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词汇 put something/someone down
put something/someone down
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
B1 放下;卸下
to put an object that you are holding onto the floor or onto another surface, or to stop carrying someone
I put my bags down while we spoke. 我们说话时我放下了我的包。
Put me down, Daddy! 把我放下,爸爸!
  • Put the gun down!
  • They put down their tools and walked out.
  • I put the shopping down on the table.
  • You can put your cases down in the corner.
  • She put down the letter with a sigh.
B2 登记,记下(某人的名字)
to write someone's name on a list or document, usually in order to include that person in an event or activity
Do you want me to put you down for the trip to London? 你想报名去伦敦旅游吗?
I've put myself down for the office football team. 我已经报名参加部门的足球队了。
If you want to get your children into that school, you have to put their names down at birth. 如果你想让你的孩子们上那所学校就必须在他们出生时就报名。
put something down
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
B1 放下电话听筒
If you put the phone down, you place it or the receiver back in the position you keep it in when it is not being used.
to pay part of the cost and promise to pay the rest later
I've put a deposit down on a new car. 我已经为新车支付了定金。
put someone down
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
to make someone feel silly or not important by criticizing them
Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that? 你为什么要在大家面前那样数落我?
to place and make a baby comfortable in the place where it sleeps
I'd just put Jack down for his nap. 我刚把杰克放在床上让他小睡一会儿。
put something down
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
to kill an animal that is old, sick, or injured, to prevent it from suffering
If a horse breaks its leg, it usually has to be put down. 如果马的腿断了通常就得被杀死。
to stop or limit an opposing political event or group
Police used tear gas to put the riot down. 警察使用了催泪瓦斯来平定暴乱。
Thousands of troops were needed to put down the uprising. 需要数千名士兵来平定暴动。
UK (UK and US bring something down)降低(价格或费用)
to reduce a price or a charge
Shops are being forced to put their prices down in order to attract customers. 商店为了吸引顾客在被迫降价。
It's time that the government put down interest rates. 政府该降低利率了。
put (something) down (somewhere)
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
When an aircraft puts down, it lands, and when pilots put down their aircraft, they land.
She put down safely in the corner of the airfield. 她在机场的一个角落安全降落。
put someone down somewhere
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
UK old-fashioned
to stop a vehicle and allow someone to get out of it or off it
Ask the taxi driver to put you down outside the church. 告诉出租车司机让你在教堂外下车。
noun [ C ] informal uk/ˈpʊt.daʊn/ us/ˈpʊt.daʊn/
an unkind remark that makes someone seem silly
One of the big put-downs of the presidential election campaign was the comment that he was "no Jack Kennedy". 美国总统竞选活动中最厉害的奚落语之一就是他“绝不是杰克•肯尼迪”。




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