

词汇 without
prep.1. 没有;缺乏
The day passed without accident.这一天平安无事。
He won the first prize in the speech contest without much effort.他没费多少劲就获得了演讲比赛一等奖。
He solved the maths problem for his younger sister without any difficulty.他毫不费劲地帮他妹妹解开了这道数学题。
The news report was completely without foundation.这一新闻报道是毫无根据的。
She used to complain without good cause.她过去常常无故抱怨。
to go out without a coat没穿大衣出去
Without a moment's hesitation, she jumped into the river to save the drowning girl.她毫不犹豫地跳进河里去救快要溺死的女孩。
I can't do it without your help.没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。
2. 不
She heard the news without batting an eyelid.她听了这个消息后,丝毫不动声色。
This freighter can sail around the world without doing.这般货轮可不停靠码头作环球持续航行。
He went away without taking leave.他不辞而别。
3. 在…外
Each candidate must answer all the questions without exception.每个考生都必须回答全部问题,没有例外。
without a city wall城墙外




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