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词汇 race
noun uk/reɪs/ us/reɪs/
A2 [ C ]赛跑,速度竞赛
a competition in which all the competitors try to be the fastest and to finish first
Do you know who won/lost the race? 你知道比赛谁赢/输了吗?
Let's have a swimming race. 让我们比一比看谁游得快。
They're taking part in a race to the top of Mont Blanc. 他们将参加攀登勃朗峰的比赛。
C1 [ C ]竞争争夺抢先
an attempt to be the first to do or to get something
Kieran and Andrew are in a race for promotion. 基兰和安德鲁为得到升职的机会而展开竞争。
[ + to infinitive ] Three newspapers are involved in a race to publish the story. 三家报纸都争相发表这篇报道。
Another candidate has now entered the presidential race (= the attempt to be elected as president). 另一个候选人现在也加入了竞选总统的行列。
Finishing this project by December is going to be a race against time/the clock (= an attempt to finish fast within a time limit). 要在12月之前完成这个工程,那就得分秒必争。
races [ plural ] 赛马会
a series of horse races in a particular place on one day
a day at the races He often has a day at the races. 他经常抽出一天时间去看赛马会。
Lots of people go to Newmarket for the races.
He'll be at the races this weekend.
They often come here for dinner after a day at the races.
She was smiling because one of her horses had won at the races.
She takes a lot of clients to the races for a day out.
We're off to the races.
  • I was just congratulating Ceri on winning her race.
  • If an athlete makes a false start, the race must be restarted.
  • Several jockeys were arrested on suspicion of fixing the race.
  • It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play.
  • He found three 400 metre races in two days hard going.
C1 [ C ]人种,种族
one of the main groups to which people are often considered to belong, based on physical characteristics that they are perceived to share such as skin colour, eye shape, etc.
People of many different races were living side by side. 许多不同种族的人生活在一起。
[ C, + sing/pl verb ] dated民族
a group of people who share the same language, history, characteristics, etc.
The British are an island race. 英国人是个岛国民族。
  • She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.
  • People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.
  • Today, many Americans are still grappling with the issue of race.
  • Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
play the race cardidiom disapproving 打种族牌(指在竞选中力求获胜而发表带有种族偏见的言论)
If someone accuses someone else of playing the race card, they think that person is trying to gain special treatment because of their race.
verb uk/reɪs/ us/reɪs/
B1 [ I or T ]使)参加比赛;与…比赛
to (cause to) compete in a race
He has been racing for over ten years. 他已经有10年多的赛龄了。
I used to race (against) him when we were boys. 小的时候,我就经常和他赛跑。
He's racing three of his dogs on Saturday. 星期六他将让他的3条狗参加赛狗。
  • Last time she raced against the Brazilian, she won by a whisker.
  • He collects vintage cars, which he races occasionally.
  • They raced against each other to settle the bet.
  • He was racing against several more experienced runners.
  • For religious reasons, she will not race on Sundays.
C1 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]使快速移动(或行进);(使疾走(或疾驰);(使快速奔跑
to move or go fast
He raced down the street. 他在街上飞奔。
The ambulance raced (= quickly took) the injured to a nearby hospital. 救护车把伤者迅速送到附近的一家医院。
The summer seems to have raced by (= passed very quickly). 夏天好像转眼就过去了。
He raced the car engine (= made it work faster than it needed to) as he sat impatiently at the traffic lights. 等候红绿灯时,他不耐烦地坐在车里,让汽车发动机疯狂地空转。
someone's heart/mind/pulse racesidiom 某人)的心脏狂跳不已/脑筋急速转动/脉搏狂跳
If your heart/mind/pulse races it works extremely fast because of excitement, drugs, illness, etc.
She was hot and sweaty and had a racing heart. 她热得汗流浃背,心怦怦狂跳。
A glimpse of his bare torso set my pulse racing. 我瞥了一眼他赤裸的躯干,顿时感到血脉贲张。




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