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词汇 qualify
verb uk/ˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪ/ us/ˈkwɑː.lə.faɪ/
B2 [ I or T ]使)具有资格,(使合格
to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills, etc.
She hopes to qualify (as a lawyer) at the end of the year. 她希望在年底获得(律师)资格。
[ + obj + to infinitive ] This course qualifies you to teach in any secondary school. 这门课程可以让你获得在任何中学任教的资格。
  • He qualified as a vet last year.
  • It takes three years to qualify as a social worker.
  • What do you need to do to qualify as a speech therapist.
  • It took her nine years to qualify as an architect.
  • The course would qualify you to work abroad.
B2 [ I or T ]有资格;准予;有权
to have the legal right to have or do something because of the situation you are in, or to cause someone to have such a right
She doesn't qualify for maternity leave because she hasn't been in her job long enough. 她无权休产假,因为她工作时间不够长。
To qualify for the competition you need to be over 18. 18岁以上才有资格参赛。
Being a single parent qualifies you for extra benefits. 单亲父母有资格领取额外补贴。
[ + obj + to infinitive ] figurative He thinks the fact that he's worked here longer than the rest of us qualifies him (= gives him the right) to tell us all what to do. 他觉得自己在这里工作的时间比我们其他人都长,有权对大家发号施令。
  • He had to show that he had a well-founded fear of persecution on religious or political grounds to qualify as a refugee.
  • Will we qualify for legal aid?
  • Do you think Scotland will qualify for the European Championship finals?
  • The area qualifies for designation as a site of special scientific interest.
  • If you work for 16 or more hours a week, you may qualify for Working Families Tax Credit.
B2 [ I ]取得比赛资格
to succeed in getting into a competition
Nigeria was the first team to qualify for the World Cup. 尼日利亚队是第一支取得世界杯参赛资格的球队。
England has to win tonight's qualifying match to advance to the next round of the competition. 英格兰队必须在今晚的资格赛中获胜才能进入下一轮比赛。
Our goal has always been to reach the qualifying rounds of the Champions League. 我们的目标一直是获得参加冠军杯预选赛的资格。
[ T ]限制,限定;缓和
to limit the strength or meaning of a statement
I'd like to qualify my criticisms of the school's failings, by adding that it's a very happy place. 关于我对这所学校不尽人意之处的批评我想补充一点,就是这是个令人感到愉快的地方。
[ T ] language specialized修饰;限定
In grammar, a word or phrase that qualifies another word or phrase limits its meaning and makes it less general
In the sentence "He walked quickly along the road", "quickly" and "along the road" qualify "walked". 在 He walked quickly along the road 这句话里,quickly 和 along the road 修饰 walked。




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