raw prawnidiom Australian English (尤指佯作不知而)欺骗,瞒骗;装糊涂
to try to deceive someone, especially by pretending that you have no knowledge of something
Don't come the raw prawn with me - you know very well what I'm talking about. 别跟我装蒜——你很明白我在说什么。
a raw dealidiom 虐待;不公正的待遇
bad or unfair treatment
He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large. 他说,城里许多小学生在教育方面没有得到公正的待遇,因为班级人数太多了。




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