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词汇 put something out
put something out
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
to make a light stop shining by pressing or moving a switch
Did you put the lights out downstairs? 你把楼下的灯关了吗?
Put that torch out! 把那个手电筒关上!
B1 扑灭);熄灭(香烟
to make something such as a fire or cigarette stop burning
Firefighters have been called to put out the fire in the city centre. 已经叫了消防员来扑灭市中心的火。
Would you mind putting your cigarette out, please? 请你把烟掐了好吗?
put someone out
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
to cause trouble or extra work for someone
Would it put you out if we came tomorrow instead of today? 如果我们今天不来明天来,会给你添麻烦吗?
[ M usually passive ]使某人愤怒(或心烦意乱)
to annoy or upset someone, often by what you do or say to them
She was very put out when they turned up two hours late for dinner. 他们吃饭迟到了两个小时,这让她非常恼火。
He seemed a bit put out at not having been invited. 没有被邀请,他似乎有点不高兴。
put yourself out
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
to make an effort to do something to help someone, even if it is not convenient
Ethan is always willing to put himself out for other people. 伊桑总是愿意尽力帮助别人。
put something out
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
to move forward part of your body, such as your hand or your tongue, from your body
She put out her hand to shake mine. 她伸出手和我握手。
Don't put your tongue out - it's rude. 别吐舌头,这不礼貌。
to injure part of your body by causing it to be moved out of its correct position
He put his knee out playing tennis. 他打网球时把膝盖弄脱位了。
to produce something in large quantities, so that it can be sold
They put out millions of pairs of shoes a year. 他们一年生产成百上千万双鞋。
to produce information and make it available for everyone to read or hear
Police have put out a warning to people living in the area. 警方向住在该地区的人们发出了警告。
If a mistake puts out a set of mathematical calculations, it causes them to be wrong.
That one error put the figures out by several thousand pounds. 那一个错误就让数字差了几千英镑。
UK (US usually contract something out)工作)包出去,外聘人员做
If you put work out, you employ someone outside your organization to do it.
The council has put the job of street-cleaning out to a private firm. 市政委员会将清扫街道的工作包给了一个私人公司。
put out
phrasal verb with put verb uk/pʊt/ us/pʊt/ putting | put
US slang
(especially of a woman) to agree to have sex
I wasn't going to put out just because he'd paid for dinner. 我可不会因为他请我吃了晚饭就和他上床。




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