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词汇 raise
verb [ T ] uk/reɪz/ us/reɪz/
B1 举起;抬起;提起
to lift something to a higher position
Would all those in favour please raise their hands? 赞成的人请举手好吗?
He raised the window and leaned out. 他把窗户推上去后探出身子。
Mary Quant was the first fashion designer to raise hemlines. 玛丽.匡特是第一个把裙子裁短的时装设计师。
  • The conductor raised his baton.
  • She raised her gun, took aim and fired.
  • Anyone wishing to dissent from the motion should now raise their hand.
  • The contraction of this muscle raises the lower arm.
  • The lever is used to raise the barrier.
B1 增加提高改善
to cause something to increase or become bigger, better, higher, etc.
The government plan to raise taxes. 政府计划增税。
I had to raise my voice (= speak more loudly) to make myself heard over the noise. 在一片喧哗声中,我不得不提高嗓门好让大家听见。
The inspector said that standards at the school had to be raised. 督学说学校必须提高办学标准。
Our little chat has raised my spirits (= made me feel happier). 我们闲聊了一小会儿,我的情绪好些了。
  • The increase in interest rates will raise the cost of living.
  • The government's decision to raise taxes has caused a great furore.
  • Banks have raised their lending rates by 2%.
  • The campaign has certainly succeeded in raising public awareness of the issue.
  • You'll have to raise your voice if you want to be heard in here.
B2 引起,导致;使存在
to cause to exist
Her answers raised doubts/fears/suspicions in my mind. 她的回答使我心里感到疑惑/害怕/怀疑。
This discussion has raised many important issues/problems. 这次讨论引出了很多重要的议题/问题。
The announcement raised a cheer/laugh. 该通知引起大家一片欢呼/哄堂大笑。
I want to raise (= talk about) two problems/questions with you. 我想跟你探讨/问你两个问题。
I want to start my own business if I can raise (= obtain) the money/cash/capital/funds. 如果我能够筹集到钱款/现金/资本/资金的话,我想创办自己的公司。
formal The chapel was raised (= built) as a memorial to her son. 这座小教堂是为了纪念她的儿子而修建的。
  • This latest scandal has raised doubts about his suitability for the post.
  • This case has raised a multitude of questions.
  • A series of unsolved murders on the island has raised fears that a psychopathic serial killer is on the loose.
  • I would like to raise a point of order.
  • This raises the question of teacher pay.
B2 养育;喂养;种植
to take care of a person, or an animal or plant, until they are completely grown
Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents. 她从小父母就去世了,是祖父母把她抚养大的。
The lambs had to be raised by hand (= fed milk by people) when their mother died. 母羊死后,这些小羊羔只得靠人工喂养。
The farmer raises (= breeds) chickens and pigs. 这个农场主饲养鸡和猪。
The soil around here isn't good enough for raising (= growing) crops. 这附近地区的土壤不够肥沃,不能种庄稼。
Synonyms: bring someone uprear (CARE FOR)
Compare: educate
  • Although he was raised a Catholic, he was an agnostic for most of his adult life.
  • She decided to turn vegan after watching a documentary about how poultry is raised.
  • She thinks she knows everything about raising children, but I could tell her a thing or two.
  • He was born and raised in Texas.
  • My dad died when we were small so my mum raised the family on her own.
If you raise another player in a game of cards, you risk more money than that player has risked.
I'll raise you. 我要提高赌注。
[ + two objects ] I'll raise you $50. 我要比你多押50美元。
to end or stop
They agreed to raise the trade embargo if three conditions were met. 如果满足3个条件,他们同意解除贸易禁运。
After three weeks the siege was raised. 3个星期后解除了围困。
to communicate with someone, especially by phone or radio
I've been trying to raise Jack/Tokyo all day. 我一整天都在试图与杰克/东京取得联系。
raise (a few) eyebrowsidiom 使人吃惊,令人震惊
to cause surprise or shock
Jemma's miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting. 杰玛穿超短裙去参加董事会会议,令众人惊讶不已。
raise someone from the deadidiom 使某人起死回生
to make a dead person start living again
Christians believe that, at Easter, Christ was raised from the dead. 基督徒相信在复活节那天基督死而复生。
raise your gameidiom 努力改进
to make an effort to improve the way that you do something
They're going to have to raise their game if they want to stay in the Premiership this season. 如果他们这个赛季还想继续参加超级联赛,他们就必须努力改善表现。
raise your hand to/against someoneidiom 某人
to hit someone
Never raise your hand to a child. 什么时候也不要打孩子。
raise hellidiom informal行为失常造成麻烦
to behave in a way that is not controlled and that causes trouble
to protest about something in a loud and angry way
noun [ C ] US uk/reɪz/ us/reɪz/ (UK rise)
an increase in the amount that you are paid for the work you do
She asked the boss for a raise. 她要求老板给她加薪。




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